I Need Friends
Aaaaaaand go.
Need another motivator?
I know i sure do! Feel free to add me, the more the merrier!!
Talk like a pirate?
Anybody remember when talk like a pirate day is?
Mardi Gras made me do it.
Ok MFP family. My city (New Orleans) just wrapped up a two week celebration of Mardi Gras. While I did not attend a single parade this year I still fell victim to this never ending party. I will take this time to point the fingers at the out-of-town vistors that "forced" me to stray from my healthy way of eating. I blame…
Happy Birthday Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris actually died 20 years ago, death hasn't worked up the courage to tell him yet. Chuck Norris once kicked a horse in the chin. Its decendants are known today as giraffes. Who's next? :laugh:
any equine enthusists or farm folk
I am fairly new here and looking to meet a few people. I have horses and enjoy trail riding and competing in reined cow horse. I also grew up and live on a farm. I am a big outdoor person anything from snow shoeing to gardening.
I wonder....
I have noticed alot of single/rant/rave threads going on recently and it leads me to wonder if there really is a "happy ever after". I know nothing but being cheated on and lied to. I have never had a man treat me like a woman. I have never been "in love". I am beginning to think its non existant:huh:
How many others...
Keep a tab open for their home page as well as one or more on the various forums so it is easier to refresh and keep up with MFP? :embarassed:
Not fitness related: Mens wedding rings / suggestions?
Hello! I am getting married in October! My husband-to-be and I are picking one anothers rings, with no input/ selection from the other. Mens jewelry does NOT have much to choose from which has caused problems. Wanting some suggestions of where to look. I am wanting to find a white gold, black onyx ring, simple and without…
pic test
Hi everyone, I created this post basically to try uploading a pic beacuse I was not sure how it worked. The easiest way is to upload the pic/s from your computer into your profile (that way you have them there as well) and then add them to your message. * Go to your profile and select an image by browsing your computer…
I always go over on my protein ... how can that be .. Is is bad if I am slightly over in protein daily ???
I need...
...new pots and pans. Guess it's time to get married. Bring on the wedding gifts!!! Hahahaha.
Tumblr, anyone?
I have it, I love it! :D I want some new people to follow though, any one have one? solidpromises.tumblr.com
Any Survivor fans out there?
Any Survivor fans out there? I enjoyed watching Russell leave Redemption Island yesterday. Surivor is my fave show along with 30 Rock. Would enjoy chatting with someone who likes to lose weight and watch Survivor. Michele
When your indicator is indicating!!
My indicator is my under-chin area.. when I take bloody sip of soda my gullet swells up like a seranading frog. What about you guys?:smile:
So bored at work...
Let's stir things up people. I'm over working for today : )
What do you listen to?
When you work out, what is your favorite thing to listen to? For me, I like to put Bible studies and sermons from my favorite pastors on my iPod to listen to. Sometimes worship music. Depends on how long I'm going to workout.
I wish all the HCG arguing people would move to their totally own web site...and then rent a room to the Should You Eat Your Exercise Calories people. Personally, I don't care either way about either issue, just TIRED OF SEEING IT OVER AND OVER ON AND ON. Go ahead and bash me, won't be the first time...don't really give a…
Am I vain? I do think this song is about me, dangit.
So, I wore a semi-short dress today and I’ve totally been feeling up on my legs all morning. Feeling where there new muscles are and enjoying my new skin from all of this healthy eating! I also catch myself spending a little too much time in front of the mirror these days. Not necessarily checking myself out, but more so…
Must have iPhone Fitness apps!!!
What are your favorite??
I don't celebrate Lent but.....
I think I gave up my scale, or am going to try my best to not get on that sucker again until Lent is over! I get so frustrated getting on it and it doesn't move as quickly as I would like. That's all!!!
I am a bit of a fitness fanatic. I normally burn 600 to 800 calories a day, either walking for about 90 minutes pushing my baby and my toddler in a buggy and/or attempting a fitness DVD, jogging or elliptical trainer. Today, I have only managed to burn 500 calories. I just haven't got the energy. I normally try to do about…
Favorite Quotes
What is your favorite quote - whether philosophical or inspirational? One of mine is: "You have a choice--you can either create your own future or you can become the victim of a future that someone else creates for you!" This is so globally true, even for all of us here. What's yours?
I Believe...
That sex is like air...it's not important unless you're not getting any! Tell me what you believe...
one food forever...
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life....what would it be? Mine would be something mexican...tacos or enchalldas...
Wow...my mindset is really changing!!!
Ok, this may sound minor to some, but today, I'm actually rearranging my daily schedule to (drum roll..........) FIT IN TIME TO GO TO THE GYM!!!! This is a brand new thing for me. I usually will take advantage of ANY opportunity to skip working out. Ok, back to your regularly scheduled life....:laugh:
Calling all dog owners!
Hi everyone! :happy: Who has a dog? (Sorry it's so off topic, I'd just like opinions!) I am so torn if to get one or not, my partner really wants one so it's basically down to me... Financially I think we could cope as my best friend has a big dog and we've sat down and gone through everything, I know we have cats, but…
Where do you shop???
I am getting to the point that I need to shop for new clothes. Most of my clothes are currently from Old Navy, but as I get smaller I want to broaden my horizons in the clothes department. I try to go other places in my area, but somehow always end up back at Old Navy...lol...Just looking for ideas on where everyone else…
If every day were like today...
Just out of curiosity I entered an extra 5000 calories to my day to see what would happen if I completed my diary while being WAY over my daily goal! Nothing exciting...it just says: Considering I currently weigh 271 lbs this would be a most heinous turn of events. :tongue: What would you like MFP to say to you if you went…
Did you hear the world is ending May 21, 2011????!!!
Cant believe the measures this group of christians are going through to try and get people to believe this.. THEY PUT A BILLBOARD ON THE HIGHWAY... I mean, REALLY?!