New Kim Kardashian Song
who has heard the new Kim Kardashian song?? i just listened to it and have to say i wasnt a huge fan ... and i am a BIG KK fan! lots of repetitive lyrics...like a little too much. i could defintiely see running to this song as it has a good base line...but i have to be honest and say i wasnt a really big fan?!?! who…
Who watched Biggest Loser last night? Beware - spoilers?!?!
I am a HUGE fan! I really think some of the people on the red team are selfish. I feel like they should have saved Arthur. His weight loss could definitely help them win weigh-ins. I was shocked that Kaylee and Moses did not do that well at home. I adore Kaylee, but she cannot win the BL. She does not have enough weight to…
Is it wrong to be a little vain?
I took my daughter to her yearly check-up yesterday and I had a very vain thought, and was a little upset with myself after having it. First of all, let me explain that some of the women on my husbands side of the family are just naturally very tall and slender, where as I always, since being a little baby, have been a…
I think I'm officially addicted to MFP!
So am I the only one on here that feels like they're addicted to this site? I find myself on here more than facebook which is amazing! I even found myself sneaking on here on vacation while my boyfriend was sleeping. Do I have a problem?
I thought Jillian Michaels didn't believe in cleanses and "g
http://www.target.com/gp/detail.html/180-4528819-9243450?asin=B002W6Z1SG&AFID=Froogle_df&LNM=|B002W6Z1SG&CPNG=health%20beauty&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=B002W6Z1SG&ref=tgt_adv_XSG10001 lol
Breaking in Custom Orthotics
My custom made orthotics finally came in. I wore them to go for groceries tonight and they sure feel funny. Like there's something in my shoe that shouldn't be there. Reminds me of the princess and the pea story. But he said I'll get used to them eventually. I can only wear them for short periods of time each day until I…
Whos your favorite on Biggest Loser?
I have to say that I always like the bigger girls because they are going through what I went/am going through. So I would have to say Courtney is my favorite. BUT Arthur made me cry with his story about his little girl being ashamed of him...so I think he deserves to be there the most. Who are you all rooting for?
This was my last vanity plate. I love trying to figure out peoples vanity plates. What is your vanity plate or the favorite one you've seen.
polar ft60
Does anyone have the polar ft60? How do you like it? Does it show your heartrate and cals burned? Does it have gps? I'm thinking about getting this one, but I just wanna know how great (or not) it is! :)
Turn around. Don't drown.
Get ready for more flooding in Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois. The ground is already saturated from the last couple of storm systems, and a lot of areas are still in flood. So, watch your local waterways closely. You can track the waterways on the National Weather Service website @ http://water.weather.gov/ahps/ Good luck.
Counting calories with HRM?
How do the HRMs work exactly??? It shows your heart rate but how do you know how many calories are burned?
People That
People WHO <---corrected, thank you Vote down Blogs are Royal A$$es that have no life. That is all.
Nike Boom App for IPhone
I found this app and told my husband about it because I thought it would be something he would like. Little did I know that I'd get such a kick out of it! It plays songs from your playlist, you get motivated by top athletes and if you connect it to your Facebook account, anytime you post the start of a workout and someone…
Denver/ Boulder, CO
I am tentatively planning my first vacation! I'm so excited!! We are hoping to go in mid- August. My boyfriend, dog and myself will be traveling to the Denver area. We are very limited on funds. The things we are hoping to do are: camp, hike, and mountain bike (well, my boyfriend will mountain bike while I may find myself…
Whats on your clip board.
just hit paste and see what comes up... ---- Whilst Sony makes a decent camera, its lens range isn't great and is pricey for what it is. While you claim adding to your lens arsenal is the least of your worries, later on down the track as you start getting more into photography, you'll see what results other people are…
Bed Check
So, I was just curious... Do you make your bed? If it takes you three minutes to make your bed every day, from the age of five to the age of 55 you have spent 912.5 hours or 38 days making your bed. I don't know about you but I think I can find something more fun to do with 912.5 hours of my life besides making a bed.
Psychological Thriller
I'm looking for a new good book. I like love, mystery, psychological thrillers all in one. Anything that sounds like a lifetime move, Christian fiction. Some examples are.....Redeeming Love, lovely bones, twilight, a child called it, hmmm all i can think of now....any suggestions???
This weekend is Frozen Dead Guy Days in Nederland Colorado. It's a great festival and worth the trip if you live close. Where eles can you watch cofin races, a parade with antique hursts and view a real casket incased in dry ice? There's a great story that goes a long with the festival. Check it out at ...…
luau brthday party
my daughter is having a luau birthday party and she wants a grass skirt. does anyone know where we can find one? the party stores around here have them but they sell in bult. and we only need 1. maybe suggestions on making out own?
How should I handle this situation?
My mother in law keeps asking me to bring the kids over to her house. My daughter is 5 and has been over there one time. My son is 16 months and has NEVER been to her house. Why? Because she lives in complete filth. She has a flea problem, mouse problem, and has 5 cats that pee wherever they want. My husband tried to talk…
How did you meet Jillian Michaels??
So I met her last November when I was sitting in my big fat *kitten* shopping on QVC.com....I was looking for something cuz I had a credit for a tarte mascara I hated and returned. I was looking at p90x or insanity but the prices disgusted me, then I saw Ms jillian's 3 dvd set with a nice price of 30 some dollars in 2 easy…
What's it with all the bumping lately...seriously...
I know you want that topics to get pushed up again...but why with a "bump" comment and not something constructive or another question that may add a new (your!) perspective to the discussion? I regularly look after my latest postings, because I know that sometimes questions may be asked. And I am always happy if anywhere…
First time home
My husband and i are looking to buy are first home and we are looking to move within a year. we have an idea of some homes we like and our price range but dont know where to start?
What will you do with your Tax $$$
What are you planning to do with your tax money? Assuming you get money back, that is! I'm going to buy a blu-ray player (or possibly a whole home theater system), and I'm looking into getting a HRM.
Anyone from North Carolina??? I need some advice!
Is anyone from NC? Beaufort area? I have lived in CT my whole life but I am SERIOUSLY considering moving down there in a couple years. I have not been there before but know a lot of people that have and loved it. I suppose I would test it out for a little bit to make sure I liked it before going and building a house, etc,…
Applying self tanning lotion
Do any of you out there have any tips on how to apply it? I cannot get it to look right around my wrist area and ankles. I noticed the other day at the gym that there was pretty much a line at my wrists. my arms were a tint darker and my hand not so much lol. Uughh I wish i could be naturally tan
Emerald 100 calorie pack of natural Walnuts & Almonds they are so conveniently packed into 100 calorie packets YUM!!! :tongue: :blushing:
Just for laughs - Top 10 Rare & Amusing Insults
Top 10 Rare & Amusing Insults #1: Cockalorum Definition: a boastful and self-important person; a strutting little fellow About the word: If cockalorum suggests a crowing ****, that's because cockalorum probably comes from kockeloeren – an obsolete Dutch dialect verb meaning "to crow." #2: Lickspittle Definition: a fawning…
Freezing Canucks!
Where are you? How cold was it today? How are you handling the cold? Dont you just wanna eat cinnomin buns all day?
finding new friends
OK...How is the best way to find friends??? :happy: I have about 20 more pounds to lose and need support and motivation BUT I want to have fun friends!! So which board would be best to hit ?? :)