SNL High Fructose Corn Syrup Parody
OOooh goodness you guys, this made me laugh. Last night SNL did a parody on those High Fructose Corn Syrup commercials. You've gotta see! http://tinyurl.com/45pb7k4 (links to Hulu)
Touch your toes?
Random question but I'll ask it anyway. I haven't been able to touch my toes since I was about 8. Can you touch your toes?
Any Reign fans....score 3-1 this last Saturday
Let me hear the shot out from the Reign fans...who saw the game this Saturday..anyone go to it. Of course i live in Cally so i did. It was awesome 3-1:) Of course any other sports fans can join in..just state your team:)
Website some might like.
I found this website, and was wondering if anyone had ever used it??? It looks legit to me, but it never hurts to be safe. http://www.hotmoviesale.com/c18/Fitness.html
Sleeping and being lazy
Aaaaalllllll day. I guess that is what Saturdays are for.
For those who have a job... heres a question.
I graduated college back in 2007, got a job after college doing VERY EASY shipping stuff until i found a better job,, but got laid off.. I am have severe anxiety about working again. Everytime I get a job offer I turn it down because I am so scared of "adult" "grown up" FT work. I'm scared that I'll go in and not…
POLL: Geek or Jock
What gets you going, Geeks or Jocks, and why? Bonus Question: If a Geek becomes ultra fit does he/she become a Jock? or retain his geek?
Colorado Is SO Amazing.... BUT Summer Comes Early Every Year Gah I Need to Lose This Weight For Summer 16th Street Tubeing And Oh Man The Colorado Summer Parties!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im SSOOOOOOO EXCITED!
I was the one that ended up napping all day, when it was my boyfriend that should have been so he could stay up for work tonight. Now he'll be sleepy and work and I'll be wide awake at home. :drinker:
I feel weird today
I don't know what I want to do with myself. I haven't been able to figure out what I want to drink/eat all day.
Words with Friends - iphone or Droid
If anyone plays this game on their phone, I'd be open to playing a game with you. My bf got me addicted and I don't have many IRL friends that play. My username is JestersGirl
The Beer Diet
An Adams County blogger is planning to abstain from solid food for 46 days as he investigates an old tale about doppelbock beer, aka "liquid bread," first developed for the Christian season of Lent more than 300 years ago by monks in Munich, Germany. J. Wilson, of Prescott, Ia., a home beer brewer for more than 14 years,…
Forrest Gump Quotes
"To do whatever you tell me to drill seargent!!!" Post another and pass it on.
Don't forget... set your clocks... spring ahead!
So happy to adjust the clocks.. NOT excited about losing an hour!!
more support
Hey everyone:tongue: im aways looking for new friends in my corner so add me and lets do this damn thing!!!
Any star gazers here?
I'm sitting here in my duct taped lawn chair and noticed Mirach was so bright it was out shining Rigel. After a few seconds it dimmed back to its usual magnitude. That was weird.
Does anyone have a tumblr?
Since this is the chit chat section i'd thought i'd see who has a tumblr? I'm addcited! If you do, follow me! www.n0pants3ver.tumblr.com [:
Significant Other working nights
Anyone have this happening? My boyfriend is going start working 8pm-4am this Sunday. I work during the day. Has this changed anyone's relationships for the bad? We won't get much time together before on of us has to go to work.
To help Japan
http://www1.networkforgood.org/ Ive donated,if anyone has anything to spare please help:heart:
Biggest Loser Show
I don't know why but I can't stand that Elizabeth Chick! Why is she not losing enough weight! LOL! Did you watch the show last night? Jilian looks at her with hate in her eyes LOL!!!
Find out what your stripper name will be...(for humor purpos
Mine is: Diamond Glitter Heat We all need a stripper name...male OR female !!!! See what your stripper name will be, and SHARE IT A little stress-reliever! This only takes a minute. Sometimes when you have a stressful day or week, you need some humor to break up the day. Here is your dose of humor.. Follow the instructions…
Testing a picture post
Just testing to see if I can post a picture
Blonds, Brunetts, Red Heads, or Other?
Which hair color do you prefer on the opposite sex? Short or long?
Shaving My Head For Leukaemia Today
March 10 - 12 is the annual World's Greatest Shave. Today is my 29th Birthday and I am shaving my head to help raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation to help families affected by leukaemia and other blood disorders like lymphomas and myeloma. if anyone is interested or knows someone who may be interested in sponsoring me…
It finally Happened
After 3 years of leading a fit lifestyle and slipping and gaining and losing again(minimal but still) and having constant temptations in front of me..I have developed the mindet that "Its not worth it" I have girl scout cookies in my house. I bought them cause I WAS a scout and it is a tremendous organization and they do…
Let's talk tattoos! Who has 'em, who loves 'em, and who wants to get 'em?!?!? I have 14 all together!!! I have... +a sun with my Libra sign in the middle on my left shoulder +a big intricate Celtic knot in the middle of my upper back +Dave Matthews lyrics in blue ribbon on my right shoulder. +red and black stars behind my…
The Cookie Metaphor
Weightloss explained in terms of baking cookies. This post has been brewing in my mind for a little while now. It's mostly just for fun. Eating exercise calories... Suppose you are baking up a batch of chocolate chip cookies. But you're heading to a big party with lots of hungry cookie lovers, so you decide you want to…
Swimsuits for busty girls?
Hey every women out there knows how terrible it is to find swimsuit tops when you are busty! Its almost time to pop out the swim suits. I was wondering where I could find a cute suit.
Blondes that went brunette
I have not colored my hair in a year and 7 months! So this is my natural color (I say I'm a dirty blonde), BUT I want to go darker, I am VERY pale and terrified to dye it again bc it takes forever to grow out. I just want some kind of change because I am @ a halfway point to my goal. So my question is..blondes that went…
The perfect woman, is she out there?
So I have just been very curious lately.... We have all been told since time out of mind, the perfect woman's figure is 5'7" 36-24-36, right? Well I know this is not a goal for me to have (for starters, I don't think I can force myself to grow 2 inches taller) but I really want to know if it is a realistic goal for…