Anyone else feel like a stalker when you look at someones d
Unless they're family or a good friend, I feel like a stalker every time I look at someone's diary. Kinda feels creepy to see what that person has been eating all day. :laugh:
please sign this
and try and stop such atrocious treatment of captive animals, like annie :-( . the clip isn't very nice btw. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/save-Annie-stop-abuse-in-circuses/
Posting to facebook
Hey, anyone know why my stuff isn't posting to my FB? I have it set to post when I log an exercise and when I lose weight, and it isn't doing it anymore!
HELP My signature is acting up
so i wanted to put a signiture on my post that said how much weight i have lost but it hasnt come up when i have copied it on the signiture. i dont know what to do.
Apparently I'm evil
My brunch calories came out to exactly 666. I did not plan it this way. ;)
grocery shopping.
So kind of a random topic, but I am just curious on how much you guys spend on food shopping. How often do you go? For how many people? & where? I go to Kroger once a week, usually on a Sunday morning and spend around 30-50 dollars for just me, depending on how much I need to restock :)
Off Topic, anyone here suffer from sleep paralysis?
Its happened to me a couple of times lately be interesting to here from you all
Inspiring story
Just read this on Yahoo.... Inspiring story for me, as this woman isn't too much older than I am. Just proves that no matter what your age, you can achieve pretty much anything you set your mind on. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/NFL-8217-s-oldest-cheerleader-will-have-her-lif?urn=nfl-wp574 It also…
What is ridiculous?
What are some of the crazy things that people do everyday that you consider ridiculously ironic or goofy, maybe even stupid? Like the guy that rides up your butt for miles and then flies around you only to get behind the slow car in front of you.Ha. I have to laugh.
Can someone clarify this for me?
On this website I have seen the word "bump" be used alot from people who reply to one anothers topics. What does this mean ?
Hey, just seeing who all is from Pennsylvania. I'm looking for people in the Derry/Latrobe area that may be looking for an exercise buddy. (Nothing creepy, LOL!) Katie:flowerforyou:
my computer wont let me do chit chat!
Sooooo I'll post here! I need some feedback! Someone posted something about tattoos and it made me think of the one i wanted: a dream catcher with the world as the web. and dangling from the world is a live beating heart. You can't make the heart beat on your skin, but you get the point. With feathers as the other danglies…
Too much beer last night to log. :sick: :sick:
Hi! Is anyone on here from Ireland or Northern Ireland? I am trying to find some lost family members and I need some help with possible websites that can help me.
i'm addicted to social networking (i.e. FACEBOOK) they need a like button on here!
Haha. I'm probably the only one on here excited for the season finale of jersey shore lol. just thought i'd post this to see if i'm the only one!
new to this (help)
Hey there. i'm new to all this. I went from being relatively fit to having a major injury which stopped me playing football (soccer) and needing a big operation. I'm now back and doing cycling and gym work with weights for an hour a day 5-6 days a week and i'm just not getting into it. i'm now going into my 4th week and im…
I ALWAYS throw out anything past the expiration date and my family gets mad at me and says I'm wasting food. What does everyone think about expiration dates? Also, since I'm in bed with a cold & just took expired medicine cause that is the only thing we have... I'm debating whether or not to throw out all our old medicines…
Private profiles
I have a question for those of you who have your profiles private (only your friends can see them). And, before we get started, please let me emphasize that I am not judging or trying to be negative in any way. I understand people's desire for privacy and confidentiality. To me, IN MY OPINION, that makes sense for a site…
Hey Strangers!
I don't want to express my fears to people I actually know, so you are stuck with it. Had my first mammogram yesterday and got a callback to repeat the scan. I know they probably just found a lump of gristle or whatever lives in breasts, but I'm slightly stressed about it. How could my breasts turn on me now, after all I…
Any travel agents out there?
Hello all! So I am looking to start a part - time thing as a travel agent. I was wondering if anyone can tell me how to go about it, or what I do. I want to work from home when I do this. I know that I don't need a license in New York State, and I do need a IATA Number. Any advice or help is greatly appreciated!! Thanks…
Don't you hate it when........
You peel a yogurt foil cover back and it rips, leaving you to get yogurt all over your fingers!!!!! :sad: What little things irk you?!?!?!
I am not on a diet!!!
I am tired of people walking on their tip-toes around me because I'm on a "diet." I AM NOT ON A DIET! I have not spent a year of my life shedding 70lbs and completely changing the way that I eat so you could worry about me or shun me from all social events involving food. I am not ON a diet, this IS my diet. This is just…
My dog is getting fat.
So I'll be eating, and she's sitting in the floor giving me the stank eye. I keep telling her people food gives her hell gas, but she doesn't listen. She will occasionally grumble, or show me her teeth. Then I make my mistake. I say to myself "Stop eating! You've had enough!" Then she gets what I shove away in disgust. She…
Vent- Comfronted my best girl...
She is my best friend..hands down. We have our ups and downs..theres a problem..always have to come between us. I'm not usually the type that likes to confront friends or family and try to keep things to myself. I don't like to fight, even if they do something that I don't approve of. My friend, maggie..is a smoker. I…
nanny question
I know this has nothing to do with the site but I have an interview today for a summer nanny job. The hours are from 730-6 and she wanted me to give her an idea of what kind of pay she wanted. I dont want to ask too high and not get it, but I dont want to be working for nothing. My question is;- how much would u ask for?…
Any hair stylists out there?
Hi all I need serious hair help I've had thyroid problems the last few years......cycts and nodules and had half of my thyroid removed (I am not on any medication) My hair has become horribly thin, brittle, fragile.... Can u rec any products or anything to take orally (supplements) that could actually help with growth? Any…
Kinda makes us men feel left out....hehe:laugh: How about a RUGGEDLY HANDSOME MAN AWARD ? Suggestions welcome
What to do about wedding ring?
I haven't wore my engagement ring in forever, it got to big... I am waiting to see what size I need to adjust it to once I finish loosing.. but the problem is my wedding band! It feel off today and scared the crap outta me, I didn't think I was going to find it.. so I started moving it and it's so loose it's not funny :( I…
Who wants to be MFP buddies?
I need more MFP pals to keep me motivated! I'm pretty new to the site. I found the app months ago and never really used it until recently when I discovered the whole community aspect of the site. I love it, keeps me going. Except I feel like I'm hitting a plateau already... I need some new friends to keep me going! :)