Say Cheese!!
I'm cheesy because: 1. I'll stop whatever I'm doing to watch "Grease" if I see it on T.V. And yes, I will sing along. :smokin: 2. 70's love songs make me swoon. :love: 3. Happily wears my homemade poncho in the winter. (At home only though) :laugh: 4. Homemade rice krispies treats make me deliriously happy! :drinker: and…
Those with twins or more!!
Thought it would be fun to start a rant page for those of us with multiples...so here goes. My twin boys are 3...why is it they have to do EVERYTHING at the same time? Worse is when they both go "potty" at the same time. Not only do I have 1 child yelling "mommy I'm done" I have two in different bathrooms at opposite ends…
Need Some Ideas, please
I am in need of a new voice recorder for school. My old one is toast. lol The recorder I am looking for will fit the following descriptions: 1. at least 8GB memory (or capable of holding at least 8GB mini SD); 2. Super High Quality recording with very high sensitivity (able to adequately record a professor's voice from…
"Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog"
When I first saw this post, I thought my friend who diligently posted her exercise daily, actually had a dog that she walked everyday. I asked about this fabulous dog as I became more and more curious about her furry friend that was walked so regularly. Then one day, she posted her exercise without the dog. "Walking, 3.5…
People in Lafayette, LA
Does anyone know of any side jobs available? Like office cleaning a few nights a week?
Happy Paczki Day!
It's Fat Tuesday! Remember to only have one paczek (singular for paczki) today because they're soooo high in calories! But so yummy!
Anyone giving up anything good for Lent starting tomorrow? I am thinking FAST FOOD!! Now I have to come up with my definition before starting so I can't talk myself into anything lol!! Chik fil a will be my hardest and it's closed on Sundays!! At first I thought if it has a drive through its fast food, but what are your…
Do relationships make people fatter?
Well maybe that's not the PC way to say it, but I've noticed that I always eat worse when I'm with someone and don't go to the gym as often. Anyone have a similar experience or different? Any theories on this? Thanks Opal PS I'm thinking about this because I'm about to make a cheesy, yummy wonderful Mexican meal for my bf…
I can definitely appreciate the fact that working out can be more than rewarding and have so many benefits to it, but why is it when you are done sacrificing and working it out that you are rewarded with a nice gross sweaty shirt across the face when you're done!? Must be that is the smell of hardwork? Thinking about…
Another great new episode of HEAVY
I almost blew it off. I've been watching less and less TV. The girl riding her mom's bike 350 miles home made my eyeballs sweat a little. What a transformation. Good show.
The Cape...
...is no longer on TV? What the heck!!! :sad:
Cute Jennifer Aniston viral ad for water
what's worse??
okay, so i have two girl friends that each have a different way of losing - i know that BOTH good diet and exercise is the best way to lose and see results, but i just wanted everyone's opinion on what they think is worse or better: Eating very healthy, staying within calorie goal, with minimal exercise, or none at all.…
What do you think about....
Zuzana from http://www.bodyrock.tv/ ? Is she sexy or scary? I'm curious, because I posted a status update about a quick workout on her site, and one of my MFP pals said that she has a horrible body and should stop doing "guys' exercises." I find it strange that it seemed socially acceptable to her to say a woman with…
I'm out...
Busted my elbow and knee pulling the transmission from my truck. I can't press, can't squat, can barely crank over the stationary bike. I hope this passes soon. I'm so ticked right now. rrrr.... was about to hit 380 on squats. Dirty word! Dirty word! Dirty word!
I like these cause they always turn into something funny and i like laughing.... It pisses me off when... I'm standing in line at the grocery store and I have two items and the person in front of me is loading a whole cart and won't let me go first!
Convo between my 4 y/o girls:
Actual conversation I heard between two 4 year old girls today: Melissa: "Can I have this candy?" Makayla: "No. Don't you know what calories are? They're things you have to wait until you get your belly smaller. Your belly is already kind of small." Melissa: "You have baby fat." Makayla: "I didn't have a baby!"…
Getting insurance before becoming pregnant
Me and my husband are going to be trying for a baby soon. We have been looking around for health insurance but i am really having a hard time finding coverage for prenatal care. I got one quote from one company (the only one i found with prenatal care) for $500 a month. Someone has suggested to me to get pregnancy medicaid…
I am in DIRE need of a VACATION!!!! Anyone have any ideas? Thinking about a cruise or something all-inclusive, but I still need CHEAP! Thanks! :bigsmile:
The black bra
I just thought I would share this joke... It made me laugh... The Black Bra (as told by a woman) I had lunch with 2 of my unmarried friends. One is engaged, one is a mistress, and I have been married for 20+ years. We were chatting about our relationships and decided to amaze our men by greeting them at the door Wearing a…
World's Greatest Shave
I know. Begging isn't becoming. But in a week (March 11, also my birthday) I am shaving my head for the leukaemia foundation. I am looking for sponsors, so if you are interested or know anyone who may want to sponsor me for a great cause, please don't hesitate. Sadly I have hit a few bumps in the road with my weight loss,…
Well I'm engaged now...so I wanted to start planning my wedding...I always come to yall for advice so I was hoping yall could share some tips, advice, or even websites to help with wedding planning!!!! I also welcome yalls wedding stories too!!!!
What tv shows do you miss from your childhood????
My hubby and I were just talking about old TV shows we love....Saved by the Bell we both agree on...I also loved Hey Dude, Salute Your Shorts, and Pete and Pete...(he's 5 years older than me so he doesn't remember these shows." What are your favorite old- school shows?
Fear My Follicles!
:explode: List reasons for the fear!
I need some tips
To bring my electricity bill down. Its more than half my income and I just cant keep this up. I need tips to help bring it under control. Im doing the basics. Making sure things are shut off. Making the landlord winterize this place better or Im not renewing my lease. I want to know if theres anything I might not have…
Getting dizzy...
I'm watching 'Irreversible'. Either the movie is supposed to be from the point of view of a moth, or a bolt came loose from the camera. I just hope there is a good stabbing. Uck.... I need some dramamine.
i am paul from italy.. coming to the states next june for vacation.. would like to meet someone , need a guide:) ciaoooo
I've always wanted to but never have...
Gone to Alaska!
Does anyone here struggle with ADD?
After many, many years of hating how disorganized I was, how much I lacked the ambition to do well in school, to stay focused on one thing at a time, I had finally had enough. As I was doing some research online, I came across a title that caught my eye. ARE YOU STRUGGLING WITH ADULT ADD? I don't know, am I? After a few…
Erase my answers and fill in your Answers. 1. Name something you use in the shower? shampoo 2. Name something a football player wears under his uniform? Cup to protect their….. Jewels 3. Name something people hate to find on their windshield . Bird poop 4. Name something a man might buy before a date? gum 5. What is…