Where do you make these?
I've seen some people have animations like this: http://photos4.mfpassets.com/images/photos/165/998/165998_1826.jpg as their pictures. What's the website where you can make these?
Got questions? Ask Roboguy!
I am putting together my advice column - think "Dear Abby" except a Big Fat Guy will be answering. I may not be able to answer all your questions and I may not want to answer some of your questions but I will try my best to help. I will not use your name or screen name. Don't post them here, please message me with your…
Scotland and or Irelanders ?
I know theres got to be some people here from Scotland and Ireland. I want to hear your stories about your home! details! add me as your friend. I will go there someday.
DIY Gastric Band?
Yip that's what the advert from Google just offered me wtf is that? Does it come with the surgical instruments?:laugh: j
Has anybody here heard of Varolo? It's supposto be a way to make money online by watching ads. Seems legit to me, but was wanting to see if anyone else had heard of it. Here is a link to check it out if interested. http://www.varolo.com/d/node/12?id=gohfvr3@tznvy.pbz (Copy and paste the link to the address bar)
Woman dumps cat in garbage, becomes Internet villain
A lady in the UK got caught on CCTV luring a cat and dumping it in the trash can. Wow. I find it harsh, yet quite amusing! :laugh: Watch it: http://technolog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2010/08/24/4962403-woman-dumps-cat-in-garbage-becomes-internet-villain?gt1=-43001
Why doesnt WOW burn calories??
^_^ Any World of Warcraft players in the community? Share your toon, server, and brag a bit! My main is a lvl 80 druid on alliance Tichondrius (US). I just got Loremaster and hit over 5k achievements. 77 mounts and going for the 100 mount achievement.
Antoine Dodson!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKsVSBhSwJg&annotation_id=annotation_651006&feature=iv Ok, so the situation wasn't funny at all, but just watch this video and try not to love it.
What's your fave place to clothes shop?
What's your fave place to buy clothes as a plus size? And where is the one place u can't wait to shop once u lose your weight? My favorite place to shop for clothes is Lane Bryant and Fashion to Figure.. There clothes r hip and inexpensive. I can't wait to shop in Macys Misses.
Ticker is kind of ticking me off
HELP! Where does that little ticker go??? I cannot figure out for the life of me where I paste the info. Thanks-Kelli
Yo.. I need a list of GOOD DANCE MUSIC!! What are some ideas?!
Have you ever been knocked up? Share, please!
Please answer the following questions for my sanity's sake. :laugh: 1. What were your first symptoms of pregnancy (I'm okay with tmi)? 2. How far along were you when you tested positive on a home pregnancy test? Thank you! I'm losing my mind right now and I need some affirmation (or not).
human - electric powered vehicle
I would be all over one of these! http://news.discovery.com/tech/human-electric-hybrid-car-goes-30-mph-uphill.html
Does anyone else struggle with PCOS? I was told its harder to lose weight with this, I was curious if losing the weight helps to conceive? I have looked it up but heard so many different things.
Not only is a Cucumber healthy for you......
WOW WHAT A LITTLE GEM THE CUCUMBER IS, I WILL LOOK AT IT DIFFERENTLY NOW. 1. Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Frolic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc. 2. Feeling tired in…
Tu rboJam
If it werent for myfitnesspal and TurboJam I wouldnt be at this weight. THANK YOU to both! I now LOVE to workout, I've seen such wonderful results. Turbo is my life! :( )
Flight or Invisibility?
If you had to choose either FLIGHT or INVISIBILITY as superpower which would you pick and why?
Planning for a winter trip to Palm Beach
Hi everyone Not sure if this is allowed here, if its not, feel free to remove I'm trying to bring my horse down to Wellington FL (aka palm beach area). I am looking to find a job from January through April so I can support myself. My horse's board will be prepaid for so the only expenses I'll have is my living needs, his…
biggest loser 8 U.S. in uk
Anyone watching this series on sky 1 at the mo? That one woman is CRAZY!! :explode: Absolutely love this show, even follow the presenter and fitness experts on twitter lol they give some great tips - especially bob x
Oh dear, boring morning... :-( Anyone wonna chat, mail me :D
If you could go back 10 years
If you could go back 10 years and give your present day self a word of advice, what would it be? Mine would be, "Why the heck did you waste so much time on a crappy man, why couldn't you figure out that you can make your own happiness"...grrrr.....wasted time!:smile: and I wish I knew how hard it would be to lose the…
Apple iPod
If any of you have this I'd like some input as to how you like it - esp. book readers - not sure I could get used to using that vs a hard cover book
Anybody wanna connect on other sites?
Thought it may be fun to link up on other sites. I only use Facebook for people I know personally, and due to a bit of self-consciousness don't friend people here unless I either know them personally or we get to know each other on the boards. ButZ my Twitter is kind of a free for all and I accept mostly everyone. I am…
I want to LOSE weight to get LOOSE clothing!
I know it's nitpicking and all, but it's the inner English teacher in me... I keep seeing people posting that they want to loose weight. Spell check doesn't catch it, but in my OCD state, I do. That spelling is for something that is not tight. I even found the mistake on an exercise website. Just had to get that off my…
Facebook automatic updates
Hey guys! I was wondering if you can enter your updates and diary info onto FB without having to have it set up automatically? Thanks in advance :)
its the best time of the year
FOOTBALL SEASON IS HERE !!!! :drinker: yaaahoooo Football season is here !!! its time !!! football ! :drinker: beer !! :drinker: tailgating and fried food !!!! :drinker: :heart: www.cardiactailgaters.webs.com :) :heart:
Body hair
I post on a body building website as well. I understand why bodybuilders remove thier hair, but it seems like every Tom, **** and Harry removes thier body hair once they get in shape. I don't quite understand it. It does make me laugh though, like you get muscles and your hair falls out. So I'm pleading men, unless you…
Your LIFE is a miracle!
Just watched the coolest show on YouTube called: The Great Sperm Race by poster Ray0Sunrise I highly recommend watching it!
So Happy!
I mentioned the other day that my brother was in need of a liver transplant. Well, thank the Lord, he got one this morning! He still has a lot in front of him, but he's at least got a shot now! Thanks to those of you who prayed for him and our family:)
iIf u could give any Celebrity some fat who would it be... For me Lindsay Lohan and Beyonce.