study finds most women wouldn't trade anything to be thin
Just found this and thought I'd pass it along. http://news.discovery.com/human/survey-most-women-would-not-trade-anything-to-be-thin.html#mkcpgn=rssnws1
What makes you feel sexy/attractive??
Here is a topic for you, maybe could even be considered motivational if you like. What is it that makes you feel sexy/attractive/handsome?? With weight loss, when a member of the opposite sex (or same) says something or pays you a compliment, it is usually a morale booster or a motivational boost. for me personally-- *my…
WOW so I know this is a weight loss site....
BUT OMG....did anyone else watch American Idol tonight?1?!?! I am soooo shocked I am practically speechless!!! I was a music major before I decided I didn't want to teach, and Pia is the best singer on the whole show!! I had the final two being Pia and James. I can not believe America. Even the judges and Stefano were…
best dvd trainer?
ok so last time i asked who was most annoying and the overwhelming winner was Jillian. So now lets flip the question who do you like the best? I gotta go with Chalene Johnson for now, i mean any woman who can regularly make me "shake" it has gotta be good lol. plus she makes an intense workout pretty fun. who else gets…
so who loves some facebook?
who loves some facebook? i wonder how many ppl log on everyday?
Favorite Part Of Your Body-
So we are ALWAYS talking about parts of our body we HATE and would love to change:yawn: .. But what do you LOVE about yourself? :love: This will get you thinking positive :wink:
"Bless you" for pet sneezes?
So my best friend's cat sneezes this a.m. and I say without hesatation (but with a laugh) "bless you" to THE CAT! LOL... realized probably been doing forever :) Am I alone here?!
Can someone come over
And braid my hair? Please? K THANKS
Who watched "Real World" last night?
Ok seriously, why haven't they kicked Adam out of the house yet, he is becoming a threat to the roommates, I didn't even think MTV allowed that. Maybe in the upcoming episodes they might give him a warning or kick him out.
My job interview.....
My day starts off with me being woken up by my alarm going off a full 2 hours before I have to be at the interview. I proceed to reach for the alarm and knock over a full glass of water. My nightstand is actually a small book case and it just happens to house my books that I was re arranging. Most of those books are first…
plumbers crack when does it go away?
lol seriously though? this was one of the main reasons i wanted to lose weigh because i could always tell when i was mooning the world and its a problem i never had until i gained weight. Welllllll i've dropped 30 lbs and its gotten WORSE!! i know part of it is because my clothes are now too big but even the ones that fit…
Ikea Is Designed Like a Maze
Ikea Is Designed Like a Maze So You’ll Buy More Stuff http://gizmodo.com/#!5789453/ikea-is-designed-like-a-maze-so-youll-buy-more-stuff Kyle VanHemert — If you've ever been inside an Ikea, you probably know how hard it can be to get back outside that Ikea. It doesn't take much to end up feeling like a rat in a…
Well... September 18th 2010 was the best day of my entire life! I worked so hard to lose 25 lbs before the wedding and I did it!! Then I went on my HONEYMOON! I expected to gain a little weight... 10-15 lbs... Not only during the honeymoon but during the first few weeks of marriage.. just due to the change and getting…
Feel like crap
someone help me. :sick:
Anyone running the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend in Jan
Just wondering if anyone is going to run the WDW Marathon Weekend? 5K, Half Marathon, or Full Marathon. I think I'm going to start the first round of training/getting back in shape. Then in a few months I can start an actual training program. I ran the entire 3 races in January 2011 but would LOVE to have a better time in…
My personal Random Blog
Hey Everyone, I am a very random person and my mind wonders and I think of the most random stuff and situations ever so I decided to start a blog to air all these thoughts out and let people ponder them as well. I am a MFP user and thought I would share it with all of you since I am always on MFP im sure the blog will…
Looking for a good book
I'm looking for a new book to read. I'm open to anything as long as it keeps my attention...what has been the best book you've read in a while???
I really want
to get my haircut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want your honest opinion..
I want your opinion on helping the poor of other countries. I want to discuss what others think but i do not want others to argue about this. I just like debating things and i figured i am not the only one. So lets have some fun....what do you guys think? Do you think that we should let the poor countries die off without…
Can a new game thread start?
I see all these that are Part 71, Part 10004 etc Let's start fresh :D
How Did You Hear About MFP?
I was just wondering how everyone stumbled to this site? I started on my-calorie-counter.com and heard from a friend about MFP. Once she told me there was a Droid App AND I could simply scan a barcode to enter some foods, I was sold! I had been going to the other website on my phone and it was not so easy to input…
Strange and stupid weight loss ideas
I always get nagged when at work to think out of the box. That got me thinking about thinking about out of the box ideas for weight loss (it beats thinking about food). What are the most extreme absurd and silly ideas anyone's ever heard for loosing weight? The two that were suggested me a few years ago were: Prison - A…
Can you do something nice for someone today? Even if it take
If you've got a Facebook this will be even easier! So I've entered my adorable puppy Andy into a photo contest. It's being held by Rich Blessing Photography. A local photographer here in Sevierville, TN. The winner receives a free photo session and a few other cool things! I want to win this, not just for the session BUT…
Biggest Loser - May contain Spoilers...dont read if you have
okay well i have been dying to talk to someone about this weeks biggest loser.... i think the biggest complaint most people have about the show, or at least the people i have talked to, is that they dont show the process enough....we see the drama, the workouts, the competitions, some cooking, some recipes, the weighins,…
fat jokes about Kirstie Alley on Dancing with the Stars
Thought Id throw this out there, since we talk so much about nutrition, obesity, weight discrimination, and health, but what did you think when Geroge Lopez called Kirstie out about her weight on his talk show, comparing her to that little pig on the TV commercial. I think its that Aflac commercial, where the lady picks up…
Someone left me a comment
But I can't see it anywhere??
SURVIVOR FANS POST! Oh last night's episode was soooooo goooooood. I could hardly believe Matt was sent back to REDEMPTION Island again! If he comes back again -- what do you think will happen? Will he continue to be naive and trust his tribe or do you think he'll come back with a vengeance? Phillip cracks me up with his…
Ever wish people would think before they speak sometimes?
Maybe I'm just cranky right now so overly sensitive, I don't know... but i"m so tired of being treated like a different species because I'm fat! Yes, I'm overweight, I know this, so does everyone else it's not a secret you can see that. But I'm in the 200's not in the 500's here, I'm not turn your head and stare obese or…
Deadlist Catch
is coming back :D
Dream Spit
I often have nights that I am aware of still being awake, yet still manage to dream. Does that make sense? Last night was one of those. So at one point, while I was hovering in that in-between stage, I dreamed that I had a mouthful of laundry detergent. Don't ask me why, cuz that part of the dream has faded away! Anyway,…