Halloween costume help?
I've finally gotten the team of teachers I work with to agree to dress up in a theme (I was lobbying for cartoon characters, then literary characters....voted down.) So, now I'm stuck. I could have easily been Velma (I've even got the turtleneck), but I've got no ideas for the current theme: significant historical figures.…
Inspirational songs for losers :)
Snap - I've Got The Power http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BRv9wGf5pk Queen - Another One (lb) Bites The Dust http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY0WxgSXdEE&ob=av3e Hero - Mariah Carey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVhrIfaPKxw Please post any you can think of :)
"Just As Beautiful" - Britian's first Plus Size magazine
I wanna hear what you guys think about this. I'll put my thoughts at the end of the post. The Link: http://uk.lifestyle.yahoo.com/family-parenting/just-as-beautiful-britains-first-plus-size-magazine-blog-10-vanessa-green.html The Article: Get ready ladies: Britain will get its first curvy-girl magazine this month as Just…
Wedding guest attire
Is it ok to wear black to a fall wedding? It's a lunch time wedding and reception. I HATE going to weddings or formal events, but it's family I haven't seen in years. I have a wine colored dress that I bought for the occasion but don't really like it. Now most of the things I can find or that I like are in black.
Sun Chips says forget the environment..
They are dumping the "loud" eco-friendly bags because people are complaining about the noise.. I dont know if I will buy sunchips anymore. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39519624/?GT1=43001
Fitness prayer!
Our Arnold, whose arms are heavy, Vascular be thy veins Nine sets of lunges, ten reps be done, To add girth as it is to strengthen. Give us this day our daily protein, and forgive us of our fats, As we forgive those who are fat too. And lead us not into overtraining, and deliver us pizzas, For thou art the king of the…
I need your help! I am getting a new puppy, a little 8 week old Shih Tzu, who I think looks like an Ewok from Star Wars! Now the three female Ewok names I like are 1) Latara, 2) Malani, 3) Kneesha. Please help me name my new puppy and let me know which one you like the best! I will be posting a picture of my new baby on my…
Just gotta get it out
Sorry whoever reads this, but I just need to get something off of my chest. Here's the background. My BF did the HCG diet and lost about 38 pounds earlier this year and she has an additional 12 pounds to go before she reaches her goad for the year. I tried the HCG, but it didn't work for me; so I started MFP to make myself…
Help! Which Dress looks better? Leaving for a wedding soon..
Hi, I need to know which dress looks better. I am going to an outside wedding but indoor reception. Want to look nice cause it is my longest known friend. lol. But I have always been the bigger one. So which one looks better. Any help is appreciated! Dress A <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/53132893@N08/5044747878/"…
$10 Survey
I was at the gym today and saw an ad for a paid survey. I made a mental note of the site, and just went there now. There was a quick survey on TV commercials that air on the TV at the gym. At the end you put in your name and address, and they'll mail you a check for $10 for taking the time to do the survey. RMGFitness.com…
AT&T cell phone users
I need to upgrade my phone in the next few months. I probably won't do a data plan because I have the internet at home and wouldn't need to get on it thru my phone so I just have a messaging plan right now and will stick with that. I currently have a blackberry curve but I'm looking for more of a touch screen phone, if the…
Calling all Americans!!
Hi there, I'm English and have never visited the USA. My husband used to work in New York and now that we are childfree - all 4 are now at college/university/travelling - he wants us to have a trip to America. So MFP people, what do you advise? A long weekend in New York? A road trip from East to West? I am open to any…
New Personal Best
Did 8.04 miles in 1 hour on the treadmill today. I have never been able to do this before. It was an awesome workout.
Brandy New Bike!!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE(x10000000) getting new fitness gear and I bought my new bike. I have to pick it up at the store later today, because I just had my car and no where to put it. I told my dad I bought it and hadda pick it up and he said 'oh ill throw mine in and well go for a little ride' Super score when your parents…
MFP app
Does anyone have the HTC EVO from Sprint? I'm looking into getting this phone, but I want to know if you can log into and use MFP from it.
Buying a bike tomorrow
REI is having thier "garage sale" for the members and as a wonderfully nice employee told me...they have bikes there. I am breaking down and buying one. altrhough I still have my beloved bike my gramma bought me when I refuse to part with it because of its memeories...I also have a second hand one that some richie was just…
green giant steamers
They are pretty darn awesome!!! I bought the veggie with light cheese sauce blend and suprisingly there werent as many inidentifiable ingredients in it. I also realized the whole bag gives me a whopping 135 or so calories and fits the bill for a snack!!!!
Do you ever feel...
Afraid to keep moving forward?
Inappropriate Adverts on myfitnesspal
Hey Guys Would love to hear about the banner ads you see when you log in to myfitnesspal - I get a huge banner of doughnuts - makes it hard to stay motivated seeing those yummy doughnuts everyday!! Cheers Diana :huh:
What songs take you back to easier times?
I was just listening to Don't Be Cruel and My Prerogative by Bobby Brown. This came out before I had to pay bills. What songs takes you back to easier times?
When was the last time YOU ...............? Part2
can't remember WWTLTY laughed
Can someone tell me how? (Blog question)
I'd love to know how to change the background colors on my blog, can anyone help?
so funny, so true!
http://graphjam.com/2010/09/26/funny-graphs-sugar-cereal/ :D *edit: it's so frustrating that you can't use regular html in here. :/
Hope you are all having a wonderful day! I'm at work, and all but 3 people from the office are at the big convention. Very few phone calls, and no work to do. Just sitting here reading a book and drinking coffee.
Wearing high heels... shouldn't that be an exercise program?
With summer gone, I find myself having to wear high heel shoes again to work. Over are the days of sun dresses and fun flat sandals. So as I am getting use to the 2, 3, 4 inch heel all over again... I find my balance is off, my toes are cramped, and my legs have decided to attack that one muscle and make it sore. So I…
MFP app for ipod
I was wanting to know if there was a app for ipods for mfp...i know there is one for the phone
What drives you bananas?
As we go through life, we frequently experience things that irritate us. I figured this would be a good place to share those irritants. (Warning: This thread can be habit forming.)<g> To get started, it drives me bananas when people talk on their cell phones loudly in public. Why do they think we want to hear their…
When was the last time you....?
I was thinking of a new game. When was the last time you (blank)? you answer the above poster's question and leave your own. When was the last time you've been on a date with your spouse?
ladies i need some SHOPPING suggestions
i am looking for new bras...i am a small A cup so victoria secret does not even make most of their bras in my size haha! i surrently wear gap natural pushup ones, but the stuff they have out now only comes in yucky colors. anyone have a suggestion where i can find some quality (preferably lacie) pretty/sexy bras in about a…
This might be kinda gross, but... I know most MFP members are striving to meet the 8 cups of water a day standard... With that goal comes lots of bathroom breaks... Sooo... Who has made the most trips to the bathroom today??? I've gone 9 times already (after 8 glasses of water)... my hands are dry from the constant washing…