Okay so how bad is it if I don't wear sunscreen when I run or walk outside??? I usually try to go either early in the morning or afternoonish when the sun is not super strong, but still is that bad aka will i get skin cancer later?? I don't usually wear sunscreen because I don't see the point of putting it on when I'm just…
avatar help please...
I made before and after avatars and savewd the images to my photo folder on my desktop...now how can I combine them to make them one image with the pictures side by side? HELP please
Favourite Slang/Local Sayings
New game, post your favourite slang term (nothing controversial) or local sayings, just so we can hear what others say... Now, I am in Canada, so everyone knows that we "apparently" say eh a lot. In this part of Canada, Pacific Northwest, we tend to say hey instead of eh. What do you say??
Mumling Monday
Happy Monday y'all!! :drinker:
A thread for humor
I was looking at past threads and saw some that were humorous, so I figured it would be a good idea to have just one thread where people could post their jokes. Feel free to post any jokes you might have. To get it started, I'll post some. How Fights Start: My wife sat down on the seat next to me as I was flipping…
Best thing about losing weight...
To me...one of the best things about losing weight is the confidence you feel as you get dressed or as you walk pass a mirror or just walk down the street. No more tugging at your clothes or wondering who's looking at you in disgust... :blushing: What has been the best thing about losing weight to you?
words can't even describe...
I seen this video a long time ago and seen it again on Ellen today.. does anyone find this as ridiculous as i do?? i could never workout with that thing in front of anyone hahaha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbsSeVr5NSI&feature=channel
Just a tip for couponing.....
I was clipping my coupons this morning and thought I would use the database to see if I should even think of clipping certain coupons. So I looked up items and well it will save me time at the grocery store and also allow me save money on food that is better for me. Just thought I would share. :)
Let's Play a Game
What's on your exercise playlist? I need some new songs. =/
We aren't the only ones keepin' fit!
Politically correct fairy tales :)
There's a competition for best revisionist PC fairy stories in a magazine we get ... here's a few, thought they'd make ya'll giggle :happy: =========================== Once upon a time there lived a female person known because of her appearance as Caucasian Complexion, who was (rightly or wrongly) judged to be more…
Where were you 9 years ago today?
I am extremely fortunate to have not lost any loved ones to the attacks on September 11th, but will never forget that day. I worked in Washington DC. Because of my employer's location, we were not evacuated and stayed until the end of the work day. I drove home from work through a desolated downtown DC at rush hour. I had…
What is appropriate dance attire?
I'm auditioning for my universities dance ensemble and it says to come dressed in appropriate dance attire. I was thinking yoga capris and a shirt, but what kind of shoes?! and am i wrong with my clothes choices?
September 11th
Let's take a moment of silence to remember what happened in New York City, at the Pentagon, and in that field in Shanksville, PA. I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing on that day, and I bet that you all do as well. The world was changed in an instant and it will never be the same. Share your thoughts and…
computer virus help!!!!! PLEASE!
I have aquired a horrible computer virus. The virus redirects anything that I search on the internet to advertisement websites so I can't use my internet. That wouldnt be so bad except the virus also will not allow me to run any antivirus software or access my control panel. When I click on them nothing happens. my…
My weightlifting playlist
When the music stops, so should my workout..:laugh: ..i'm always looking for new stuff guys..If you listen to the same style of music, add on!! It's roughly 80 minutes worth of music Letting Go (Dutty Love) Sean Kingston Feat. Nicki Minaj Rap Das Armas by Cidinho & Doca ..MY FAV SONG right now..even my ringtone :laugh:…
WVU Game Day!
Soo I realize that not all of you are from West Virginia--I realize that some of you might not even know that we are a State, lol. But I would like to take a few minutes of your time to say LET'S GO.......MOUNTAINEERS! We play our in state rivals the Marshall Herd and it's going to be a GREAT game! Today and Everyday is a…
What is your guilty pleasure tv show?
What show are you ashamed to admit that you watch? Mine would have to be big brother 12. I had never seen the other 11 seasons. But I saw the episodes on demand when I was bored one day. And now I'm hooked. Its so trashy and sleezy. My aunt has been watching it for years and I love gossiping with her about who's going to…
Totally off subject more intended for people in the UK – K
Just for your information. :flowerforyou: I live in the Hampshire, England and my beautiful 3 year old chocolate point ragdoll Josie is 4 weeks pregnant (due in 3 week’s time) and ready around about the end of November. I don’t know how many kittens are expected, or the colour or sex obviously yet. I DO NOT want to sell…
hahaha cute video!
http://icanhascheezburger.com/2010/09/09/funny-pictures-video-kittehs-take-over-ikea/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+ICanHasCheezburger+(I+CAN+HAS+CHEEZBURGER?)&utm_content=Twitter Hope that works for y'all ... enjoy :)
The Poster Below Me
How this works is I ask a question, you answer, and leave a question for the next poster. Just stuff so we get to know each other. Okay, so let's get started. To the poster below me: Who is your celebrity crush?
Is anybody here on Gowalla? It's a place-tracking application for your mobile phone that lets you track your location, post a picture and make a comment. I'm just starting on it and am looking for friends that might be using it. If you're using it and looking for friends, send me a message with your user name and I'll add…
Have you planned a small group cruise before?
Have you? There is a small group of 8 or 10 couples wanting to take a 7-8 day cruise! Not one of us has cruised before and they have sorta appointed me to find one at the lowest cost! I was told Carnival was one of the best. Wanting a southern carribean cruise in the end of Jan or first of Feb. Please personal message me…
Monday on Oprah....Ruby & Fantasia
Just a heads up in case you're interested...:drinker: I saw a commercial for Oprah's show for Monday Sept 6, it showed RUBY would be on discussing/planning on skin removal surgery for those that like to keep up with her. I believe Fantasia will also be on as well. Becca
Totally O/T I need tech help getting my vid clip to work!
I videoed my son getting on the bus for school yesterday using my canon camera. I've never had a problem taking and loading videos with it before, but with this clip I get this message: Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to…
Maybe I'm a perv but this totally made me giggle
Bit of a giggle...one for the men (and the ladies of those m
Found this on a new website... dont mean to unmotivate anyone but thought it was amusing http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/body-soul/fat-men-enjoy-longer-lasting-sex-scientific-research-show/story-e6frfou0-1225914453080
I know this isnt a relationship site but it is filled with lots of people that are struggling with probaly many problems that led to the journey of weight loss and i need some MAJOR advice i dont even know who to turn too. I am 23 years old married 2 years. I lost my job 6 months ago and finaly have found a new job. During…
Pepsi Refresh Project... PLEASEEE Vote?!
Hi all! I just wanted to let everyone know that the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is in the run for the 250K grant from Pepsi. If anyone on here knows someone with CF, then you know how difficult it is for a person with this disease to maintain their weight and exercise regularly (The disease affects their lungs and digestive…
LGBT Friendly Thread (it says "friendly")
Thought I'd try this again since my last "homo" thread was shut down. This is a place for LGBT to talk about...whatever. Of course ALL are welcome here but if you have nothing nice to say---there are hundreds of other threads on MFP. Let us gays have our fun..capish? ;) I'll start things off by introducing myself. I'm…