Are you a book worm?
We are doing a little re-decorating and doing some spring cleaning. I have many books here that I want to get rid of. If you would like them, they are yours for the taking for only the price of shipping (or pick up if you are local). Most of them are Stephen King and Anne Rice. some paper back, some hard cover. Message me…
Book club looking for new members in Calgary, AB!
Hello everyone! I decided to get ambitious and start a book club in my city, Calgary, AB (Canada). It's for women ages 18 to 35, and we have our first meeting tomorrow night (so we're a very new book club). We are only 4 right now, and we are definitely looking for new members. The point is to make new friends, see old…
House Chicken
Looking for anyone else out there that has a chicken as a house pet. Would love to ask about your diaper designs etc.
Fat Free Tuesday instead of Fat Tuesday!
I'm NO WAY celebrating Fat Tuesday tomorrow. I have celebrated "Fat Tuesday" EVERYDAY for too long now. I'll be enjoying my fruits and veggies thank you very much!
Have You Bloked Anyone?
I was just wondering if anyone has blocked someone and why.
Home Remedies THAT WORK! Got any?
What are some odd folk remedies (aka: home remedies) you personally use and swear by? Here are some of mine: HICCUPS Raise your left arm up, stand/sit tall and rest your left forearm on your head. Bye-bye hiccups! Works for me EVERY TIME. SNEEZING Without tilting your head, look directly up until the urge passes. It helps,…
Name that tune!
So I have decided to start a new music quiz game on here so just try to guess the song that goes with the lyrics and then add your own! "You're so mean, when you talk about yourself, you were wrong Change the voices in your head, make them like you instead"
Ladies who love the big men?
Where yall at? Lol. I always see threads about men loving curvy women or bigger women but what about the women loving the big men? I dont mean chubby although you can respond if you like them too I just mean us solid guys lol. I'm 6'2 277 mostly muscle with a some ice on my 6pack lol. Show us big men some love lol.
Totally not MFP related question....
Has anyone tried the new Purex Complete Crystals (their newest fabric softener)??? If so, do you like???
Pure Protein donates $1 to fight MS for every Facebook "like
Motivational Books
Any one have any motivational books that they recommend? Really it can be about anything because I am a reader and will read just about anything but I like books on productivity, running...
So who is still up
So who is still up and where are you? I am still up in CT
New Astrological Signs...
Has anyone else heard about this? They've gone and changed the astrological signs. According to the 'new' chart, I'm no longer a Capricorn. I don't know why this ticks me off, but it does. :P
Heavily ever after
Is anyone watching this? It's about a guy who was 1000lbs but is now just over 600. I'm watching it for the first time & im APPALLED. I'm appalled NOT because of his weight but how crappy he treats his wife!! Anyone else seeing this?
annoying weight related nicknames.
my whole life even when I was super skinny ive been called big man and until I put on weight it never bothered me then the names got worse. Big'un thick'un etc are names ive heard in reference of me.. What have you all heard big or small?
Easter is coming
So, I've seen some cute toys for my girls lately - usually buy and give to them right away, but was alone last night and found some cute Princess walkie talkies - I know they will love. Convinced myself not to buy them, as there was nothing coming up. In same store came across easter stuff, then it hit me. The Easter bunny…
What matters more to you?
An attractive face and chubby body, or average face and skinny (or for girls, muscular) body? I just felt like starting a topic...:P
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWgwJfbeCeU Just a little diet humour...my Husband found on the net :laugh:
For everyone snowed in and sick of winter...
I just opened the bar and turned the lights on...Lets rock!
BET's THE GAME (random thought)
I just noticed the woman in the State Farm commercial is Jinay from THE GAME. I love that show.=)
Ladies, what’s on your mind? Let’s talk about it..
Why do men act the way they do? The question is puzzling but most women wants to know the answer to this intriguing question. Will, tell us what he did and we will tell you why he did what he did.
Dam YOU auto correct!!!
http://damnyouautocorrect.com/ For all the iPhone/Pod users of MFP! You are not alone! lol Ben.
Movies that make you think?
My boyfriend and I are looking for a movie to watch tonight on Netflix and need a reccomendation. We are in the mood for something that makes you think, or is kind of deep. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect? Something like that! So, any suggestions?
where to get workout clothes this big ? my gym wont let people wear sweats and i hate wearing them anyhow plus i wear a size 16 shoe and am about ready for new ones any help ?
omg. I have the worst headache, but it's not a normal headache. It's like at my temples, and it hurts to close my eyes to sleep, but it hurts to keep them open. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. I feel like i'm going crazy! I didn't know where to post this, so I posted it in chit chat and games. Can anyone help?
100 lbs or more....
I have been looking all over this site but have not really found many ppl who are looking to lose as much as me. So if there is anyone out there who is wanting to lose 100lbs or more feel free to add me and we can help eachother out on this long journey
San Francisco Trip!
Hi friends! The hubs and 7 y/o daughter and I are going to San Francisco for Spring Break. Aside from the usual "touristy" stuff, (i.e. Alcatraz, Fisherman's Wharf, etc.) does anyone have any suggestions for must-see-or-do? None of us have ever been to California! We'll be there for a week..... Thanks in advance!
Good jeans for size 3/4 girls??????
Losing weight and inches is a wonderful thing, but it's making it hard to find clothes that fit! lol I have a small waist in proportion to my butt and thighs, which makes it hard to shop for jeans. Low rise has been a lifesaver! I've worn American Eagle jeans for years and LOVED how they fit, but I'm finding that 4's are…
at what age...
Did you start letting your kids stay home alone? Not for long periods of time, but to run down the strees to get milk... I mean, we're talking 10 minutes at the most.
Kindle !!!!!!!
I know, totally off subject, but I am looking for opinions on a Kindle case. I am wondering if anyone has opinions on getting a case or a skin? If so, what kind? What are the pros and cons of getting a skin vs. a case? Any thoughts out there for me? THANKS! :flowerforyou: