Any Kansas City folks interested in a 5K?
There's a 5K Run in April for the Braden's Hope Foundation (a foundation to help raise money for the research to cure childhood cancer). April 16th in Lee's Summit, Mo. Figured I'd pass that on to you guys. If you're interested in running just go register at https://enter2run.com/fundraising/fundraising.aspx?event=3187…
How To Remove Dog Odor From Couch?
One of my best friends passed on her very nice microfiber couch to us last night. However... she has 3 Labs and the couch reeks. They are foster parents and I know she is a clean-freak and her house never smells like dog. But, the couch reeks like dog :) I sprayed it with Febreeze Pet Odor last night and it was a bit…
Office Chocolate and other cravings!
Argh!!! I work in an open plan office and have just sat and watched this guy, who sits behind me and is 20 years old, 5'8" tall and about 240lbs devour the following this morning: 1x Mars Bar at 9am 1x Steak and Onion Pastry Slice at 11am 1x Ham "salad" (a couple of leaves and lashings of salad cream) Sandwich at 11am 1x…
Happy Birthday Dr Seuss!
This is a great breakfast for dinner (or breakfast for breakfast). My kids love it, might be the perfect way to celebrate the 107th birthday of Theodor Seuss Geisel March 2, 1904! http://momvsfood.blogspot.com/2010/09/green-eggs-and-ham.html
Don't you just hate it when.....
Your "trying" to be healthy habits wear off on your family? I was buying fiber bars, fruit, vegetables....you know...the "good stuff" for me. Now, when I go to get it....IT'S GONE! Where? My children and husband! I stocked up on goodies yesterday and so far the clementine oranges have taken the beating. I love to see my…
Interview today :)
If I get this job, I'll be working 7 days a week. Ahh :yawn:
Biggest Loser
Hey everyone Today's Tuesday and that means the Biggest Loser is on!!! I love that show! Any other fans out there? I don't believe 100% of their methods, like losing 100 plus pounds in 6 weeks....but all in all I find it a very inspiring show and a good motivator. I have to work every other tueday 8pm-midnight so I usually…
My Charity Challenge
In Feb 2012, I am cycling 400km across the Rift Valley in Kenya for Women V Cancer. As a complete non-cyclist before this, it is going to be a realy challenge and definately a way of incresing the fitness levels! Whilst paying for the trip myself, I am hoping to raise around £3000 for the valuable work that this charity…
a funny I thought we all could appreciate
I figured out why I'm fat! The shampoo I use in the shower that runs down my body says "for extra volume and body." I'm going to start using "Dawn" dish soap. It says "dissolves fat that is otherwise difficult to remove."
The object here is the first letter of your reply must start with the next letter of the alphabet. A, then B, etc. Alphabetical threads get crazy at first as dozens try to post at the same time.
Charlie Sheen on Alex Jones
I'm listening to the full interview right now... LOL WOW!
Have you LIKED MFP on FB yet?
If not go to: http://www.facebook.com/myfitnesspal AND LIKE IT! I have some VERY endearing OCD qualities and right now MFP has 49,978 Likes on FB. That is SO close to 50,000. COME ON NOW! We have SO got this!!! :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
Free week pass.
So there is this new show coming out and the ladies give thier guys a "free pass" to do whatever whith whoever...sooo would any of you give your boo a pass? Would you want one in return? Would you take the free pass?
Fun sticker designs
I love to fiddle around with mine when the little marker moves. How do you make your ticker personalized and fun?
Why is it so hard to say 'I'm fat'?
I have noticed that on this site, and other weightloss things, that people really do struggle to use the word FAT. We say heavy, big, large, big boned, curvy, large frame etc But lots of us find it REALLY hard to say 'I am fat'. I wonder why this is? Why do people find that word in particular so hard? What do you call…
Compare your loss to something random
Hi all :smile: So here's something I've just thought of that might be a bit of fun... we've all heard the weight loss comparisons e.g. 2kg's is 4 whole blocks of butter; or wow - that's a whole pocket of potatoes etc... Now, where my thought came from is I have finally passed the 3stone lost mark i.e. 20kg's/44lbs gone!! I…
Wrong e-mail address
WRONG E-MAIL ADDRESS lol... :) This one is priceless. A lesson to be learned from typing the wrong email address!! A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier. Because of hectic…
I feel like helping someone
Anyone need help with something? I'm in a giving mood. :heart:
Missing my Daughter the soldier Ft Jackson has her
Well My Daughter left for boot camp yesterday she called me all throughout the day and told me each time this is probably the last time I'm going to talk to you till I graduate "I love You". Today starts her intake so I probably wont hear from her. Even though we didn't talk everyday I at least got a text from her or a…
1 inch, REALLY???
To the fool who decided a 1 inch Snickers bar shoulg be called "Fun Size"--- SERIOUSLY, when was the last time anything an inch long was fun?!! Especially CHOCOLATE :) I think it frustrates people more than anything!
I just wanna....
Okay so here we go finsh the sentence. I'll start: I just wanna... do it with the lights on again
Anybody from Florida?
I'm just curious-- anybody from Florida? If so, what area?
Is you're mind in the gutter?
I had to laugh at a forum post a few minutes ago- the poor girl was asking about calorie burn during 'Swinging' - on a swing set- she failed to mention that in the title..... She was bombarded with - oops not what I was thinking- comments (myself included) ...... Is everyone's mind in the gutter today?? *I think we should…
Entertain me!!
I am so bored!!! I have already exercised today, twice actually. My house is clean, my errands have been run and now I just feel like my brain is frying. I am literally sitting here watching my 2-year old take a nap. Someone, anyone, please entertain me!? Tell me a joke, something about your weight loss journey, a funny…
Need advice from guys..
Okay, so there are a few REALLY cute guys Ithat I see all the time at my gym that I might, maybe, at some point, hopefully :laugh: , get up the nerve to talk to. My (probably silly) questions are, are guys open to girls coming up to them at the gym and chatting them up? And if so, what do I say, aside fom "Um hi, you're…
I have figured it out!!!!
So I figured out why I'm fat! The shampoo I use in the shower that runs down my body says "for extra volume and body". I'm going to start using "Dawn" dish soap. It says "dissolves fat that is otherwise difficult to remove"
For Women only.....No men please :)
Couldn't wait for bed last night, I lie in bed, get in my favorite position, reach for it and the batteries are DEAD!!!! Now I have to get up and change the CHANNEL ;) - What did you think I was going to say, LOL!!! Have a wonderful Tuesday!!!
When will they stop growing!!
ARG!! :mad: I want to be able to buy a bra in a department store that are actually cute. not big giant grandma style :sad:
Ladies: Shoes
Ok ladies since I've started this journey I have found that since I workout in the morning my legs and feet just can't handle wearing heels all day long. I have to wear heels...I'm 5 ft 1! I NEED THEM. I have bought pair after pair...looking for the most comfortable pair. What is your favorite? Keep in mind, I'm not…
Wheeeeee! I'm on TV!
Hi Everyone, Check me out! I started a dog rescue organization in Detroit and was interviewed this morning LIVE on Fox News in Detroit! A little back story: I created a show for the Discovery Channel based on the stray dogs of Detroit, but the city shut it down because they didn't want people to see how bad the situation…