Sucking it in?
So this may sound like a weird question BUT i'll ask anyways :) At the moment i weigh 168, but ever since i was young i have always been "sucking it in" so i don't look more than 150 (apparently). My question to you guys IS do you suck it in? when you're posting progression pictures, are they of you "sucking it in" or no?…
Dog trouble. Help!
So my husband has a dog, so we now have a dog. I knew going into it he had him, obviously. However, I didn't realize how much care an maintenance went into having one. I've only ever had cats, and I've got a house bunny. When I got Lucy (my bun) I was still at my parents house, and I literally had to do almost a…
have i really lost weight?
so my scale says i havent lost weight but that ive gained......but my jeans size has gone down by two sizes......im confused
Help me avoid my home this summer
Long story short...my neighbors are an elderly couple whose adult kids abandoned their 7 young kids with them. The children are 7 little walking nightmares. I dread summer because they are always there, bullying, stealing, breaking toys, and damaging my property. I've confronted the grandparents but they are just doing the…
Survivor Run in Washington
Is anyone in Washington on here doing survivormud run ? the crazy 5k race in carnation. Its actually close to my backyard! just curious i would like to do it but dont have the confidence and dont think i could finish it!
Awesome Thrift Store Find
So we bought the house back in July and I've been working slowly at furnishing the living room with vintage furniture. The other day I was at Thrift Town looking for a few pieces of clothing to supplement my wardrobe and came across this beauty. I bought it without knowing how in the heck I was going to get it home as we…
Anyone been to Ireland lately?
Hello, For the last couple of years we have been planning this awesome 2 1/2 week trip which is what prompted my weight loss journey, trying to look good in our family vacation photos! So I just wanted some advice from anyone who has been there or lived there, what is a must-see? We are staying in Kinsale the first week,…
any blip-ers out there?
All you michigan people!
I'm taking my foster puppy to an adoption event today from 12-4pm, and I figured I'd put the word out here. if anyone is interested in adopting from a rescue, come see us :D Premier Pet Supply—31215 Southfield Rd, Beverly Hills, MI 48025 (248) 647-4310 List of available pets http://www.safarianimalrescue.org Cross your…
Kinect For Xbox 360
So I have a dilemma, I really want Kinect for xbox, but I dunno if it's worth it, all my friends are telling me it's not, but I kinda think it is, I don't like all the games for it, but I would like some of the sports and fitness games, does anyone that have Kinect help me out with this? As it's kind of a big purchase…
woman only please I need some help!
I have been on this journey for a year now. I have lost forty pounds on my own and twenty seven with the help of mfp and I continure to go down. Here is my problem...I don't want to have intercourse. I don't want it at all. My husband is getting mad at me and I don't know what to do. I have not strayed or anything of that…
So you are cutting back on sodium??
wondering what to do with all that extra salt you now have hanging around the house? http://www.wimp.com/artsalt/ there ya go!
Oompa Loompa Motivational Support
http://www.hark.com/clips/nzrjdgwxhz-oompa-loompa (for your listening pleasure) Oompa's have some wise words of wisdom: Oompa loompa doompadee doo. I've got a perfect puzzle for you. Oompa loompa doompadee dee. If you are wise, you'll listen to me. What do you get when you guzzle down sweets? Eating as much as an elephant…
NOT so complimentary compliments?
Has anyone given you a "compliment" since you've started losing weight, or just in general, that you're like ummm what? After I lost like 30-35 lbs one of my customers said "oh wow, you've lost weight, *pause* you looked cuter pudgy" ummm what?? And recently people like to tell me I look like Snookie, in my book thats a…
can men and women...
Just be friends? What do you think? I have 2 close guy friends (one is a former room mate) and people are always telling me there has to be more but I don't think so.... All opinions welcome!
How do you handle it when your child gets bullied?
There are two little girls that live next door to me and my daughters play with them quite often. Well, when the neighbor girls' other friends are over, they all gang up on my younger daughter, but when they have no other kids to play with, they are always knocking on my door asking if my girls are allowed to play. I'm…
anyone out there have psoariasis? what do you use that helps i have a patch on each elbow on knee and on one shin. i would rate it mild in comparison to what my mother had and other pictures that i have seen.
Question for all you men....
I was watching the local morning show today, and they were talking about some of the fashions, hairstyles, and looks on women that men dont find attractive or find annoying. I was wondering, for all the guys on here....what is your #1 no no for women??? I would have to say mine is PAJAMAS IN PUBLIC???? Gross! lol
Margaritas Tonight
Dammit...I cant resist xD idk why im slacken so badly
Thoughts of tattoos for me..
I was wondering what all you thought about when you got tattoo i know several have. I want on so bad. and have for a long time. I look at my self in the mirror and i really want it is the center lower back or some people call it a tramp stamp i hear but i love the look there. If you got it there let me know how bad it hurt…
Late Night Munchies
If I decide to literally PIG out @ the end of the day, should I log it into that day's diary (no matter how late) or the next day? For example, I'm having a slumber party w/ my youngest son & nephew; we have been watching movies, PIGGING OUT, & having a BLAST. Anyway, I had an ice cream cone w/ some YUMMY chocolate…
Dream Wardrobe!
So I thought it would be fun to let our true colors show and have a little fun by posting some pix of dream outfits/wardrobe once we meet our goals.. Heres just a few of mine http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=29861584 http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=29862249 http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=29862672…
Hopefully, you guys can see the photo. PICK TWO, and why????:laugh:
Not a dating site?....... Well I think not......
I want to point out that there has been a lot of posts complaining about this site not being a social or dating site. I personally know of 3 friends who have gotten together because of this site. I am sure there are a lot of connections I do not know about. One friend is so freaking happy to have this person in their life,…
"I have bad taste in music."
This was the topic of conversation over lunch today with my husband and two of our coolest friends. I drew facepalms from all three of them when i mentioned that i have owned no less than SIX Hanson albums. am i the only person in the world who has no problem with liking music that's just generally bad/unpopular?
Final Four-NCAA
Anyone up for a little trash talking? I'm going for Butler and UConn!!
Watcha Reading???
I'm looking for some new good books for my kindle and I'm wondering what everyone is reading and how you like it. I just got done with the "Black Dagger Brotherhood" Series that I loved!!!!!!!!!
Sooooo bored
Calling all Young mothers
My granddaughter is in need of your help. This is an attempt to break the toxic eating cycle! My daughter-n-law is wanting to make her own baby food and wants to know if there are any good books out there she can reference???? Also...any books out there teaching babies sign language??? Thanks so much mommies!!! Nawny
My birthday April 18th! What would you give me as a present
My birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks. I am turning 42. Would much rather be turning 32. Anyway, I need some encouragement. If you could give me anything, "an-y-thing"at all what would you give me as a birthday present? Be creative!