ah the memories
its always fun to think back about good times as a child. recently i came across some old cartoons from the 90's that i watched as a child. what were some of your favorite childhood shows
This Just In
Seth Myers is hot. That is all.
how smart are you
With time, women gain weight because we accumulate so much information & wisdom in our heads that when there is no more room, it distributes out to the rest of our bodies. So we aren't heavy, we are enormously cultured, educated & happy. Beginning today, when I look at my tummy tire in the mirror I will think, Good Grief…
Three pounds overnight?
Okay, for the 2weeks i've been sick :( and have worked out barely but i have been eating just what i need to be eating(calories). And yesterday i had a good day of eating and the next morning i check my weight and it says i went up 3-4 pounds... I did eat soup yesterday for my thoart, it did say it had less salt , is this…
Amazing chorus that is sure to make you smile!
I've been following the YouTubes of the PS22 chorus for years now. This chorus of 6th graders is really incredible and will delight and amaze you! Just found out that they will be performing at the Oscars tonight! http://www.popeater.com/2011/02/27/ps-22-chorus-videos/ Definitely worth checking out!
Singing Bee (GAME)
So I thought it would be fun to start off a song and the next poster adds the next line to the song. We continue with that same song and the poster who "sings" the final line to the song gets to think of the next song and starts off the first line of the new song. It can be any genre or era, just include the song title and…
Pole & Chair Dancing Exercise Class
My friend asked me to join her in a pole & chair dancing exercise class... stripper style. The only thing I could think about was this video... lol I'm so scared to take the plunge! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_FpCI9bypQ
Motivational Quotes
Thought this quote was funny, puts a smile on my face. "People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily." Zig Ziglar I always try to look up something inspirational from quotes to stories. Bring in the positive!! :smile: What do you enjoy that keeps you moving…
UFC 126
CORRECTION UFC 127 Anyone watching? I opted out of spending $60 on it since it would be just me watching it! My boyfriend is off the the "guys" thing. Normally we watch them together but we all need our own time sometimes!! lol I'm bumming because I SO wanted to see the Penn vs Fitch and Bisping vs Rivera fights!!! :sad:
Sorry, newbie here............what the heck is "bump" or "bumped"..............No matter where I've been on this site I haven't found anything that tells me but I see it everywhere! = ) Thank you :smile:
Pandora Bracelet.....HELP?
This is an odd question lol but I am very confused... Almost 2 weeks ago my boyfriend bought me a Pandora bracelet for an early Birthday gift (21 on Monday!!!) and the bracelet was very flexible. You could literally make a line with the chain but now.....it's totally stiff and barely flexible. It makes putting it on and…
YELLING in the message boards...
What is with all the yelling in the chat rooms? :explode: (Sorry for the rant, this has been bugging me for a while) Yelling = when someone WRITES IN ALL CAPS FOR THEIR ENTIRE POST. I don't understand why some people feel the need to yell when they post. I understand needing to capitalize a word or phase for emphasis, but…
Stupid Scars!!! x_x
M'kay... So I'm doing pretty good with this weight loss thing. I feel better and I can even see some results. I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror and be proud of my body. However, these body acne scars are bad. I mean like, crawl-uner-a-rock-and-never-come-out-again bad. Since it should be warming up soon, I…
Ads that make you say...whaaaaat?
Sometimes these banner ads make me scratch my head :laugh: LOL. Todays ad of choice..."The New Sonoma Diet" - Pour Yourself Skinny, Drink wine, Lose Weight. " What are some of the ads that you see here or around the web that make you just say whaaaaaat?
Fantasy baseball
If anyone is interested in playing fantasy baseball let me know. I have two leagues. One is drafting tonight and one tomorrow night. Love, Ed
Fantasy baseball
If anyone is interested in playing fantasy baseball let me know. I have two leagues. One is drafting tonight and one tomorrow night. Love, Ed
Anybody want to play "Words With Friends" with me?
I know I saw a post on this, that invited me to play with a couple of people...and let me know that the game now is available on Android phones! I haven't found anyone to play with! I know it is originally an iphone app. I also play "Wordfeud" on my Droid2. My username is: boyceti for both games. =)
I am in a wedding in August.... and have already ordered my dress. I want to keep losing weight, but don't want the dress not to fit! They can only do so many alterations....What would you do?
I found my wedding dress!
My husband and I have been married for 6 years, but I never had a wedding. We didn't have the money and I was about to give birth to our daughter. We married on Halloween 2004 with very little fanfare. Our friends did throw us a dinner, but only my immediate family was there and none of his family came. He told me last…
Silly song lyrics
Sometimes I change the lyrics to songs to suit my current situation, just for fun. Like today, I was cleaning the house and Nine Inch Nails' song "Closer" came on my MP3 player. Through the chorus, I was singing, "I wanna VACuum like an animal!" Does anybody else do this, or is it just me? :blushing:
Just brushed my teeth
And feel like I lost 8 lbs. Haha never not brushing before bed again, I don't care how tired I am!
So, you're up past midnight...
So, you're up past midnight on a Friday night...and craving a snack.:grumble: Which day would you log your snack on? Friday's or Saturday's?
Biggest Loser Poll
Biggest Loser Poll: If you voted for the final 3rd contestant, who did you vote for?: Push 1 for Ada, 2 for Elizabeth
Loose vs. Lose
Today, I felt it necessary to have a bit of English lesson mixed in with our always amazing fitness lessons from this site. It seems that all too often we want to interchange these two words. Lose and Loose are different words beside the O in the middle. LOSE is defined as not winning, cannot find something, get rid of(as…
so here it is. it has to be one pararaph that is 5-7 sentences on this topic. How would your life have turned out if you had never learned to read or write or go to school? My life would have been very different in many ways if i had never learned to read or write. I would have never been able to use a phone to text or use…
tell me a Joke...
didnt want to come to work. when i did nothing was working, everything was going wrong, when i asked for someone to fix it they took a whole 2 hours and on top of that they were so annoyingly rude. i'm annoyed. i dont want to be here. i am frustrated with everything. i have a headache. i need to get in a good mood. tell me…
Riddle me this...
You're knocked out and when you wake up you are in a concrete room. There is no way out except two doors. One has a giant magnifying glass for the ceiling, and the instant you walk in, you will be fried to death. The other door has a hungry, evil, fire-breathing dragon. How do you escape?
What's your best feature?
I think mine is my smile I usually get compliments on my teeth lol. What is yours?
funny kids
So my nephew goes to a christian preschool and they do a praise and worship, we got there a little late so we had to bring him striaght to the praise in worship which is in the church building. When we opened the door he whispers,"shhhhh God's in here." it was so cute and funny!!! anyway feel free to post your own funny…
question for fellow drinkers...
I am a beer drinker - have been for many many years. But, now that I am really trying to get in better shape and lose weight, I am thinking of venturing into vodka when we indulge to save on calories and bloat. I don't mean to sound like an alcoholic, but, I know how may beers I can have to feel good and not lose control…