Last day at work - what to feed my office???
Tomorrow is my last day and this office has been incredible, I'm really going to miss these people so I'd like to make them something as a thank you. I am well known for my smoothies and healthy recipes but it doesn’t have to be limited to healthy, I kind of want what’s easy since there are 90 people in this branch, 33…
write your OWN poem....
By Heather B. Crimson eyes stare open, upon faded paths... a loyal friend; to keep. saving faithfully words once meant now dusty shadows playing across the walls of night. Crying out for something; to protect you from the sorted thieves who trample down your hope, as you watch them... helpless.. in vain Ideals of what once…
Comic on weighing in...
Too funny not to share! Some days I want to leap in joy after weighing in... http://omaketheater.com/comic/46/
Singles thread top 10
Ok, the kids are asleep, the house is clean and I am bored. So I thought I would make a thread for us singles (especialy us single parents). Lol is my list crazy? This is what i am looking for in a woman. What does everyone elses list look like? 1. Must love God. 2. Must love kids. 3. Must be kind, funny and faithful. 4.…
Chat with your MyFitnessPal Buddies: Update
I started a Fitness Chatroom were you can talk to your myfitnesspal buddies in real time. Check it out. https://client14.addonchat.com/chat.php?id=501084 #Chatroom is also accessible from your Android, iPad, iPhone, and iPod Devices. Make sure mobile view is checked in your internet settings on your mobile devices. Please…
Craft Beer Lovers...CHEERS!!!
Hello fellow craft beer lover! Since I can't drink as much craft beer as I did pre-MFP, I thought it would be a good idea to start up a conversation about so that we could share beers we really love. That way we don't waste calories on trying beers that suck! I try to be a "locavore" when it comes to beer, so I drink a lot…
Favorite poems.
Other than your own... which I dabble in myself so i know sometimes its not always shiite. . whats one of your favorite poems? post it for all to read perhaps... :indifferent:
Hey guys I'm not stalling on weightloss or anything.. please don't comment that that's my problem or that it will get better... this doesn't have anything to do with that. Ever feel like nothing will ever be right? As if everytime you try to find yourself a better place in your life that you end up floundering and failing…
Teacher's College- Help pls!
Hi All! So, I am a 4th year Psych student and will be finding out APRIL 1st if I got in to Teacher's College (Primary!). What I need now is some help on figuring out what the best school to go to would be. I am incredibly indecisive. So here are my choices and reasons why they are good/bad: Western- LOVE the school, not a…
Anyone from Ukraine?
Привет! I'm wondering if anyone on here if from Ukraine. My husband was born and raised in Kiev and moved to the United States when he was 15 with his parents. If you'd like, feel free to add me as a friend on here! Пока!
You Might Be a Gym Rat If....
So my husband and friends say that I am started to exhibit Gym Rat qualities....lol...what are yours.. I say you might be a gym rat if ...You keep your Gym Bag ready at all times, like a fireman ...You have favorite Gym Clothes ...You know all the trainers by name and schedule ...You have Gym gossip, like office gossip.…
What are your favourite tunes to work out to?
What songs make you shake your booty when you're working out?
Commercials that make you go WHAT!
Ok What weird commercials have you seen? Here is what I just saw. It was for a powder for people that exercise... it was called Monkey Bum Powder. It had a monkey on it bottle with a big red Butt!! What the....
Considering we all have a common goal to lose weight and look better, I think this would be a great time to also use our god-given talents. Lets start a MFP networking site where we not only lose weight, but also support each other in the business world. We can lose weight and perhaps make more money doing it. What do you…
Entertain Me...
