Bigger Ambulances Needed for Bigger Patient trends
http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/health/Medstar-Bigger-Ambulances-Needed-for-Bigger-Patients-116705119.html?__source=Newsletter-Daily this is a pretty sad article. speaks volumes about today's obesity trends.
Good for a laugh...
Came across this article and thought others might find it's sarcastic humor worth a laugh...... http://autos.yahoo.com/articles/autos_content_landing_pages/1734/as-seen-on-tv-products-test/ There’s a ton of money in what appears, at first glance, to be junk. Just ask Mr. Ginsu, the Abs man, and George Foreman. Grillmaker…
Anyone else love this show as much as I do?? I didn't get into it until recently when my boyfriends mom got me hooked. I started with season 1 and now I'm on 2. I can't stop!!
This just in!
Justin Beiber cut his hair! Oh no!!!!
Biggest Loser- New Trainers
Just curious as to what others think about the new BL trainers, Brett and Cara??? Personally they kinda get on my nerves. Don't know why, just can't seem to get on board with them.
am i the only one on god's green earth...
....who doesn't have internet access on her cell phone? i think i have the last of the prehistoric phones - no keyboard, no apps. just numbers and your good old fashioned t9 texting. i'm afraid if i upgrade, it will feed into my addiction of fb & mfp and i would get absolutely nothing done! i'm weak when it comes to social…
What else do you do to take care of yourself?
So we're all in this healthy lifestyle boat together of eating healthier and exercising more, but I am wondering what other things you have started doing, or bad habits you have quit doing, in order to take care of yourself overall? I have quit biting my nails, I have started taking better care of my teeth with brushing…
Night owl and fellow creatures of the night
Okay so how many of us are up this late and why are you up? I am up because I have to be I am at work (on break) in CT. How about everyone else ?
Pounds to drop!
I was just wondering how much everyone wants to lose! I want To drop about 30 pounds! What about you all? :)
What is the most ridiculous fad-diet you've ever tried?
I have tried lots but I think the nastiest most ridiculous diet that I tried was the Cabbage soup one, sure I lost the weight because after a couple of days I would rather not eat at all than have to taste the soup!!! Of course when I started eating normally not only I gained the weight but some more... :laugh:
Online Daters - How long do you wait?
I have ventured back into the world of online dating. At least I am trying to. My problem right now is not receiving responses from the few I've written to so far. I don't come on too strong or make my messages too lengthy, or do any copy-and-paste type thing. As far as I know, I haven't done anything to creep anybody out.…
Theif! Theif!
....hang on. Droid not cooperating....
This is just about the worst day.
Yesterday, my boyfriend and I went to the movies to watch "I am Number Four" (it was pretty good). Once the movie was done, I accidentally left both my phone and my iPod touch in the cup holder. As soon as I realized that, my boyfriend and I rushed back into the theatre, but they were gone! Now, I would like to add that,…
What would you do with an extra 1000? I like buying a lot of stuff for a small price, like at ross or good will and I loooove clothes shopping but I need to lose another 20 before I go spend money on clothes... What would you do? Or where would you go?
What were your favorite places to shop after you dropped pounds? :) I would like new clothing stores to try out an shop at! :) thanks!
For the Ladies that are pissed about their TOM
I read this at http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2009/07/thing-of-day-uterus-rating-not-awesome.html And felt like we could all laugh and sympathize. "Disclaimer for male readers: this post may make you feel weird inside, almost like being molested. I apologize in advance for alienating you. Please don't go away.…
My Fridge called me Fat...
Here's my funny story for the day... I was making my son and myself peanut butter and jelly on muffins, and I grabbed my water that was sitting right next to the fridge and as I was leaving the kitchen I walked in front of the fridge... it MOOED at me!! I'm not kidding, my fridge mooed at me!! LOL Is that a sign or…
So I'm seriously bored
what do you guys do when you're bored? :P
Baby Got Back
While I have hit my goal weight and now maintaining (I went from 200 lbs. to 125 lbs.)..I have to admit to something.... If and when I would hear the song Baby Got Back by Sir Mix Alot, I would feel good about myself and the butt that I'm rocking that was as big as my zipcode... If any other ladies out there are ashamed of…
Any body else's keyboard sticky from logging while eating?
Mine is! Ew!
HELP- Free Skippy!
To anyone of you on Facebook. Can you PLEASE go to this page and hit like. We are trying to save Skippy from "jail" and hopefully the death penalty! http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Free-Skippy/136018379798745 Thank you so much Help Skippy, a dog who didn't get his due process! Skippy is a sweet, four year old, golden…
the Walrus Workout - so cute! =)
Check this out for a great laugh =) it made my day!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXJl1fuFAKU
Fitness Mag. Survey..
Not sure if this was already discussed but I just read that.... "A shocking 51 percent of women say in a new diet survey they would skip sex for a year if it meant they'd be skinny, according to Fitness magazine. Of the 2,400 women surveyed, the rest admitted they would rather have great sex and be 30 pounds overweight.…
question for guys #2
should i post a pic where it shows my body like my weight??
What Xlbs and X height actually looks like
Hey All, Stumbled upon this and found it really interesting. It's basically a height and weight chart with picture of real people at each combination. Check it out! http://www.cockeyed.com/photos/bodies/heightweight.html
Keurig B60
Does anyone have a Keurig B60???? I just want to know if it brews iced drinks?!?!?!?!?!?!?!! Nothing that I can find online says yes or no. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
does anyone here have someone in there life who stresses them out to no end? it really doesnt help a diet...
body type?
what's everybody's body type? im just curious, im pear shaped. big butt and thighs, small waist and chest.
Ironic Internet Ads
When I was pregnant I was on a message board, and you know all prrgnant women are worried about looking fat. Well the ads on there were all about weight loss and nice skinny women. Now here I just saw an ad that said BIGGGER IS BETTER. I thought that was so funny!
Question & PM Answer
You ask me any question and Ill give you the absolute honest answer in Private Message. Anything goes!