Anyone else having problems syncing to other apps today ?
Social Distancing -
Thought is was funny when I read poster @psychod787 In the loudly proclaim thread comment "my arms say come HITHER but my body says social distancing" Switch it up however you like.
Dont know how it posted twice.
To my fellow gamers...
I just got the new Doom Eternal and I love it. What games are y’all looking forward to coming out or playing. I personally can’t wait till Diablo IV comes out and the remake of Final Fantasy VII demo was cool. But I’ll be splitting my time between the new Doom and Diablo III.
What do you wish you had in the house (food or beverage)?
Rye bread
Describe yourself in three words
In three words, how would you describe yourself? In three words, how would your closest friend describe you? In three words, describe someone you like or admire, irl, famous, online, or imaginary
Lockdown life living alone
If you are living on your own (like me) and under lockdown let's have a chat about how things are going for us.
Workout buddy
I have done so many stupid diets, I am done with dieting. I am ready for real change! Change my habits so that I can be healthy when I have kids or when I am old. I don’t want to go to doctors offices everyday due to poor choices on my part. I am looking for an accountability partner! Someone who pushes me to keep going…
Have the Coronavirus or think you do?
I'm on day 4 of being sick. Doctors office won't test unless real serious symptoms but I'm almost certain to have it based upon how i am feeling. To me this feels like having a moderate flu with a head cold. Chills, congestion, slight headaches, and low grade fever. No dry cough as many report, and breathing not too…
Does anyone have the 40 percent off 100 code? Mine just expired
I need the code for the 40 percent off 100. Anyone have the code paaaallllleeeeassseee!
Hello everyone, I’m from south east London, looking to bring all Londoners together to have a general chat! Post anything you like!
Need suggestions.
Guys , i just lost 4kg thanks to keto diet i started 2 weeks ago but due to lockdown the provisions available are mostly carbs now, So should i leave keto and switch back to normal ( i am afraid i will gain weight) or should I try to get provisions which means i have to wake up at 6 and go out to look for chicken. Even…
Mixing Gym wear brands
Any thoughts on mixing brands with gym wear? Just ordered a lot of stuff in the JD sport sale and wanted thoughts on whether its the 'done' thing to mix say, pink soda with adidas or do you prefer/is it the norm to pair the same brand all the way through?
Diary of a Quarantini
Let's face it, soon we'll all need one. Be that a legitimate martini or just a bunch of rum you shove in a martini glass. What are you doing to cope? How are you managing to not murder others, talk to yourself or question your sanity? Post here. 03/21/20 - Decided to try out a craft utilizing alllllllll the art pastels…
Happy New Years Everyone! 🎉🎊💕 https://youtu.be/Yi-l87FiK60
Heading out for a run
Newly single
This thread open still?
The reaction thread
My face when I post on the internet
What’s up MFP fam?
Sick of the Coronavirus, no pun intended
Hey Fitfam. Seriously, this coronavirus stops all socialization, and I hate Facebook, so if anyone wants to chat, friend me.
All gyms closed for COVID-19
Is anyone else’s state on lockdown with all of the gyms closed because of virus? My fiancé and I bought a bench, nordictrack elliptical, and Walmart dumbbells while we are both in our cutting phase. Trying to make due with what we have now
Any Kentucky Derby / Horse Racing Fans here?
Talk Derby to me! Tell me who you like weekly here for the Prep Races.
Does exercise lead to an increased sex drive?
I have been working out regularly now for over a year, and yes l have seen results, but a strange side effect is an increased sex drive. At my age l thought l would be reaching for a little blue pill to help the libido, but no lifting iron seems to have the same effect, if not better. Does anybody else feel like this after…
How about a movie review Monday?
Hi all I thought maybe we could try a movie review Monday Add a review for a movie you saw over the weekend (rented or at the theatre) I watched Revolutionary Road on Saturday (DVD/rented...gotta love red box) I'm going to give it a B....didn't LOVE it....but, didn't completely dislike it I like movies that make you think…
So this Friday I got the call that I am being put on furlough until further notice. Unemployment on Monday... Who else is out of work because of this?
Who are you
Lets start with 5 things about yourself... Here's mine 👇🏼 1. I'm an Aussie 2. I love being outdoors and with nature 3. I'm super chilled and down to earth 4. I'm a foodie, love making good food 5. I live alone, no pets or anything Now it's your turn >>
Shelter in Place mandated by most of SF BAY AREA
We are in "shelter in place" in most of the SF BAY AREA now. That means with the exceptions of essential businesses like grocery stores, gas stations, hospital, fire, etc., the majority of businesses will be closed till at least the end of March and in my county April 7. People are urged to stay at home. You can still walk…
Stuff and Things
While most of us are doing our part at social distancing why not share what you're doing today to kill time or to entertain your kids? This may last longer then we expect so let's make sure we keep ourselves busy while being home.
Spring has Sprung? Gardening time
It's past mid march already whose thinking on making a veggie garden this year and has started out their seedlings? What are you planting? Any tips or tricks you use regularly? If you do container gardening what plants do you find work best? I think we could use a bit of greenery and something you can eat is a bonus. Tell…