No R,S,T,L,N,E word challenge (5 or more letters)
How many words can we come up with that are 5 or more letters and do not contain any of the letters R, S, T, L, N, or E? Humid
Friend Request?
I didn't know where to put this since it's not really diet related, I hope it's okay to put it here. I had someone send me a message saying they tried adding me as a friend, but I never recieved the notice, so if you tried adding me, please do so again, hopefully it will make it's way to me this time. Thanks!
Male body hair, a question.
A question for the gang about male body hair preferences. As a minor sasquatch, I've been toying with this all of my adult life. I've finally found a solution that works for me, and I want other's opinions. I would never shave my body hair, that's just nasty. But when the weather's hot I do like to buzz me'self with the…
Best gps for geocaching???
I just started Geocaching with my sister and it is awesome! She uses her iphone gps which is ideal, but I currently have tmobile so that is not an option for me until my current contract runs out. I am wanting to buy a GPS but I am wanting one that gives accurate driving directions as well as be able to switch to accurate…
New Game!!!! Wanna Play!!!!
What is your favorite song? The rules: 1. you can NOT use the name of the song! 2. you can NOT use the artist or band name! All you do is type a lyric to your favorite song and see if anyone can guess it! It can be from anywhere in the song, it doesn't have to from the chorus! I will start! "I wanna hold you high and steal…
Hilarious! If you go to the gym you will enjoy this :D
HAD TO REPOST THIS!!! If you read this without laughing out loud, there is something wrong with you. This is dedicated to everyone who ever attempted to get into a regular workout routine. Dear Diary, For my birthday this year, my daughter (the dear) purchased a week of personal training at the local health club for me.…
Exercis Playlist
I am trying to put together a playlist(s) for starting my c25k tomorrow. Feel free to post any songs or artists that get you pumped up and motivated to exercise... specifically running.
Anyone good with dream interpretation?
I've had a reoccurring dream over the last 10 years that I can remember. It started out with me either chasing or being chased by a tornado, sometimes multiple ones. Some dreams I would seek shelter, only to have it blown away and running to the next shelter. The last year or so it has involved me trying to help save &…
Music to work out with
I can highly recommend the Who's album "Then and Now" . Just don't try to sing along with it or you'll soon get out of puff :laugh: Aslo for sheer irony when it's really burning try Chris reay's "This is the road to hell"
Actor - Film match
Okay new game. I will name two actors and you have to name a film they starred in together. Then you name two actors. Tom Cruise + Nicole Kidman = Eyes Wide Shut Dakota Fanning + Denzel Washington
Marriage..touching story..Just thought I would share!
When I got home that night as my wife served dinner, I held her hand and said, I've got something to tell you. She sat down and ate quietly. Again I observed the hurt in her eyes. Suddenly I didn't know how to open my mouth. But I had to let her know what I was thinking. I want a divorce.. I raised the topic calmly. She…
Fav web sites
What are some of your favorite websites to visit, besides MFP?
Just checking out my ticker...
I hope this works.
Did U find MFP via iphone??
Morning All:drinker: Just curious how many of you joined up because you found the iphone app on your phone?? Seems I hear it so often, I think it's awesome and so glad that app was put out as we've gotten even more wonderful peeps joining now because of it.:love: Give a shout out if that's how you found MFP!:wink:…
Hostess Gift?
Am I old fashioned for wanting to bring a hostess gift? I am 24 years old and spending the weekend with a good friend at her mother's home which is 3 hours away. It is almost like a mini vacation for us. I mentioned that I wanted to get her mom a hostess gift, and my friend seemed completely shocked! Do you think hostess…
Deal or No Deal? (Game) :)
*Borrowed* :) "Rules of Play: The person above you has offered you a deal - of course the deal is of their choosing, and will hopefully be interesting, tempting, ridiculous or simply amusing. You simply reply Deal or No Deal and then you create a offer for the next person. Sound fun? Of course it does." First Offer: Live…
Fun Psychological Quiz (Answers)
Hi All, First look at my thread Fun Psychological Quiz (Questions) before you see the answers below. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DON'T LOOK IF YOU HAVEN'T ANSWERED MY QUESTIONS! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.Choose your favourite body of water (River, Ocean, Bath) Use three words to describe this! (Wet, Cold, Warm) Ans: Your…
Fun Psychological Quiz (Questions)
Hi All, Answer the questions below and then look for my thread Fun Psychological Quiz (Answers) on how to interpret your answers. 1.Choose your favourite body of water (River, Ocean, Bath) Use three words to describe this! (Wet, Cold, Warm) 2. Choose your favourite Animal? Use three words to describe this animal.
For a Doughnut like this, some people wait a lifetime...
I wish weird Al would make this song based on Kelly Clarkson's "for a moment like this".....
Just wanted to say...
I just wanted to say that I am really enjoying this site. I have said time and time again that I have little will power when it comes to weight loss. I do good for a week or so, and then end up quitting with a "oh well, what's the difference" attitude. But I have been on here for about month, have lost 5 lbs so far, and I…
PostCards to home
Hi Everyone I just joined a challenge that results in a postcard to the winner. Sounded fun and reminded me of something. My MIL is 76 and wheelchair bound and in constant pain. Her dream was to see the world when she retired, but unfortunately between rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, she was not able to live that dream. Now…
GPS Advice (Sat nav!)
Just in case anyone thought GPS was a new workout or diet pill...I need to buy a GPS as soon as I get to the US. I am going to be in LA and have never driven there before. Can anyone recommend a good one, I have occasionally gone for cheap ones which seem to want to kill me. My first one kept urging me to drive straight…
Where did you notice you had lost first??
my face, When I put my hand up prop up my head, I noticed there is a little less cushion. What about you??
Water guns?
Anyone know where (a store or a website) I can order water guns (like Super Soakers) and pay with a Purchase Order? :huh:
This is why you're fat
http://www.thisiswhyyourefat.com/ We used to look at this all the time at work and laugh at all the crazy things. It's positively vomititious but still quite the laugh!
Health Challenge Team Name
Health Challenge starting @ work. I need a team name. I work at a small-town newspaper. 4 members - 3 females, 1 male. Youngest is 38 and oldest is around 62. Any good suggestions??
Weight Loss Computer Graphics
I see people that have these digital copies of themself with their progress or where they would like to be. Where do they get these?
Things to Do in Montreal!
Hey all. My boyfriend (22) and myself (almost 20) are going on a week-long vacation to Montreal in about three weeks. I was wondering if you guys could give me some advice, perhaps either having been there yourselves or even living there! We're going to Osheaga, the music festival, for two days, but otherwise are…
Interested In HR management
ok so this is so totally unrelated...but you guys are so great and I would love some input...I start college in the fall and as of right now my major is Business Management with a concentration in Human Resources....however, I don't know anyone personally that is an HR manager...if there are any on here I'm just wondering…
America's Got Talent - Spoilers
Anyone watching???? I can't believe they let Carlos go and the screechy lipstick lady stays!!! Grrrrrrrr!!! :mad: