Stupid news.
Yes, this was reported by our local TV station as news. Diapers Created For Brides POSTED: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 UPDATED: 12:50 pm EDT July 20, 2010 Diapers for brides? It's true. Every bride has thought about it. What happens if you get your beautiful dress on and then have to use the restroom? Most of us would say,…
You know you look good!
I have read so many posts today, full of people being down on themselves.... even people who are doing an awesome job. So this post is for you all to recognize the hard work you are doing, and how far you have come! You, like me, may have a way to go, but lets celebrate the goals we have already achieved.... So if you know…
Favourite Chore
We all have them! We all hate some of them! Tell me what your favourite and least favourite chores are: For me, I absolutely LOVE ironing my husband's clothes for work, and I HATE cleaning the cats' boxes! How about you? What do you love to do and hate to do??
Nutritionist vs. Deitician
I'm very confused about this. So anyone in the know, please help me understand......... It has been said time and time again, on here, on Dr. Oz, by my endochrinologist, etc...... Anyone can be a nutritionist, but a dietician is who has the education, blah, blah, blah. So heres where I'm confused. The bachelors in…
Oh.... Wow.
I just found this in an article. If this really is true, I don't think I'll be thinking of Jillian Michaels the same way ever again. Currently single and "dating" ("I have dated men and women," she adds), she's setting her sights on her biggest challenge yet: parenthood. "Hopefully it will happen by the time I'm 40," says…
Favourite way to express yourself?
I've found that most people like expressing themselves in SOME way, be it dancing, drawing, singing, acting, or maybe how they dress or do their hair, or any other less common hobby, no matter the age. So tell me...what are yours? I personally love to draw, sing (although whether I'm any good at it is up for debate, xD),…
Baby's Arrived
Hi people, those who know me will know that me and Caroline was expecting a baby, well she arrived yesterday 18/07/2010 at 10.20 pm and weighed 6 lbs 7.5 oz Caroline arrived at hospital at 7,20pm at this point we believed her back waters had broken which they had , she was 4cm dy-lated so they broke her front waters then…
It's a little tricky not being a santa claus type,,,
I recently had something interesting happen in my world as a result of my fitness efforts. Here's the story. I work with a married couple. Nice people, friendly. My wife and I have been to their house several times for picnics and to play music etc. etc. We know their kids. Just wonderful folks, love them to death. Neither…
Looking for a job?
I am! And I feel like I need to connect with others who are going through this process... It is very frustrating, isn't it? Especially when you have education and training. At this point, I feel like if I had all that tuition money back, I wouldn't need a job... :grumble: But its not a waste, it'll pay off. I'm in…
Horlicks, ever tried it? and other British goods
Hey everyone! Just more curious than anything, but has anyone ever tried Horlicks? It's a nice malt drink, I've gotten it from the British Imports store downtown :) My friend in U.K. is always talking about it, so a few weeks ago I thought I'd give it a try :) I also have had a Galaxy cookie crumble chocolate bar, their…
traveling with HRM ?
Hello. Has anyone traveled with HRM on an airplane? Did you have it in checked luggage or carry on? If you carried on, was it all ok going through security? I guess as long as it is not on and not transmitting, everything should be ok? Thank you.
Dear Nobody. Epic. Book
I'm reading "Dear Nobody" by Berlie Doherty, it's about a teenage girl who finds out she's pregnant, the book is set in "months" for chapters, somewhat long chapters, but it's a nice little book to read, (bout 150 pages) it's a teen novel, but I'm 20 years old and find it very well written, :) the story goes through each…
Michigan events! Post 'em here!
Hi! I'm in Michigan and I know many of you are as well. I thought it would be cool to have a thread where we can post cool events going on around here. I'm always looking for fun things to do with the kids, health events, festivals, etc. (The free-er the better, hahaha) So I have two to get started! ~Today the Henry Ford…
Polar FT4 **Question**
So it says to wash the strap, in a garment bag, with detergent that doesn't contain bleach or softeners. I did it and now....it's not transmitting right. CRAP. Has anyone else had this problem? I have class at 9:30am :(
Any "Big Brother" fans out there?
Just thought it might be fun to start a group of "Big Brother" fans... :flowerforyou:
Coworker Charity Advice
Completely unrelated to weight-loss, which is why it's here in "chit chat, fun, and games". It's chit-chat. So a coworker of mine has a blog that she updates every week or so. She usually rants about her husband, or her job, or her kid, but it's never anything too personal or anything that crosses any lines - it's usually…
For those with an IPHONE
There is an app called all recipe and it has what is called a spinner meal. you put in the main info whether you want a main dish etc, what main ingrediant (chicken, vegie) and about how long you want to have to cook it and it will come up with matches for your information. I love it
BMI blues (rant)
Today I read an article on drudge about how the government is planning to include BMI ratings in the new healthcare system. I haven't linked the article because I don't want this to become a political debate, but I gotta tell you....this steams me a bit. I stand 6'0" tall and at the moment weigh 220 pounds. I wear L/XL…
GAME please I'm bored
Lets play a drinking game..but with no drinking!....that doesnt make sense but anyone got any ideas!
I have FTMS.
Fork-to-Mouth Syndrome Who else? Lol. :drinker:
Just Wondering..
What do you guys mean when you say that you are "bumping" something? this may sound silly, but I get super confused when people just post "bump" on a message. Thanks for informing me! I guess that I'm just not up on the lingo =D
I don't know where else to ask this, and everyone here is so knowledgable so I thought I'd ask. My fiance and I are saving up to get a puppy this winter (most likely a lab). We're not sure how young he'll be, could be anything from a tiny baby to a 12 week old housetrained pup. My fiance is laid off in the winter, so with…
Blog Readers
Just joined this site about a week ago and I love the blogging feature. On myspace, I blog a lot and I want to do the same here =) . So if you love to read blogs, you're welcome to subscribe to mine. I'm braving up and posting up progress pictures - usually i don't like posting up pics of what I look like now knowing how I…
Facebook Or MFP
Hi peeps just wanted to know if you have done the same as me i have completely binned facebook since joining MFP, well apart from adding you guys and gals from here to my friends list on facebook. i honestly believe this site is so much better only thing missing is a chat and a few games maybe we could recommend they add a…
this or that
list 2 healthy foods and the person that replies has to pick the one they like and list 2 more options. apples or bananas?
Random Topic: When do being supportive go too far?
I'm trying to be a supportive friend, but I'm worried that I'm actually just being an enabler. One of my dearest friends (let's call her L) has been in a "long distance relationship" with a guy (we'll call him C)who has been deployed to Iraq. They dated years ago and he dumped her abruptly. They reconnected via Facebook…
Anyone watching Persons Unknown?
I started watching a few episodes from our On Demand, but missed the pilot episode and the last 1 or 2 episodes... I'm still going to watch what I have, but is anyone else watching this show?
Random Topic: When do being supportive go too far?
I'm trying to be a supportive friend, but I'm worried that I'm actually just being an enabler. One of my dearest friends (let's call her L) has been in a "long distance relationship" with a guy (we'll call him C)who has been deployed to Iraq. They dated years ago and he dumped her abruptly. They reconnected via Facebook…
in-laws and money...Oh Lord help!
I really need to vent and seek advice. I am having a very hard because I went to a private Christian college and now I have around 80 thousand dollars in debt. Of course it was a bad idea and unintentional... my parents originally said they would help and then left me to take out more loans in the middle of the school year…
Pet Pics
I wanted to see all of our pets!!! Here is my Koko. She is 6 months old and was worn out after leaving daycare last Friday. I have to find a recent picture of Ginger and post it. Let's see all of MFP's pets!!!