Is that all you do now???
So I was talking to hubby on Skype today. First time in a while that we got to see each other and he was looking at Facebook and goes "is that all you do now is work out?" I was like "I try every day to do at least 20 minutes of something" I was laughing because he does the same thing too. There isn't much for him to do…
New York City
Help! We are travelling to New York City in June and I am trying to plan our trip. I am not familiar at ALL with the city and need advice on areas/hotels to stay. The different...burroughs(?) confuse me. I dont know where the best/safe places are for tourists to stay. Alternatively, we are also looking at not staying in…
Could you please for my Daughter :)
Could you please VOTE for my Daughter :) - Sorry not sure why vote didn't appear in the title http://apps.facebook.com/baby_modelcomp/entry/285895 Would really be great if you could :)
What do you guys think of this hair color and style on me?
Okay, please be honest. It's just a wig from a Halloween store, but I really love the color and style. I wasn't going to get it right now; I thought I'd wait until I lost a bit more weight and reward myself with it... Problem is: My family HATES it. And, that's putting it nicely. My brothers have literally called me ugly,…
Anyone else gonna be Lilah from "Jonah Hex" for Halloween?
I just wanna know how u guys r gonna wear ur hair and makeup, cuz up until this point, i'm not sure how i'm gonna look (besides the costume, of course). Also, what kinda shoes and stockings r u wearing?? All i know is i'm gonna look HOT! lol
Not a happy post but please read...
I am not sad. I am not bitter. But I do need people to know about Lou Gehrig's Disease. We lost my husband and my children lost their father 2 years ago today to ALS. Please, in his honor, do something to learn about this disease today. My attempt to describe ALS I did not have ALS but I fought it for 4 years. Here is my…
anyone a lawyer? need legal advice
I have to file a small claims complaint. Do I file in my county or the county in which the business is that I'm going after? Also, the form says the Plantiff(s) residence which I don't have. All I have is the business address. Can I use that? There isn't anyway these people are going to give me their home address. they…
Rank them! Top 10 in the NBA this season
1. Lakers 2. Orlando 3. OKC 4. Miami 5. Jazz 6. Dallas 7. Boston 8. Atlanta 9. San Antonio 10. Portland Honorable Mention - 11. Chicago
profile picture
I keep seeing profile pictures of a cartoon type person and it's a before, during and after "picture" of them. I know it is some sort of application from another website that you copy and paste, but what are these pictures called? I would LOVE to have one of myself and it's driving me nuts that I can't find it anywhere on…
Need your help!!
Hey guys! So as most of you know because I talk about it ALL the time I'm involved in this great fundraiser called THON (depending on where you live you might have seen us canning this weekend). ABC local news has said that if their news story on canning gets enough hits they might come to THON in February and air a…
Post ONE word to describe your personality and I will...
Tell you what hair color you SHOULD have. :)
Guess the calories in...
this dish! (I don't know the real answer myself, but thought it would be fun to see everyone's guesstimates.)
Anyone watching Biggest Loser?
Just curious! :o )
BR size 2P & 0P for cheap
Is anyone interested in purchasing Banana Republic work clothes sizes 2 and 0? They are Women's PETITE sizes 2 and 0. I have LIGHT WOOL skirts and pants, in great condition. I always dry clean my work clothes so they look great! They have never been hand washed or machine washed. I lost 20 lbs and need to start buying size…
Would you rather...
Would you rather run a mile every hour for 24 hours or walk naked down time square? answer then do your own would you rather question!
What can't you live without?
Ok...so what can you not live without? And I am not talking about family, friends, health and the important stuff....I mean frivilous things you would extrememly miss on a day to day basis! For me it is my iTunes... I use it every single day to listen to music while working out, cooking, cleaning, while we eat dinner and…
Now that you've lost weight...(Halloween)
...Are you going to dress up for Halloween? I've literally NEVER dressed up for Halloween! I'm SO excited! We never celebrated it as kids and while I've always dressed my little guy up, I've never dressed up with him because, well, I was too self conscience. I'm 24 so I can't be TOO old to be doing this gig! No one can be!…
is it wrong to want someone in pain to give them prospective
the weekend was **** there was not food for me that i could eat so i went and bought food to have the other girls like it too and eat it on me, that dident bother me to bad. My sister has trouble with her gallbladder i have had a lot of trouble and i had mine out due to acute pain that led to some nasty Big C talk and that…
Random thought.....today is a good day!
Okay, so it's only 3 pounds....and it could just be water weight, I'm sure. But it's my FIRST WEEK and I got on the scale today ready to be disappointed and here I have lost 3 pounds. 3.2 to be exact. :happy: Here is what I have learned during my first week: 1. I have a LOT more willpower than I thought I did. 2. I…
6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon (game)
This game is for the movie lovers. Just like the game you can buy in stores, try to link two actors together using a series of films (no more than 6). The first to get it gets to name the next two actors to be linked. The following example takes 3 degrees: Tom Cruise & Harrison Ford 1. Tom + Cuba Gooding Jr. = Jerry…
Checking out my signature
Sorry just trying to set up my signature
Favorite radio station's website
Since we are from all over the place and probably can't listen to your station... I thought it might be fun to see the website of your favorite radio station... www.1037theq.com Tip: some stations have a play list on their site... this is a great way to try out new music or update your mp3 playlists! :drinker:
Does anyone ever hear from them? I'm just curious how everything is going with them.
Silly Fad Diets
Not sure I am in the right forum topic so if I am not please let me know. Anyway, I remember as a kid my mother trying some pretty interesting diets, to name a few: Peanut Butter and olive oil boiling orange peels Apple Cider Vinegar Lemon Juice concentrate before every meal LOL the list could go on and on. What are some…
Wanna know what I like?
I do like that but yall are justt being pervs! I like that chef from the mupppets! That guy rocks! But the borchy in the borchy and then borchy. Or something like that. I am not sure. He is really big eyebpows!
Need a Team Name
There are a group of us at work who are participating in a Corporate 5k in April 2011. My team is made up of me (32 yr female) and three males (two in their thirties and one in their forties). Any ideas? We are from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. And...by no means do we call ourselves "runners", but we are trying! We want to be…
What are calories?
Calories are the little fs that get into your wardrobe at night and sew your clothes tighter MY CLOSET IS INFESTED WITH THE LITTLE SH*TS!:laugh: sorry.... couldn't resist! It was an email sent to me that I thought was cute. Happy Wednesday!
Family can really suck (rant)
A little background about myself and no, I'm not looking for sympathy. I never have. I have MS, PCOS, Endometriosis, Adenomyosis and as of March of this year, Diabetes. I've struggled with my weight and a lot of these issues for years. I've never burdened anyone unless it was absolutely necessary (emergency surgeries).…
Halloween costume???
I have been invited to a halloween party and I don't have a costume or the money to buy one. So....I need some ideas for a homemade costume. I was thinking something gothic or emo. HELP!!!!!
Hey all of you! So I LOVE love LOVE halloween!!! Do any of you have partys or anything going on? My boyfriend is having a party this weekend..then im going out dancing with my girls next weekend so i have TWO costumes lol whoop whoop!!