So what are you goals for the month of March??
Happy March everyone, not only is it a new day its the beginning of a new month. What are you goals for this month, mine is to loose 7lbs.
your music
Just wondering where everyone gets their music. I used to use Limewire but that isnt an option anymore ): I dont have an iphone or ipod just a regular mp3 player. Oh and I would love to be able to have the music stored on my computer in Windows Media Player. Thanks (:
Lafayette, LA
Anyone in the area selling or giving away table/chairs or a vaccum?
SHAMPOO WARNING: I figured out why I've gained weight. The shampoo I use in the shower that runs down my body says, "for extra volume and body." Going to start using Dawn dish washing soap. It says, "dissolves fat that is otherwise difficult to remove." A friend of mine posted this on FB - it was too cute not to share!
Why I'm fat....
I figured out why I'm fat! The shampoo I use in the shower that runs down my body says "for extra volume and body". I'm going to start using "Dawn" dish soap. It says "dissolves fat that is otherwise difficult to remove". Sorry.... read this today and thought it was Hilarious! :-)
I need to clean....
out my bookmarks. I have SO many sites save that I never seem to have time to check out. Gets aggravating. Are there any other bookmark and forget it people out there? lol.
ok so Im looking for some gooooood undergarments for my wedding dress. However my wedding is in June so Im not wanting to be hot, plus I would like to go to the bathroom some point in the night. Any suggestions?
Favorite TV shows
1.Greys Anatomy 2.Law and Order: SVU 3.Bones
Favorite COMEDY of all time....
I love funny movies. I have a litany of favorite movies old and new but I think the one I watch over and over even in the off season is "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" I can quote lines from that movie like I have a script! Anyone else got a movie they could watch and never get sick of it, just keep laughing every…
1.) people around me eating something that i have to have...(cheesecake) 2.) Brownies 3.) cold weather...(snow storms) 4.) ALCOHOL (a good amaretto sour does me good) 5.) ALL the foods that arent on the calorie counter. 6.) beign out all day n not finding anything healthy to eat...:( 7.) signinficant other 8.) GIrlSS…
trouble with my crush HAHA so high school
i really do not know if this is the right place for this but i want to ask something really badly that i can't really ask anybody about. well, there is this guy that i really like and i have a pretty good feeling that he likes me back but he has a girl friend. i try to keep things innocent but you know that high school…
I'm sooooo annoyed....
For the past 2 days, when I breathe in through my nose, I make a "squeak" sound... It's REALLLYYYY annoying!!!!!!
reasons to not get an iphone
if you have facebook click the link you may still be able to read it if you dont im not sure. this will definately brighten up your monday morning. this had me laughing so hard this morning http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=lf#!/note.php?note_id=10150424053535161&id=656417427
Using the right soap? lol
At last I know why I've got fat hips! When taking a shower I often use the rest of my shampoo to lather myself. Yesterday I read what was written on the bottle: "For extra volume and body." What a shock! No wonder it's so difficult to keep my weight under control. From now on I will use dishwashing liquid for showering. It…
how do i add a pic
to my post?
Cell Phones and Driving
Was sitting at the light last night. In the left turn lane to turn East. The cars that were turning from Eastbound to Northbound were passing right in front of me. Counted 7 of 12 with a phone to their ear. No texting. However ,at the next light, the lady in front of me was texting and I had to honk to get her attention…
Gym Rats - Don't be that guy!
I came across this series of short youtube vids the other day and found them so funny I had to share with others. It's a bunch of guys filming about all the different types of people you get at the gym that you don't want to be like. Really great job, and I'm shocked at how many they have got going, there's a second…
Sleeping help
Again, cant sleep. I'm trying chamomile tea. If this doesn't work I'm moving on to the nyquil
A day in the life....
Just wondering what the day in the life of any of you is ....How do you make it work for your fitness & weight loss goal Mine is as follows.... Morning: Get off work(I work overnight) go home do some chores around the house & have a light breakfast....cereal or shake (I don't like to eat too much if I'm going to bed…
What's up MFP! i was just wondering if any of oyu were going to Bonnaroo this year? If you are lets try to meet up! Also if you dont know what it is check out the website http://www.bonnaroo.com/. See ya at the ROO!
Funny Protein Video
Some video a friend shared with me lmao http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3nA2zqeX5Q&feature=player_embedded "cause we all can use some bacon" Epic lol
Most Used Food Survey
Go to your food log, sort the MOST USED tab my name so they are in alphabetical order. Then (truthfully) list the items found in the following number order: 2,6,10,14,18, 22, 26 No cheating...we're all friends here!! :bigsmile: 2. Coffee-brewed from grounds 6. Generic-Unsweetened Tea 10. Grandy's Mashed Potatoes 14. Lean…
pregnancy scare! Help!!
So had this scare. i was supposed to get my period friday-saturday. it came about 11:00 am today (Sun). Dont get me wrong i love babies but this would be extremely bad for me in my life since im not in the best situation right now...and i have 2 lttle ones -so ya! anyway i could not sleep last nite thinking i somehow took…
Why do you like the fattiest parts of our bodies? AKA boobs/butt. Just curious?
It's worth a shot...
Hey guys - I entered my baby in a 'Baby Idol' contest via a local radio station. There are a TON of entries so the first round is to get down to the top 100. If anyone wants to waste a couple of minutes and click the link below to vote, it'd be appreciated! You do have to enter your email but it should be a quick process.…
make a sentence with my word
Soda: Can i have a medium soda please? Yesterday
Silly things we do
Hi everyone, Yesterday I "crab-walked" from the living room to the bathroom in an effort to squeak out a few extra calories. I was just curious if there were other ways/things other people might do that have their loved ones laughing at them.
Organizing HELP
I need to become more organizied....and I always come to yall for advice and help.....so can yall help....got any tips for me or websites????
What do you thik is the worst song ever?
I think the worst song (if not one of them at least) is "big girls you are beautiful" by Mika - I hate it!! and the worst lyric in the song is..."diet coke and a pizza please, diet coke? im on my knees screaming - big girls you are beautiful" urg... what song is grating on you at the moment?
omg burger banner
Couldnt believe it when I was sitting here just now readin peoples post and an advert came up on the right hand side of my screen, big banner with an picture of an ENORMOUS 5000 calorie burger on it, advertising restuarants in the area. Really not what I need after dieting all day and being really good. surely they realise…