Music anyone?
This is completely un-fitness-related, which is why I'm posting in THIS forum as opposed to anyone else. It does, however, have to do with achieving goals. My partner and I have been collaborating these past few months on achieving a very long-held dream of his. We have, just today, released an album of electronic music.…
relationship advice, love etc.
Hello all lovely people. I was interested in a girl back in school, five years ago. I left my country and immigrated to USA and this girl never left my mind. I forgot her of course as I had lots of study and uni work to get through and made lots of new friends. I lost touch with pretty much everyone in that school..but I…
I'm thinking of having an affair ;-)
I'm thinking of having an affair. I just got a Facebook email from an attractive female, whom I've never seen before. She wrote the following (name and MSGr address removed). How are you doing.? hope you are fine...my name is Sandra S___ I’m a lady of 29years single and looking. Born in Mesa/ AZ, US but now in west Africa,…
ok who was rude in this situation?
ok, so I've had a dinner date with a friend of mine planned for a few weeks. just dinner at her house to hang out. At least that was my impression. well, today my dad asked me to go somewhere with him this evening. i haven't seen him in two weeks and wanted to spend some time with him so i sent my friend a text around one…
Got an iPod touch finally
I'm on it right now :) I already got the MFP app & it's awesome!
Humor jokes about weight loss
Hey! I came accross this web-site and it make me laugh thought I would share! Enjoy! http://www.faddiet.com/humor.html
Anybody willing to donate?
Hey everybody! So, it's my third year in the CHS (Cherokee High School) chorus. :) I love it. I'm not going to be cheesy and say that singing is my life, but I really do enjoy singing. Unfortunately, our school has completely cut our chorus's budget. Now, we'll be fundraising extra hard all year. (We're selling cheesecakes…
if you had only 7 foods...
If you had only 7 foods to eat for the rest of your life what would they be? And 4 beverages? 1.broccoli and cheese soup 2.homemade macoroni and cheese 3.oatmeal 4.watermelon 5.lemon pound cake 6.harvest grain pancakes 7.cat fish 1.water 2.chocolate milk 3.banana/strawberry smoothie 4.mint chocolate chip smoothie with…
Here's a new game: FANTASY vs REALITY. It's simple...type your fantasy (you want or wish for) and then your reality (what you have or what you have to settle for). I will go first. Fantasy: I want to go to Italy and tour the city and indulge in authentic Italian cuisines. Reality: I can only afford to occasionally eat at…
Legal help/ Lawyers
I have to move forward in my small claims case. I was granted judgment in my favor by default because the people didn't show up on time. I waited 45 days after the judgment then sent them a certified letter asking them to pay the judgment. I said if we didn't receive payment or contact by them to arrange payment by today…
My Kitten needs help…
My cat delivered 4 kittens on the 10th of July. They are only I month old 3 of them are growing healthy but one of them “Pettit” has not grown much at all! We bottle feed him with mixture of cow's milk and egg yolk with corn starch but he is not getting any bigger. He also does not show any interest in playing or anything…
Why must I cry EVERYDAY!?
Ok.. so this is supposed to be the happiest time of my life, but I cannot stop crying!! A few years ago the 2 people I was closest to in my family (other than my parents) passed away and I'm just dealing well with it now. They are supposed to be here with me!! One of them, was only in her early 50's her son, who is a year…
Good Mornig America is going to ralk about us
Good Mornig America is going to feature a report this morning, 8/14/2010, about websites like My Fitness Pal and other weight loss peer type sites. If you happen to see it, post your thoughts.
Pen Pal.
Hi, I know this is a strange request, but i used to pen pal alot when i was younger, much younger and i used to love getting letters, reading letter and writeing back to people, i used to have alot of pen pals, but then i met my husband, had kids i moved, pen pals moved, and over several years i lost contact with all used…
Have you ever played the Zombie game? Let me give you example: Q. What does the plumber zombie say? A. Draaaaaaaiiiiiiiinnnnnnsssssss. Q. What does the airline stewardess zombie say? A. Plaaaaannnnnnnnnnneeeesssssss. Lots of fun! Mirii
Eat, Pray, Love
Happy Friday! Is anyone else going to see 'Eat Pray Love' this weekend? I am going to smile during the line about doing a 'no carb left behind experiment' :-)
Motivation by Dr Phil
I just thought this was funny.
Book nerds??
Hey all - I just started an online book club/forum. I found myself trading books with people so much that it seemed like the thing to do... lol! I haven't read just for the sake of reading in eons since 'm a full-time student. I thought this might help my "to read" list and give some insight to others before they buy.…
Worst "fat" jokes
They hurt out feelings, and sometimes make us laugh at ourselves! What's the worst fat joke you have heard?
New & looking for friends : )
Been here a week and really love this site! I live in Eugene Oregon with my partner (who is also a member) and our 3 dogs and 3 cats. I could use some friends please...so come visit my page & if you think you'd like to befriend me please do! Good luck everyone & God Bless
Things you never hear people say
Feel free to post your own: - the bill collectors won't return my calls - Megan Fox's acting saved that movie - tell that nice young man with the sub woofers to turn it up a bit, I'd rather listen to his stuff. -Is that the banjo player's porsche? - If you know a good high pressure insurance salesman, send him over, I'd…
I can't believe I keep having calories left to consume!
Is anyone esle having trouble trying to consume all their daily calorie requirements??? I just learned something about myself....I am eating less of the wrong things that are full of sugar and fat and white flour that is calorie dense and not filling. Eating healthy allows me to be full eating less calories than I ever…
American Heart Walk
Please Join me in my efforts to support American Heart Association - First Coast, FL! I am fighting heart disease and stroke by participating in the American Heart Association’s Start! Heart Walk. Please support this cause by making a donation that will help provide research and education to stop our No. 1 and No. 3…
pet peeve
Ok I'm sorry, I know I'm probably going to get comments that this is inappropriate and whatever, but I have to put this out there: you want to LOSE WEIGHT not LOOSE WAIT lose = to get ride of, like you lose your keys or in many of our cases, pounds loose = what you want your clothes to be. don't even get me started on the…
Wow! Some people are pretty serious about thier Chicken Nug
Link below is a video of a woman going beserk at Mcdonals because Chicken Nuggets were not on the breakfast menu!!! http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/popup/index.php?rn=222562&cl=21327720&ch=&src=canadanews
Oh, come on...seriously?
I just joined the site today and I'm really excited! I'm sure this has come up before, and I can't be the first person to bring this up....but..... What is the deal with the donuts above my home page??? Talk about temptation!!
Making our song list for the wedding Grandparents/Parents walking down isle - Fly Me To the Moon or You're No Body Till Somebody Loves You -Frank Sinatra Attendants Walking down the isle- Somewhere over the Rainbow - Jason Castro Me Walking down the isle-??? (SUGGESTIONS) Walking back up the isle (Attendants and…
Anyone live in or around Atlanta going to D*Con this year? It'd be great to see some other MFPers there. My hubs and I are going as Wraiths from Stargate Atlantis! w00t!
so if all i do is walk then why doesnt the weight come off
all i do is walk to this thing is telling me i walked at 2.0mph for 6hrs and burned light 1000 over my daily so wheres thet weight i dont notice it all
Pre-Fight Music
I was just listening to "The Enemy" by Godsmack and was thinking that this would be awesome pre-fight music. The music a MMA fighter or a boxer has played before they head to the ring to get pumped-up. I think if you played the right song you could get an 88yr. old "granny" pumped-up enough to think they could take Manny…