Got any? What are they? I've got a few. Road Dog -- obviously. Just from the guys I ride with. Except one guy calls me "Joe Pike" I guess it's a literary thing. Going to have to read the book. Mikey -- Seems to be the nickname all my daughters friends call me. The girls anyways. I make the boys call me Mr. Vallandingham.…
March 4, 2011, N.H.A.A.D.
Tomorrow is "Hug an Asian Day" Go find one and give 'em a hug! http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=125144195337&index=1
Chris Medina's recording - What Are Words
If you watched the tryouts for American Idol this season ... this guy's story must have touched your heart. He wrote this song for his fiance and recorded this ... teared my eyes up again. Enjoy ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQY4dIxY1H4
Oil vs Lotion?!?
I have always had dry skin. My grandmother used to tell me to use veggie or olive oil. Well I finally tried it. I used about a 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil, and my hands absorbed it faster than my best lotion! Imagine that.:smile:
to all my friends
to all my friends....when is your birthday???? mine is january 14th.
The grocery shopping trip from hell!
Before anyone gets on my case for posting something – non-weight loss related- let me just say that if I don't rant about these things * right * now I am going to resort to eating an entire package of Oreos- and they're * not* the low fat ones! So it actually is weight loss related! My grocery shopping trip from hell pet…
For all you men out there!!!
So I know everyone is different but I have always been curious to know what runs through a guys head. So here's a question. Do you like your girls a little bit thicker, or skinny as a rail?
Leave the copy machine set to reduce 200%, extra dark, 17 inch paper, 99 copies. In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sexual favors." Specify that your drive-through order is "TO-GO." If you have a glass eye, tap on it occasionally with your pen while talking to others. Stomp on little plastic ketchup packets.…
full body... shampoo
In case you haven't laughed enough today - a friend of mine had this post on her facebook page: I figured out why I'm FAT...The shampoo I use in the shower that runs down my body...says "for extra volume and body"! I'm going to start using "Dawn" dishsoap. It says "dissolves fat that is otherwise difficult to remove"!
Not sure where to post this... but boobs....
Please I have lost a half of a cup size! Is there ANY way to lose weight and keep the goodies????
I have a T-mobile account and I'm eligible for an upgrade. Any suggestions which phone I should get? My current phone is a Samsung Gravity.
This is hilarious!!
When I saw this in my Brylane Home Catalog I was like, "What the heck is VAG STEAM?!?...and then I realised that it's supposed to say VAC-STEAM and I laughed so hard I cried. The manufacturer should NOT have put the hyphen inside the 'C' like that!!! lol Apparently, ladies, it's good for those of us who like to keep it…
do i even have a choice?
a few years ago, i left my job as a bank manager and moved down south. things didn't work out and i was forced to move back after a few months. when i came back, i called my job and asked if i could be reinstated as a part time teller. i didn't want all the stresses that came with the management position and i only wanted…
is it wrong to watch programmes bout obesity?
I feel terrible watching other peoples misery but i use it as a motivational tool. Take today for example, i had a hangover & gave into my carb cravings big time. I was so angry with myself after working so hard. So now i'm eatching a programme about morbidly obese people (and i feel bad for doing it) to remind myself…
To blog or not to blog?
I am tempted to blog daily on here, instead of weekly. I usually use my blog as a place to debreif the week, track progress, and make obsurd comments about things I notice about my journey through weightlossland. I like the once a week experience because then I don't appear to be an obsessive blogger. But sometimes it's…
I Used To Be Fat Reunion...
What a let down! Quite a few of these kids put back on 20-30 pounds. I guess it's true losing the weight won't fix your insides. They need MFP!!!
2 movie tickets for $9 total!
I'm normally not one to junk up the boards with stuff unrelated to weight loss, but I got this in my e-mail today from LivingSocial.com & shared the link on my facebook and got a ton of inbox messages from friends thanking me since the cost of movies is like $11 each these days (ridiculous)! So I figured I'd share it with…
It seems my PVR is always tapin' shows...Just wonderin' if anyone else has the same shows we watch. (Husband and I) 'Sherlock' ( with Benedict Cumberbatch - new series to come in 2011 sometime ) 'Luther' ( this one just started a few weeks ago - Adam tells me only a few episodes were made ) 'Nikita' ( That hot red bikini,…
Have YOU done this?
One of my friends posted that she had fudged her weight on her driver's license. Several other friends (including me!) quickly chimed in that they did the same thing. For some reason, it just seems to be a completely justifiable thing to do! I mean, after all...does DMV REALLY need to know how much I weigh?! I think not!…
Gift Ideas?
hey guys, My son is going to be 3 in April. Anyone have any gift suggestions? He likes spiderman but all the toys I've seen have been a little too old for him. His other favs are Scooby doo and toy story
what was your "lightbulb" moment
I was just giving my daughter her snack (cherios and swiss cheese!) and remembering what pushed me to start my weight loss journey. Of course I wanted to lose weight, I was 247 pounds, but what really did it was my daughter. I found myself making dinner for my husband and I one night, it was chicken kiev and boxed chicken…
Suggestion: Country Of Origin
As this is a global site, I thought it would be heloful if on our profile icons when we post on discussion boards, it had our country of origin displayed. I've seen some lovely recipe ideas on here but then realise that some of the ingredients are USA brands. Also with the measurements, there's a vast difference between…
Rant..... Behavior on the boards..
I am probably going to get slammed for this but, why do people have to be so nasty? Is it that they have a keyboard and no boundries combined with the fact that they are most likely unknown? Yesterday during the day there were 3 seperate threads (that I noticed) that the OP get slapped left and right verbally for their…
New to this. Just looking for some pals
I feel like the more pals i have on here the more im motivated to stick to my diet and exercise. And i figured, why not meet more people anyways!
Just want to test my new signature to see what it looks like. TEST!
NYC... MFP friends get together.....
I would like to meet some of my friends on here cause they are ALL sooo awesome. I have so much fun on-line that it would be great to all get together and tear up the town a bit! I was thinking of New York City and give enough time to get a plan down. Anyone want to do this? We would need to get enough people interested…
Anyone watching Heavy on A&E?
Ok I am watching this show has me balling like a baby tonight watching these women go throught their weightloss journey. I am such a baby LOL
ETSY - whose fault is this?
Someone on here posted one time that her reward item was a shirt on Etsy. Ok, come clean! You are a pusher whoever you are! You gave me a taste of the drug that is Etsy and know I am addicted! You should be ashamed! I have bought beautiful heating pads with chamomile because I needed them. Then I bought a green skirt for…
Anyone around Ft Drum?
Just wondering if anyone on here is around me...always looking for new friends and especially ones that I have something in common with like looking to get healthy & loose weight. =)
weights and measures
i see people asking all the time how to convert............... here is a helpful link: http://www.infoplease.com/pages/unitconversion.html