What other good habits have you developed?
Since joining MFP, I've not only lost weight and become more active. I've also been ... ~ going to bed at more reasonable times ~ flossing almost every night ~ using more reusable dishes during lunch (yay for brown-bagging!) ~ taking the stairs more often What have you noticed in your daily lives that have improved since…
Baseball fans
Baseball, it is said, is only a game. True...and the Grand Canyon is merely a hole in Arizona. Not... all holes, or games, are created equal. ~George Will
Where do you get
Those animated people ... the kind where you have the "fat" you and the "thin" you.. but animated.. . Is this making sense?
LAUGHING COW CHEESE : OH MY GOD this stuff is amazing .... i have a friend named luaghingdani i wonder if she ( I probably shouldn't go there ) ....why is the cow laughing ?? does it know some thing i don't about the cheese ??? is it trying to one up me i don't like being 1 up"d unless im playing Mario brothers!!!!! i…
nonsense :)
so just for craps and giggles real quick, i logged that i burned 41000 calories, thats right you read that right three 0's, on the ellipticle tonight, then concluded my food diary for today... "If every day were like today you would weigh -275.7lbs"... I would be nothing. hahahaha. Then i went back and changed it to the…
Diet pills
My best friend just forwarded me a email with her thin pictures...it had pictures of how she looked less than a month ago, which was 30 pounds heavier. She has been taking diet pills ,swears by them and is encouraging everyone we know to take them. Ill admit she looks awesome. Standing next to her sucks..... I keep telling…
Gigantically huge test
So I have a test at 0800 tomorrow morning which will be followed by a board sometime before May 5th. Technically we have 3 years to accomplish everything to do with this so if I fail it`s not a huge deal (I began studying last August, studied off and on since) ...only failure isn`t an option. So perhaps I should get out of…
I miss being drunk.....
That is all.
Why Goal Setting Doesn't Work
I wanted to share this article I read just now. I found it rather interesting, and definitely made me think a little differently about my "goals" versus "intentions". http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/wired-success/201104/why-goal-setting-doesnt-work
Picking up girls at the gym
Ignoring the irony of the article title, some helpful tips from Men's Fitness. http://www.mensfitness.com/advice/dating-tips/picking-up-girls-at-the-gym
Hilarious WebComic
Hey, I read this for a laugh. twolumps.net It's full of funny :-)
Late Learner
Somebody posted something similar today on Facebook and it had lots of fun responses, and was full of information some of us still didn't know, so I figured I would try it out on this board as well. "What is something that you learned later in life than most?"
Today I realized a couple things. One, i'm not as proud to be an american as i should be (that makes me so so so so sad... cuz theres so much TO love in spite of everything...)when I see how behind we are compared to the rest of the world... when it comes to things like sex and such... We wait to teach our children about…
What do you listen to when you work out? Just for Fun!
I often look around at the gym and wonder what everyone is listening to. I use Pandora radio on my phone. I like anything hard rock, metal, industrial. It tends to motivate me. I don't look at all the type to listen to the type of music I like. I think that why I'm always curious as to what is flowing through other peoples…
Half an hour
to clean up the apartment. Not too shabby. Still need to invest in a vaccum and a broom though..
How do u attach photos to a topic?
As it says above really hehe! N e help would be appreciated :) x
Any mommas out there?
I am an almost 23 yr old sahm with a beautiful mini me who is my world and sometimes my (im not exercising today excuse lol). I just know there has to be a lot more momma out there and was wondering who all would like to become friends? We can be each others motivation!
Late Merging
How do you all feel about "late merging" on the freeway? Are you for it or against it? Do you think it is rude and impedes the flow of traffic, or do you think it is logical and assists in the flow of traffic? Why do you feel the way you do? I'm referring to the etiquette involved when a lane is ending, and drivers must…
Ninjas! Yes I said ninjas!!!!
I am going to ask the question we all want to know the answer to.... Just how many calories could I burn if I was a ninja. And how do I get into ninjaering?
Anyone seen it??? WOW that show is insane!! I just finished the 1st season and WOW. lol. CRAZYY!!! Inspires me to lose weight get toned and be a BEAST!! (im not gay trust me.. but damn they have nice bodys) I want to get up to the gym now just watching that. I cant wait to cut 20 lbs and get extremely cut!! Im almost there…
I will be productive today
Maybe... Shower Shave legs Clean Create a delicious dinner --that I can defineitly do.
I need boyfriend advice.
I have been dating my current boyfriend for almost 9 months. I love him more than anything; he is supportive, has a great sense of humor, is a hard worker, and is basically my other half. He does have some faults though, but who doesn't. Anyway, things are pretty serious and we're already thinking ahead to living together…
Silly superstitions
There's a W emblem at the college I went to, they say if you walk on the W your freshmen year you will fail your exams. Of course it's not real, but I still could never bring myself to walk on it. Not even now when I go back to visit.
Gimme a job :D
boyfriend troubles....
hiya, I'm kinda stuck at the moment, I have been with my partner for 3 years and we have lived together for majority of it. I love him so much, and saw a future with him. However, he likes to binge drink, and he turns into a horrible monster when he drinks, stealling, lieing(possibly cheating) shouting abuse and being…
Set of workout DVDs at Walgreens
Been meaning to post this, but kept forgetting. I saw these on friday. It looks like a P90X wanna-be for $20. It 12 discs and a 90 day program. i found it online here: https://www.asseenontv.com/supreme-90/detail.php?p=296779&v=fitness_exercise-dvd
Dance in public!
Seriously... I dare all of you to DANCE in public tomorrow! You don't gotta get down like a pole dancer or anything... but shake what yo' mama gave you! In public, randomly, just get up and do a little jig! I guarantee you'll get a good laugh, and so will everyone around you! And you'll be in a great mood all day! DO IT!!!!
Any ladies have a curling iron
Both mine broke, and I could use one today :D
Weird thing happened last night
I woke up in the night and had to sneeze, so you know how before the sneeze you kinda breathe in a lot...well i did that and then poof no sneeze! I was pretty disapointed.
Weird Injuries...
I'm the queen of injuring myself in totally strange and unusual ways. Tonight, I managed to cut, not 1, but both of my thumbs while cracking crabs. Who else has this kind of problem...please don't let me be the only ungraceful wretch out there!