I'm going to cry
I am so frustrated. I keep getting chest pains. I've been to the doctors twice, I've had 2 ekg's which came back normal, and an xray that also came back normal but am waiting to be sceduled for an ecocardiograph or whatever. I'm scared to work out because I dont want to like drop dead. Ugh this really sucks. I dont know…
Random, any orthodontists out there?
Hey Everyone, I didn't know where else to post a question, but are there any orthodontists or dental assistants out there? I noticed, even though I have a permanent retainer that after I got my wisdom teeth pulled there's a slight gap in my top two teeth and my bite is kind of crooked. My orthodontist is only in the next…
Why does the DMV
and/or Secretary of State have to be so difficult!
Oh boy
I just cannot get motivated today. I need to shower and make a bunch of calls and I just can't seem to get my butt off the couch to do it.
the abs and booty thread show em!
lol since everyone is showing legs and tatoos lets see the parts you really worked for!
http://www.nerdist.com/2011/03/watch-the-invader-zim-cast-reading-unproduced-scripts/ The voice cast reading a couple of unproduced episodes at the recent Invadercon. Yup. Had to share.
What do you do for a living? I'm at a crossroads.
My husband and I were having a conversation this morning about some changes that will be happening in our lives in the near future. In a few months, we are going to the beach for vacation. Fun, right? I know, I'm so excited! Anyway, when we get back, I'm going to start looking for a new job and/or career. And I am so…
Seriously Psycho
My mom is seriously psycho!!! Does anyone else have a psycho mother? It sucks if you do, but it would make me feel better... =(
Cheer me up :)
Well today is a strange day today.... ive just weighed in and only lost 0.5lbs and now ive just heard a song played at my daughters funeral and burst out in tears!! I was over that years ago so i have no idea why im so emotional today.. Maybe my son keeping me up all night could be a reason.. i dunno just one of those days…
Cartiladge Piercing
I've always wanted my cartliadge pierced. I had it done about 5 years ago and ended up having to take it out after a few weeks because it was starting to form a bump on the backside, and was super irritated. Last weekend, (19th) I went out and decided to get it done again. Well 1.5 weeks later, its still very sensitive. A…
I know it's a free site but Milky Way Caramel ads? Seriously
Ok, so MFP is a free site, I get that. I do however find it odd that I went to three different sections of the site only to see in this order: An ad for Milky Way Caramel, one for some decadent Pilsbury creation, followed up by Natures Bounty asking me if I needed digestive support. Natures Bounty totally belongs on the…
Too Fat for a Tat
So I want to get a tatto and I've wanted one for a while but I just feel like since my body isn't in shape I don't know where I would put it. I want something small and discreet but somewhere I would be ok with showing off if I wanted to. Any suggestions?
Spring Fever
I just thought it would be fun to see what everyone does to cure Spring Fever. Me...I mow the yard. I love mowing....and the first time of the season is something I look foward to all winter. Our springs come early in Texas, so I've already mowed 3 times. Going to have to do it again Saturday.. Can't wait! So what do you…
MFP Lang....?
I would just like to know what MFP slang or language I would need to know..for example what does "bump" mean? I see it on a lot of message boards. Also..NSV? Trying to be up to date, Thanks.
MFP Freecycle
I think we should start some sort of Freecycle program between MFPers. With so many of us on a hunt to lose weight, it would be nice to exchange clothing. Without having to pay new clothing prices until we've reached our goal weight. Thoughts?
I can't take you seriously when..
...you use 6+ emoticons in a single post.
Biggest Loser- Anyone ever wonder this? *Girls*
Am I the only one who wonders how much Aunt Flow (aka TOM) effects the weight loss results each week for the females? I mean, surely they have a period, right? TOM definitely effects my weight loss stats so I'm wondering if it does for them, too. Food for thought...
how do you make an image smaller?
I have a success story i wanna post, but when i try to post it, its HUGE! anyone know how to make the pics smaller? thanks
beach pic...just trying to see if i can get the image to wor
just testing this...seeing if i can successfully upload a pic!
Calories that don't count
Calories that Don't Count The following food and situations have no calories to speak of ... OTHER PEOPLE'S FOOD: A chocolate mousse that you did not order has no calories. Therefore, have your companion order dessert and you taste half of it. INGREDIENTS IN COOKING: Chocolate chips are fattening, about 50 calories a…
People don't even realise they want me to fail!
I have lost weight, I look different. I look BETTER than I have for several years, I am FITTER than I have been for several years, I EAT BETTER than I have all my life and I am happier when I look in the mirror than I have been for years. SO, why is it that my friends and co workers say things like - You aren't going to…
Still having chest pains...
I've been getting chest pains on and off for a couple months now. It's not like sharp pains, it doesnt hurt more when I breathe it's just like an achey pain. So I went to the doctors a couple weeks ago and they did an ekg( I think) the thing when they hook the little suction cup things to you. Then they also had me get an…
Zoloft vs Welbutrin
Hi! I searched the forum for an answer to this, but couldn't find anything. I switched from zoloft 100mg to welbutrin 300mg a month ago, and really....I'm more depressed with the welbutrin than with the zoloft. I was working out this morning and almost in tears for absolutely no reason! I was just wondering if anyone is…
My son is in a baby contest, and we NEED votes. If you can, please vote for him at www.niagarababy.ca The picture is labelled 'NicholasDucky' and he's the little guy having a bath in a giant yellow duck. We are in third with 60 votes.. the next two have 133 and 170! It takes less than a minute and it would be appreciated…
random question for the ladies
I've been talking to my females friends and found that many dont like the 6 pack over muscular approach. I'm single so the work I'm doing is for me, but I'm aiming on dropping my body fat to 10-15% and build the muscle. My question is, and i understand its a broad one, but what do you consider an attractive body?
what shall I have???
I'm off to a concert tonight and have been really good today with food. after my tea I will have 729 calories left. My question is..... Do I go the whole hog and have some treats or be a really good girl and just take some quavers, a banana & bottle of diet coke???? Thanks in advance Katy x
April Fools Prank Ideas
Ok, so I know that April Fool's Day isn't until Friday but I want to get a jump on some suggestions. Last year my co worker got me pretty good. I came in & there was a small Mcdonald's coffee cup sitting on my desk. I was wondering who had been at my desk & why they didn't throw their cup away. I picked it up to throw it…
I want to be full time
Should I just ask my manager what I need to do?
Never Say No to Panda!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X21mJh6j9i4&feature=player_embedded I needed a good chuckle this morning!!....:laugh:
Any Arizonans?????
Whos from the Sunny state of AZ? I'm from Goodyear!