My Parents Don't Understand the BMI
My parents don't understand the BMI. I dropped by their place yesterday with the kids and we started talking about my weight loss. They're both very supportive and have always been positive. During the conversation I told them according to the BMI scale I'm still 'obese' (6 more lbs. to go and them I'm 'over-weight'). My…
Need Help Finding Biker Friendly Hotel/Motel
I am heading down to Southern California from Portland, Oregon in August. Going to be on my bike, so my main concern is parking for my motorcycle. Anyone know of a place in the Orange County area (Anaheim, Huntington Beach, Santa Ana, etc.) that has either Secure Motorcycle Parking, or, at the very least, ground level…
Anyone from Montana....?
Is there anyone here from Montana, more specifically the Libby area, that is doing/ has done the Scenic Tour Of Kootenai River (STOKR) bike ride? I am aiming to do it in May 2012, but I have no friends that want to do it with me. How about anyone else outside of Montana? If you have done it or know someone who has, or are…
Calling all mommies *POLL*
Who got ill when they were preggo with boys and who get ill when they were preggo with girls.? I didnt get nauseated with my son but with this one I am....
Hey, so I've been researching online a bit, but I'm at a standstill. So, instead of screaming in frustration, I figure I shall ask some of the coolest people around- MFPers!! Anyway, I'm leaving in 11 days to study abroad in Germany for one year (yes, a WHOLE year, lol- can you tell that I'm excited?). I've leaped over…
Day in Brid
Just got back from a lovely day at the seaside :D I was naughty this weekend tho foodwise :( Gotta put this behind me and carry on! :D How was your weekend?
So I've always, ALWAYS loved Halloween and have dressed up for a s lon as I can remember. I'm already starting to think of costumes especially with my weight loss. I'm just curious if anyone else has thought of this and what they might be dressing up as?! Last year I was suppose to be Daisy Duke but instead was talked into…
Not to be rude, but.......
.............everyone, please stop saying that you are starving! If we were starving, we wouldn't have all this weight to lose! We may be really hungry, but that's it. We are not starving, and its just starting to bug me. Yes, this is hard. Yes, sometimes our stomach growls and we really want to reach for the bag of…
and I said I'm totally going to take the WHOLE day off..diet/exercise, etc! I went to buffalo wild wings..ordered a wrap and was ready to go! Two bites later and ugggggghhhh I am not used to eating like that!! So after a couple bites, I'm back on my diet. I might as well get my exercise tonight too!! I'm really happy that…
Pleas share your workout music!!! I need something new and upbeat!!! THANKS :]
"I didn't know......
...moms could jump?" says my four year old as I am working out to Turbo Jam! LOL. Thought everyone could use a laugh! I know I sure laughed! Kids DO say the darndest things!
Eavesdropped/Overheard Conversations that made you laugh?
Working in a pharmacy I overhear tons of hilarious conversations that make me need to bite my tongue to prevent myself from dying of laughter....actually sometimes they're not overheard - they're said directly to me. Here's a couple from my last few shifts.....do you have any??? - Shady looking customer to cashier (at…
how many calories..?
Freaking hilarious. It's text only, but i'd still be careful of who's around. :laugh: http://www.c4vct.com/kym/humor/csex.htm
This may not be the place for this....
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Steve Stalder
My friend took his own life Monday night. His friends are putting a link together for him. http://www.redeyedmv.com It will give you a sense of what he was like. He lived life right on the edge. I only met him 2 1/2 years ago. We shared an office at work. I came to be very fond of him. He was 21 years younger than me and…
Do you ever just feel like doing a cartwheel?
Last Letter Word Game
For those of you that haven't played before (this is for you NotSuprised...wherever you are) take the last letter of the previously posted word.....and create your own. No limits. Animal
Please help me pray for this family................
This happened in the small town where I grew up and graduated from Highschool. She ran away, police did no report. Her mom found her and then she ran away again.............This time she was found murdered. So sad. Please help me lift her family up in prayer.
The joys of jeans sizes...
So I was expressing to my husband today how I feel I'm no longer an 11 but full blown 9... pants size that is.. So he thought it a good idea for me to try some of my old pants to see what now fits. Lets see.. I had 3 5's, 2 7's, and 2 9's oh yes... and my size 3 skinny jeans.. As you can see I've been all over the place in…
Where'd ya get that???
Hey! I see a lot of people with these computer-generated versions of themselves that portray the weight they were and the weight they are now, so you can kind of compare. It's really cool. Can someone please tell me where I can make one!?
Wedding plans
So, it seems there are a few of us brides-to-be out there (maybe even some grooms?) and I would definitely be interested in hearing what bits and pieces you have planned! My wedding is going to be 19th March 2011 in Newcastle, Australia. We had originally arranged a big church wedding and reception but then because many of…
TOM posts...
Just something funny I wanted to share with everyone. I'm a male cyclists in St. Louis, MO. Every time I see someone post TOM I always think "oh a fellow cyclist!" Because TOM for me means Tour of Missouri. I have been tricked into viewing these threads a few times before I finally got it. lol.
Too funny!!
So, i'm working the floor this afternoon at the gym. This big muscle head comes over to the the leg press machine. I have to give you a visual of this individual so you can truly picture the scenario I had to endure. He's about 5'6 and weighs about 170lbs, he's extremely muscular, a regular in the gym, around 45, bald,…
had a great day today.....
I am a local 911 dispatcher in a small city on the outside of fort worth. Me and a fellow 911 dispatcher received a medal of merit which is the highest a civilian can receive. It was about one specific call and we also had 3 officers receive the medal of valor which is the highest an officer can get. I have been a…
Buying a suit for an interview!
Hi, I have an interview next week and I need to buy a suit to wear to it. Of course, I wasn't planning as far ahead as I should of been and didn't have a suit ready to wear when I started applying for jobs. My problem is, I am rather curvy and tend to wear somewhere between a 14-18 in pants and the pants have to be tall.…
The 8 Most Awkward Workouts
This link shows the 8 most awkward workouts (humorous). http://awkwardworkouts.com/
before and after cgi renderings
where do you find thems?/? Really, is it a website or program and does anyone have a link? I wanna check it out. kthx:happy:
need info from a new yorker/new jerseyian
i am trying to plan a trip and i can't find the info i need. i was hoping someone on here would be able to help me out. what is the cost of the ferry fares from new jersey hoboken to new york manhattan per trip? thanks in advance!
East Anglia?
So, I work the "find members" application about like a two year old would operate an atom smasher. Let's try it this way, shall we? We just moved to England a couple months ago and I'm wondering if there's anyone near by! Living in Suffolk county and have met (not hung out with, just MET), about, six people! lol
pet peeve...
Alright everyone list your biggest pet peeve. One of my big ones got triggered today so in order to avoid the rant on the person who triggered it I figured I'd post it on here. List yours too if you want. Mine is spelling/grammar such as confusing your/you're, they're/there/their or lose/loose or in work email leaving out…