Seriously. I'm home from work with the plague. The kids are at the grandparents house for the night, and Hubs is at work and then grad school until 8:30 (at least) so I have 11 hours to kill... I'm boooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrred. What'cha got?:wink:
A Thoughtful Look at Men and Women
Dave Barry cracks me up... SHE DRIVES FOR A RELATIONSHIP. HE'S LOST IN THE TRANSMISSION By DAVE BARRY CONTRARY to what many women believe, it's fairly easy to develop a long-term, stable, intimate, and mutually fulfilling relationship with a guy. Of course this guy has to be a Labrador retriever. With human guys, it's…
Tattoo Fanatics I need advice
Hello first off let me say I have never in my life gotten a tattoo. With that said, I want to get one. For my first tattoo (<-- I know I said first gotta see if I can handle the pain) I would like three flowers fixed just right together and with a quote somewhere in there. My problem is Im not artistic or have many ideas.…
hubby upset me at lunch....and it may not make sense why....
My husband is out of work on full disability at age 36. I have to work full time. We have a 4 year old son. I was at the gym during lunch ( I have a long lunch 2 days a week)... as I'm changing and getting ready to dry my hair I see a text mssg from him that he is outside by my van. OK... I have no idea why....although I…
You Know Your A Nerd When…
* Going to bed early is 1:59 am * You have to move your Coke cans out of the way to get out of your “office” * You can’t wait for the next copy of “Wired” to come out * You haven’t met any of your friends “in person” * Your family and friends always come to you for their computer help * You know Linux isn’t Snoopy’s friend…
Cell Phones
I see so many people obsessed with their cell phones and texting. My daughters included. My wife, thankfully, rarely turns hers on unless she's out of the house and on her own. If Holland and I are with her, she doesn't even bring hers. I'm so glad I'm married and not dating. If I were single and on a date and my date…
Who tans? Spray Tans? Tanning Beds? Year Round? How do you tan? With bathing suit on? Nude? Topless? Just had some conversations about it, so I thought I'd ask. I spend a lot of time on my bike in the summer and usually vacation somewhere hot, so I start fake tanning about this time each year. Usually just keep my watch…
If every day were like today...what would it be?
If every day were like today... I would have my wonderful hubby at home and we would play with my daughter for hours on end like we did today... How about you?
When the kids are gone, mom gets it all!
I usually make deserts when the kids are @ home. After preparing the deserts and filling the baking pans, I then give each kid a dish with leftover goodies for them to eat. Since I have 3 boys, it works out wonderfully. They each take turns getting either the bowl, the mixing spoon, or the beaters from the electric mixer.…
Any other gamers out there?
I was just wondering if there are any other gamers out there? I play mostly pc games (team fortress two, battlefield bad company two, league of legends etc) but i have an xbox and i also play table top games like dnd and Deadlands things of that sort. If you are a gamer what games do you play? -Ambient
I just got turbofire yesterday and was looking through the fuel the fire guidebook today... and in the 10 minutes I spent glancing at it, I found 3 typos!!! has no one proof read this?
What do you think about Fasting?
I have been fasting since Monday, and I plan to do it all week. All I do is drink water, protein shakes(one a day), and apple juice. What do you think about fasting for a week (7days)? Is that to much?
Second day with a headache....HELP!!
Anyone have any good remedies for a headache excluding medication??? It's going on two days now that I've had a headache and I'm not sure if it's the weather or a change in my eating habits....Can anyone help??
WHY is it NOT coming off?
Before you all say I need to exercise.....I will as soon as it warms up a bit. I live in upstate NY. I plan on walking and possibly training for a 5k soon. One of my golas in life are to be able to run. It is free and that makes my wallet happy , and it is something that can be done at anytime. I have never had this much…
Biggest Loser Weigh-in Question!
Anyone kno how people throw the weigh-ins? I've heard it's from consuming massive amounts of water but seriously? 9 lbs of water?! Wouldn't your bladder burst!? And wouldn't it be even more than 9 lbs you'd have to consume since being on the ranch you have to be losing weight?!
:D i just made the nicest batch of home made vege soup ever :D I just wanted to share my success as i am no gordon ramsy in the kitchen XD x