Premium Fee Increase
I noticed that my MFP membership didn't automatically renew this year through Apple which is strange because I've been a member since 2014 and its always renewed. I decided while I was on my laptop I'd renew ($49.99). I was charged, but no premium. While I was on my phone later in the day I noticed that it says premium is…
Fake dating Friends?
After coming back here after a couple of months - why am I being bombarded by Russian Dating profiles?
Mattress Recommendations
So, last night our sleep number bed collapsed on us. While we were sleeping in it! :neutral: The plastic support beams simply split and fell apart. They are sending out new ones in a few days, but I'm pretty over it. We've had this bed for a little over six years now, and have had to replace the mattress topper multiple…
The Hand Thread
I KNOW, I’m out of control Just show me your dumb hands
Bloody spam friends requests
Is anyone else getting spam friends requests? I'm getting around 5 a day. Pain in the *kitten*.
Channel your inner Sappy McSaperson 😍
Ok, even if you're part of the "Valentine's Day Is Every Day" Legion or the "It's A Commercial Holiday" Cabal, even you must admit to love being, well, lovely. People often know their criteria in terms of their relationship expectations but what do you bring to the table? Whether you're in a relationship or not, list your…
Rules for DMs tangent -- What's a "good friend"?
A tangent from the Rules for DMs thread... How do you use the Friends function within MFP? Is it akin to FB? Do you interact regularly? Are you a drive-by liker, or do you take the time to comment? What makes someone a good friend? What do you hope for from your feed? Personally, I rarely look at my feed. The adds in the…
TS svelt!!
Channel your inner Sean mcd
High waisted leggings forever.
I don’t care what GenZ says. High waisted pants for life. How did we ever survive low rise?!
Does size matter?
What’s more important - size or body fat %?
Oh This Weight!
i am watching what I eat and am eating healthier. I i am working out on a total gym but I don't see my weight going down.
Newbie milk question
Hi im going to try to change to almond milk on my cereal do I go for sweetnened or unsweetened I do normally have sugar on my weetabix 🤭
meditation/chill out music...
do you need to get out of your head for a while? i do - all the time. over the past few years i've discovered some tones that helpme clear negative thoughts for a while. if you've found some vids that help you and you'd like to share - please feel free here. i think there's benefit for everyone in some way just *to be* and…
How to Follow / Unfollow Post
Can someone please tell me how to follow / unfollow a post? I can't find it for the life of me. Thanks in advance!
I lost a friend today...
Unfortunately, I cannot figure out who it was. Was it you? Or you? Or was it YOU!? Please do me a solid here and post your date of unfriending and the reason you chose to callously abandon me in my hour of need.
100 pounds or more to lose
I am looking for others who also need to lose 100 or more pounds to be friends, share advice, food ideas and help each other to acheive our goals.
Any way to delete food list in My Food?
Hi Everyone Is there any way to delete the list of past foods in the My Foods section. I'm restarting and want to delete all my previous foods. Thanks in advance.
Yoga Pants Thread
Yesterday was Wranglers. Today: yoga pants and leggings. Don’t let me down.
Abu Dhabi : Runners & Motivators
Hi Y'All, Hope everyone's safe & keeping themselves on track during this pandemic. I am planning to meet anyone, who shares common goals !! Happy to connect 😇
Loose 10-15 lbs to lean up
Just wanting to lose a few. I exercise frequently, mainly CrossFit and weightlifting . Men or women with ideas
Its my birthday🎂
Chapter 28th <3
Show off your favourite workout clothes (funny T's etc)
I haven't seen a thread like this and thought it could be fun. I personally like to have a little fun with my workout wear. Sometimes it motivating to have something sorta "sassy" on 😂😂🤷🤷. I will start. I hope I am not alone. It's leg day, b**ch And I met god, she said deadlift. 😁😁 I have lots more but let's see if anyone…
What is your addiction?
Do you have an addiction? Maybe something that’s unhealthy for you? Something that’s healthy for you? Or a hobby? I’m definitely addicted to fitness currently. My other two addictions is showers (love burning hot water) and Diet Pepsi.
Hello MFP! What are your top buys in Costco? I’m kind of doing low carb (yes I know it’s not magic, calories in and out) but just wondering what awesome finds you usually get in Costco for you daily meals that’s on the lower carb spectrum? Thank you!
What's a thing you always assumed?
...was true, but probably isn't? I always assumed @Yoshiboobs and @twitchandshout were sisters. Probably not. I mean, they could be, but unlikely given the DNA of mfp.
Mild heart attack
I’ve been on MFP for a while, but not really active. About once a week I add a progress picture when I weigh in. Most of the time these progress pics are done in the nude. When I started adding friends I had a freak out wondering if said pictures were viewable to the people I was adding 😂. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not…
New resistance bands
I got some new resistance bands today, I can’t quite get past their slogan.
Any long haulers in here.
If you know want it is, I’m assuming you probably have the symptoms. I’ve had Covid twice, first time was in March and the last time was a few days after Christmas, The one in March must have done something to my heart and around mid June I had to have heart ablation done to help with the AFib. After the surgery I kinda…
What can you not let go of?
There are several ways to interpret the question. What do you have a hard time letting go of?
Personally I am a 18 year old pansexual female who has faced a lot of discrimination and bullying for my sexuality. Tell me about you, your struggles or just chat.