What the heck does "bump" mean on these message boards???
Ladies: When you start losing weight do your lady lumps...
seem to emphasize themselves? Do you notice you look perkier, bigger, like you actually have a figure?
Any good book ideas?
Hey everyone! I am a very big reader, I read up to 3 books a week. I am open to read just about anything; romance, murder/mystery, Inspirational, etc. I havent been finding any good books lately. Anyone have any good books to reccomend? Thanks!!
NSV.... Childhood bully!
Ok, I think we all have that one person who made our childhood he**. Mine had me so terrified through high school, my parents put me into martial arts and considered transferring to a private school. I walked different routes from school each day as to not get beaten up. I developed an ulser and had a lot of anxiety. Yes…
AL- Go Mariners! NL-Go Dodgers! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
VODKA - TZUIKA _ helpp me please :D
Does anyone know the nutritional value of Tzuika - Romanian vodka 85% alcohol (170 proof) I love this stuff XD please help :P
Wordfeud on Android phones...
If any of y'all play (it's like Words with Friends) and want another person to play against, my name on there is the same as my name on here. Feel free to challenge me if you like! Just let me know you are from MFP when you do so I don't ignore you. :wink:
Betta fish?
I have had a couple of betta fish before, and I've had a female for the past 6 months. I noticed a few days ago that she had a lot of white things floating on top of her bowl, so I figured it was just dirty, and cleaned it last night. Well, I jsut went to feed her, and they are back! but this time they look more like a…
Bad Day Turned Good. Bout time.
So today I booked my boyfriends flight for our trip to the gult in April. My grandparents offered to pay to fly me out, so I booked Tom's first, then called my grandparents to give the go ahead for mine. While searching to book MY ticket, come to find I have Tom returning on the 15th, a week later than intended. I…
Big trouble in the Big Easy
Do i have to move away from New Orleans to lose weight? I made a pig out of myself for Mardi Gras.
In a battle between me..
Hilarious autocorrect
http://damnyouautocorrect.com/6101/15-most-popular-autocorrects-from-february-2011/ I nearly died when I read them. Enjoy :)
Home or Gym
Which do you prefer? Working out at home, or the gym? Why? I prefer home because I can afford it. LOL Also, I like working to DVD's and my own equipment. Sometimes I like the gym because of the people, but I just prefer home.
ECPI College of Tech..Good or bad school???
I just posted a thread about how I am looking into going to ECPI for Practical nursing in 15 months I will have my AA...but in doing research, I hear bad things about them. I go tomorrow to fill out paperwork, Should I do it?? If not where should I go to get my LPN or RN??? My local Community college there is a HUGE…
Alleviating SSRI Discontinuation Syndrome Symptoms
I recently stopped taking medication cold turkey and have been experiencing absolutely awful withdrawal effects. I've researched it and have come to the conclusion that I'm experiencing SSRI Discontinuation Syndrome. I've contacted my doctor today to figure out what to do but won't hear back from him until tomorrow since…
protein question
New Member! I have used all my protein, but still have 400 some calories left to use.
We Die Young
Alice in Chains, "We Die Young" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwvSS8J4ze0&feature=player_embedded RIP Layne and Mike.
UGH! Don't ya wish you could just rip your belly off ??
It's like every time I sit down my gut just sits there like a lump on the front me. It's kinda loose now so it's strangely easy to grip it like a nerf football. I know ... TMI. But I can't seem to put to words how badly I just wanna rip off it off and throw it as far from me as possible. Rant over.
Lent! What's everyone giving up?
What's everyone giving up for Lent? I'm thinking alcohol, perhaps, even though I don't drink a lot of it at all. I'm not entirely sure if that will work, though, because I have at least two events where alcohol will be a large part... an awards ceremony and a celebration birthday meal/night out. Ideas?
It was 10 degrees C yesterday (50F) yesterday and glorious sunshine. Woke up this morning and there's an Inch of Snow on the ground!!! Welcome to the Highlands of Scotland! :o \
What are you giving up for lent?
What is everyone giving up for lent? It starts tomorrow on March 9. Right now I considering giving up sugar or bread, but I haven't decided yet. I gave up pop over four years ago for lent and I haven't drank any since. I really hope that I can stick it out this year! GOOD LUCK TO THE REST OF YOU!
I need some advice! My 8 month old son absolutely will not sleep in his crib for more than 4 hours a night. It's been like this since his 6 month check up and he got shots. I've tried everything..almost. I've moved his crib, moved the night light, rocked him to sleep, pat his booty when he wakes up in the middle of the…
ubuntu computer operating system???
I am going to install the ubuntu computer operating system on my laptop and was wondering if any of you have tried it and if so how has it worked out. It was recommended to me by a friend who raves about it but I wanted some other opinions.
new to it... want to add friends
would love to have friends along my journey.... want to reach a good and healthy weight for my 50th bday
Just a small pet peeve
You lose weight. :smile: Your pants are getting loose because you are losing weight. :happy: You want your fat to loosen up so you can lose it :tongue: Stop loosing weight! That just makes you saggy :wink:
Have any of you heard of Kevin Trudea
He wrote a book called "Natural Cures, What "They" Don't Want You To Know About" I have read here and there, seems pretty interesting. What are you thoughts about it?
:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: I have the yawns for some reason. :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
generated photo
Hi everyone... just wondering, so many of you have photos of women who get increasingly smaller as you look to the right.. lots of people use them as their profile photo or their ticker.....they look computer generated... where do you get them from?
Visit to the Gynocologist............There is not a woman al
This was an email I received, too funny not to post: I was due for an appointment with the gynecologist later in the week. Early one morning, I received a call from the doctor's office to tell me that I had been rescheduled for that morning at 9:30 am. I had only just packed everyone off to work and school, and it was…
Funny Quotes About Dieting
Thought I'd share a few of these: When we lose twenty pounds... we may be losing the twenty best pounds we have! We may be losing the pounds that contain our genius, our humanity, our love and honesty. ~Woody Allen Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork. ~English Proverb Your stomach shouldn't be a waist basket.…