What kind of skincare do you use?
I'm looking for a new skincare routine because right now I just use random products. I'm currently using Noxema for washing my face and I rarely use a moisturizer because I have oily skin. But I'm starting to realize that I need to start using an anti-aging skincare line. I would really like to start a routine with a wash,…
Does anyone know why MFP always uses a 5 week range for calculating how much you would weight if "everyday was like today"? If I change my goal date, could that range change? Just curious...
Does anyone know approximately how many calories you burn a day when your still breastfeeding?
Healthy Grocery Shopping Tips(game)
One by one, let's share our grocery shopping tips. I'll start Never grocery shop on an empty stomach, as it's easier to justify buying junk food. Your turn.
Need fashion advice...
Now that I'm losing weight and feeling better about myself, I need to start dressing better. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to fashion, so I need some help. Do you consider yourself to be fashion forward? If yes, and you don't mind teaching a few things to a beginner, please respond to this post. Thank you :)
Suicide Prevention Walk
Hi everyone, I know I am still kind of new here, but I wanted to let you all know that I am doing a walk for Suicide Prevention this Saturday. My Dad committed suicide when I was 9, so this cause is super important to me. I also know many other families have been affected by suicide, and recently the news has covered a lot…
Heeey everyone :]
I don't think anyone here will remember me haha. It's been so long since the last time I logged in. Just stopping by to say hey. :]
Need clever/new/neat/interesting ideas!
This is so not diet related but my boyfriend and I have been discussing marriage. We have both been married before and do not want to do the huge wedding thing. I would like to do something extremely simple but we do still need to invite roughly 25-30 people. These are our closest family and friends. My question is how do…
for my fellow filipino food lovers..
I just saw this on FB and thought I'd share cuz it cracked me up... It made me miss my family and also made me HUNGRY! I'm pretty sure chicken adobo will be on the menu for tomorrow night.. bwahahaha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_W4_LV77HlY
Everyone should go to Old Navy's Sale today! I scored....
OK, for all of those who are not aware but today is Old Navy's Birthday sale! This morning the one in my town opened up at 7am. I was there right at the opening!!! If you are working on your fitness and dropping the weight. What is the worst part? I can tell you what is horrible for me! Buying clothes for those in between…
Bucket Lists!!!
OK, so I know it's probably overly morbid to think of falling gracefully from this mortal world BUT I have a bucket list. Sure, I want to make sure I complete these things before I kick it (the bucket - pass on - DIE!) but a lot of them are a little more short term. So regardless what we call it, I wanna know what everyone…
John Lennon
Today John Lennon would have turned 70 years old. Hard to believe.
How to loose alot
Please please please… no one take offense by what I’m writing. This is meant to be a 'light hearted' way to help you remember to spell things correctly. I by no means am perfect, with the written word, and have committed these ‘crimes’ in the past myself. These are just observations I’ve had reading post here on…
free tape measure?
okay so Ive tried to get a free tape measure on three dif websites and nothing has come in the mail and it is REALLY irritating does anyone know where i can get one that will actually be mailed to me? I tried finding one to buy around here but noone carries them and I cant buy anything online for a while soooo... yeah.
size 14 ....
these are my size 14 pants... they are SOOO big on my legs!! I feel like Im carting around 10 lbs of fabric i can barely move in them BUT my friggin stomach hasnt shrank enough to go down a size!! Its sooo frustrating!!!
Where Have All The Thongs Gone?
So I live in Nebraska the land of the good life. It is definitely a good life, but it seems that there is one thing missing. Where has all the thong underwear gone? I only need a couple pair to wear under my dress pants so that there are no horrible panty lines. I searched our wide variety of stores (Walmart and Shopko) to…
Where you shopping lately?
What are you favorite places to get the right fit. Is there a particular brand you look for in a department store?
Birthday Love
I was feeling all down on my way to work tonight. I had invited out a bunch of friends to go out to dinner with me and hubby tomorrow to celebrate my birthday (which isn't until Saturday), and they all had plans. So I was all sad and feeling sorry for myself. Then I got to work, and my students had brought me: 1. two dozen…
2011 New Year's Resolution
I was wanting to know what everyone's 2011 Resolutions were. I'm already thinking about mine. I wanna make 2011 a whole new year and new me... Some of mine are... * Become more organized * Focus on my health * Focus on my home business (AVON) * Family Budget So what are some of the ones yall are thinking about???? Or what…
Ladies: Lionidas or Legolas?
Which would you prefer?
just joining
I am just joining this fitness program. Does it really work?
is anyone from vt
I am just joining this fitness program. Does it really work?
My Week....too cute
Heh heh heh...:laugh:
Selling my home: decorate or not?
So, I've decied after 11 years at my current address, it's time to move. I want to have the house listed FSBO by Dec 1. Should I have it decorated for the holidays or leave it as it is year round? I have a BEAUTIFUL cathedral vaulted ceiling in my living room and a 9 foot tree that looks amazing... I also have a 3 year old…
BAAAAH! Laundry
I am so sick of doing load after load of laundry only to find that I've got no clean clothes! I have this habit of making sure the BOYS in my house (2sons and a hubby) have clean clothes. Me??? Not so much! :grumble: LOL... ok... now that I've got that off my chest. Time to shower and throw on yet ANOTHER pair of sweats…
bad joke of the week!
Yesterday at work I was discussing weightloss with a female work mate. In chimed the maintenance man: "I once went on a lager diet...I lost 2 weeks! ba doom ching!
It's official!! (ok not really official but for me...)
I offered my body up for this 'experiment' over the last month or so. And all things being equal (no additional effort attempted) I can not lose weight if I drink alot of alcohol, even if I stay under my daily intake goals. Duh! :huh:
Hee hee ha ha....thought I would share a joke today
A SHORT “LOVE” STORY………… A man and a woman who had never met before, but who were both married to other people, found themselves assigned to the same sleeping room on a transcontinental train. Though initially embarrassed and uneasy over sharing a room, they were both very tired and fell asleep quickly, he in the upper…
In 6 weeks you will weigh....
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I just clicked on my empty food diary so I could keep my days in a row. It advised me that if every day is like today I will weight 125 pounds in 6 weeks.:tongue: Sorry, I would be DEAD in six weeks, but no problem:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Goes to show, we need to use our brains in this!! Have a great…
Words to live by
I read a quote that I thought was worth repeating; "It's none of my business what you think of me". I don't recall the author but thought that sums up just how much we should care about other people's opinions of us. It is really only our opinion that counts.