looking for a graphic designer...
Hey everyone, this has nothing to do with dieting/exercising/fitness but i'm hoping that I might find a graphic designer that is interested in completing a quick task to help a youth softball team. I have a concept, just not the creative tools to carry it out. If you're interested, please let me know with a message or…
Looking for a good movie to watch tonight...
I'm in the mood for something almost futuristic, not sci-fi with aliens, but more along the lines of "I Robot' or "AI". Something that had a decent budget to film and has at least one or two recognizable people in it (I"ve sat through too many crappy B flicks, it's not even funny!) I'm drawing a complete blank and would…
Post your mini joke here!
What's white and goes up instead of down? --- A mental snowflake --- :laugh:
grandparents day
My kids want to make a t shirt for their grandparents. I wanted to write "my grand kids walk all over me" on it with their feet prints. But I only have 2 kids and my dad is a size 4x. What else can I do or put on it to take up some of the space?
Part 1...Part 2... Part 3...
What does this mean? I see this on some of the posts and wasn't sure what it meant.
Ok...so I'm at home sick today. I've been in bed since 6pm yesterday with a migrane, chills, fever, and feeling weak all over. I still have all of those symptoms minus the fever and can't get out of bed. My husband asked if I wanted him to get me some soup. Am I totally obsessed if all I was worried about is how many…
What's the worst food in your town/city?
Most towns or citys have a local "specialty" that is usually horridly bad for people. So just for fun, where are you from and what's the food you're known for? I'm from Ottawa, Ontario which is known for our Beavertails....for the Americans who may be wondering what the heck I am talking about...Beavertails are a fried…
Mr Right Rejection Letter Form
Dear (____rejectee's name here____ ), I regret to inform you that you have been eliminated from further contention as my Mr. Right. As you are probably aware, the competition was exceedingly tough and dozens of well-qualified candidates such as yourself also failed to make the final cut. I will, however, keep your name on…
Skinny Me Pictures
Ok what website do you use to make those pictures of yourself where you see yourself at your weight now and then again after you have lost weight......
I was just wondering what non-fitness related hobbies my fellow MFP-ers have. I've been wanting a hobby for a while now so today I gave candlemaking a try. It was really fun! My candle didn't turn out exactly the way I had planned but I love it! I'm already planning another trip to the craft store to get more fragrances…
What's on your "Bucket List"?
You know, the list of things you want to do, see, experience, feel, try, be... before you "kick the bucket". I made one a year ago and it's interesting to see how much has changed. What a cool feeling to be able to put a checkmark by some of those babies! :) Share some of your dreams and tap into inspiration! Some of my…
not undersatnding this at all
Hi all, Silly question here for ya but what does someone mean when they post a reply with just 'Bump' ?? Thanks in advance. Colin, Ireland.
When it says "So and so logged in for X amount of days"...
I don't ever log OUT of MFP! It stays brought up on my laptop. Will it still count my days logged in? I'm on here everyday logging my food and such.
Hello West Virginia!
To all my MFP peeps livin in West Virginia, My husband just got a job offer there. We are considering it, but it is a BIG MOVE if we do. We live in Utah now, so it would be huge for us. Plus we have a 6 year old and 4 year old. So, people living in West Virginia, I'm curious how you like it there?? We are very outdoorsy…
lost weight, don't know how to date.
Good morning to all my west coasters and afternoon to my east coasters. I'm in a mess. I'm in the dating game now and I have no idea what I'm doing. I started dating this guy and I'm really feeling him, but I'm so confused. I feel like I'm jumping in too fast, as he asked me to be his girlfriend after like the 3rd date..…
All this site needs is Instant Messenger ;)
Please add
Need male opinions and advice!
If any guys can help me out here, that would be great! I've started seeing a guy and we are currently planning a weekend away in a local wine region. We've never been away together before. It will involve beautiful vineyards, amazing lazy lunches, and a cozy B n B smack in the middle of a winery. Here's the thing... I am…
Have any of you ladies had a breast reduction?
My boobs are giant and I'm sick of it!! I don't have insurance or the money for a reduction now, but I want to get some input from people who've had them. I don't want to post my size all over the internet but they are always in the way, constantly causing back pain, and making it hard to get comfortable to sleep. Not to…
I don't know if it's
my time of the month or the fact that my weekend sucked. But all I want to do is cry right now :(
Image test [img][/img] I Love Apple Pie by DanOhh Design, on Flickr
The Cake Is A LIE! The Cake Is A LIE!
There was a retirement party at work today. An employee put in 38 years of service and called it a career today. There was a huge cake and giant tub of ice cream. Four different people offered me a plate and I could barely refuse. The thought of having to put in an extra 30 minutes at the gym to counter the empty calories…
Stay at home mom wants to make a little extra cash
I am a stay at home mom and want to stay that way. My son has medical problems where I need to be able to be home with him whenever he needs me to be. Both of my kids are in school now so on the days he isn't sick I have some spare time on my hands, Anyone know of some ways to make a little extra cash to help with expenses…
What do I wear???
Just looking for some advice.... I'm invited to a charity event tonight at a home that is going to be filled with Doctors, attorneys, politicians and other six figure salary people. The catch is that there is a theme tonight and everyone is to dress "White Trash". The event is being held in a garage of a mansion and they…
AVERAGE, what does it mean to you?
What does the word mean to you?
what's your refrigerator
3 NY strip steaks 2 pork chops salad tomatos, carrots an onnion 1/2 jar of cherries 1 jug of water I think I need to go food shopping
Looking for a good movie to watch tonight...
Oops...duplicate post!
Help with an allergic reaction
Monday night I began noticing itchy hives on my arms, legs, armpits, stomach, back, hands, well everywhere. I took beneydryl and went to bed. When I woke up, it was worse. Speading to my jawline and making me feel really funny. I went to the doctor and got a prednisone shot....my allergies are pretty bad in general. My…
OT - Air conditioning will not blow cold air
Hey everyone! I thought I'd post this on here real quick - my ac isn't blowing cold air and I know nothing about it to fix it but I thought someone may have some tips for me? It's a very new unit it was installed right before we moved into the house, it's 3 years old. I'd rather not call a pro until I absolutely have to as…
Anyone have suggestions to help menstrual cramps?
I experience debilitating menstrual cramps every month, for just about the entire duration of my period. In the past, the only thing that seemed to help is eating ice cream. I don't know why, but it would take the pain away for 5 to 10 minutes, and give me a little bit of relief from the constant nagging pain. Now I am…
Questions FROM the UK and FOR the UK
OK I have asked several questions on here about things, usually that I don't know what things are or what something means etc I was just wondering on a more general basis if there are any questions about the UK anyone would like to ask, and if anyone from the UK has any questions about either the US or other countries,…