Soft taco VS. Hard taco
Vote !
First thing you think when you see my profile pic ??
Pleas say the first thing that comes to mind when you see my profile pic ?
You got thrown in jail for the night with the poster above...
You got thrown in jail for the night with the poster above... What would you do in order to gross out the officer to get kicked out?
Could you beat the above poster in a WRESTLING match?
Pin or referee's decision. Sudden death overtime rules apply. Headgear mandatory. Singlet optional.
Robert Downey Jr "Lipbite" - For Angie.
For Angie. o where art thou angie, if yous be lurking. Hai.
Pervs and pervettes
If you are generally not a pervert or a pervette comma please post here. I'm looking for friends and I need to know who not to accept. I mean it's not even night around here in the freaks are already out
53 lbs of muscle in a few short weeks! (1950s advertisement)
I found this ad in a stack of magazines from the 1950s. You too can become a movie star he-man!
Would You Stay for Dinner with the Above Poster?
Everybody loves my apple pie :love:
Snap chat filter photos
Show off your snap chat filter photos here
Nothing Says It's The Holidays Like...
Danish butter cookies with my allspiced coffee. Festive decorations on the light poles in the parking lots. Twice as many people in every single store you visit.
My first time was _______ . . .
tell us about your first time! whether it was your first kiss, first time getting a job or car, getting down 'n' dirty, or the first time trying to lose some weight! have fun!
( bringing this one back ) Question for the opposite sex
Men why not put the seat down? :D How often do you think of sex?
Great, Let The Spam Games Begin Again...
What I want
I want a change and to have self control.
Post a GYM selfie of yourself right now (or next time you're working out)
Spin off of the "Post a selfie of yourself right now". Hopefully this is a better spinoff than Fear the Walking Dead.
PM the Person above with 1 TRUTH + 1 DARE Q.
Send a private message to the person above with one Truth and one Dare Question. Once you ve done that post here "Ask me now" and wait for somebody to ask you 1 truth + 1 dare question in private message.. Lets begin... Ask me now (in privat)
What's the craziest thing that has happened to you as a result of MFP, non-fitness related?
The question is as it is. Tell your crazy stories, confessions, experiences that have happened as a result of MFP
Describe in a word the person above you.
Tell how the person above you is.Good or bad,pretty or ugly.Whatever in just a word. :)
Person above. . . What are they thinking?
Person above. . . What are they thinking?
3 words what you think about me
What do you think about me
Post the 10th photo in your phone. No cheating!!
Tigger my cat
Fun fact about yourself, favourite feature about the person above you.
I'll start. Fun fact about me- I love adventure. I've swam with crocodiles, been skydiving and love to hike. Favourite feature about the person above me- well, considering I wrote the post that person is me. So no comment! Let's go! Remember to keep it fun, positive and carefree!
I want to go eat Chinese food
I can'
Blow of some steam
Flirt a little or a lot Hard wet days and weeks sometimes. Add each other and enjoy
A celebratory thread for men that shave their legs.
Come on in guys, the water is fine.
Has anyone come across any Catfish on MFP?
Are you REALLY tired of the "person above" posts?
I am so, so tired of seeing these threads that will not die. Would you marry, date, smell, predict the date of death, or name the booger color of, Etc. the person in the post above. Is there a way to block them? Can we come up with something else? Please? I am so bored!!!! LOL
Strangest thing you've said or heard
This is mine said to my kid... "It's not nice to put a Hello Kitty stamp on someone's butt"
Just a Little Dirty Talk
I fell into a mud puddle the other day.