Chattin with the Fuzzy
ok so I thought it would be fun to post this up and offer a chance for women and men alike to ask me for advice on whatever, I have many who come to me for advice and though it would be fun to do a chatting with fuzzy (see the profile pic) segment.
Petite Lap Giraffe - from commercial - web cam :)
http://www.petitelapgiraffe.com/index.php awwweeeeeee:love:
Super-Villain Bank Robberies
Philisophically speaking, would it not be cheaper to let the super villain get away with a bank heist? The damage a fight with a super hero probably costs more to fix than whats in the vault. Plus, you know the villain will just try again anyways....I know, do not give in to terrorists, but if they only do it…
Can anyone help me, I've been looking for a website to design a before and now avatar for my weight loss. I''ve seen others have these under their pictures, and I want one of my own.
Will somone make me laugh
Pleeeeaaase! :indifferent:
For all you with tattoos!!
Time to take my mind off food :D What do you ahve a tattoo of? what does it mean to you? :D I am getting mine in the summer and want to hear what others have! Tattoos have stories :D Can be something with deep meaning, a wild story, drunken story xD, or just a beautiful piece of art! :D I will be getting my favorite…
Elizabeth Taylor
died. whoa.
The Power of 1
Web MD
Has anyone else gone on here to check simple symptoms of a cold or backache and then fear the worst when webmd says you have cancer or something awful based on your symptoms? I've had to ban myself from this website
where can I get that ticker that shows a progression of your weight loss?The one that shows a girl and the more weight you lose she gets smaller thanks
DJ's for weddings
This is a question for all the brides out there. Im just trying to get some figures to compare. Im curious as to how much people are spending for wedding dj's nowadays. Im looking to hire one & Im just trying to get an idea of what to expect if ya'll don't mind sharing. Thanks, Cheri
Pets and weight loss
I have been working out now for the past 3 1/2 months and losing weight. I have noticed that my once 18 lb cat has also been loosing weight. He is now down to about 15 or 16 lbs. I haven't weight him yet but he is definitely slimming down. Anyone else notice this behavior in their pets?
Should I eat my exercise mat?
It's blue and kind of squishy. How many calories do you think it has? I have two of them so I was thinking of just eating the one.
Need Help Coaching Third Base Runners
Need Help Coaching Third Base Runners My twin boys are almost five years old and are in their first teeball season. I've volunteered to coach the third base runners during the game. I might not get third base so if you have first, second, third and home base coaching, please lay it on me. This is a non competitive league…
Everyone should watch this.
Went to a seminar last night. Called Stores On Line. It was one of those "free seminars". "Deal of a lifretime". I knew it was a scam, but it offfered a free MP3 player to attend and free dinner. Jan and I just called it a cheap "Date Night." If you want to know more about it, just Google "StoresOnline Scam". You'l get…
cant sleep
cant sleep tonight so i watched choccywoccydodah ( its a cake shop in the uk that makes massive chcolate cakes ) ... and it didt even make me want any choc or cake ...now thats a first anyone any ideas on how to sleep ??
ok.. how many times/week/mo/years/decades/centuries?
ok.. legitimate question for people over 18: did your "love" life improve after losing weight and/or getting closer to or achieving your goals.. not at all/ by a lot?....
I really care about this guy. We are great friends but I want it to be more. I don't know if he feels the same way that I do. I know my weight bothers him. What should I do?
Feeling sad
So I'm eating soup :D
3 yr old weighs 132lbs??
Oh wow.. look at this article about a 3 yr old who weighs ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY TWO POUNDS. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1368790/Lu-Hao-Chinese-toddler-3-weighs-staggering-132lbs-hes-growing.html
Someone keep me
occupied. I'm going crazy!
I just heard this on the radio this morning, no joke. The headline was 'Sex Can Kill You'. The story was that sudden bursts of activity such as EXERCISE or sex INCREASE your chance of a heart attack by like 3 times. WTF.
flipping baby momma drama rant(explicit content)
This ***** had some nerve to come into my house, when I don't really care for having her here in the 1st place. Ask to use the bathroom, fine whatever and then call my house filthy and disgusting because she saw an ashtray and 4 beer cans on the coffee table. ***** I know what this house looked like before I ****ing…
I cannot believe some people!!!!! Today is my 4th day at work and I'm still getting used to making sure all of the info on a check is there. I get the drivers license number etc.. well today after my shift I was counting my till and my supervisor noticed one of the checks was a fake. I am so mad that someone would do that!…
Survivor -- wow what an episode !
Hi Survivor fans ! Did you catch tonight's episode ? It was sooooo good. What did you think ?
hmm ankle tattoo?
I wanna get a tattoo on my ankle...a very small one...how bad do you think it'd hurt? i already have one on my foot so..........:flowerforyou:
Healthy Craving?
So now that we are on this journey to become more fit, I am wondering what healthy foods you crave? Not the crappy food you limit or have cut out and miss...but what foods you love that are healthy. I crave a banana with a tablespoon of nutella almost every afternoon! Yum Yum, so good!
My tummy is feeling icky
:sick: I only ate one meal so far today, and it really messed with my guts! Just thought I would share.
what to do with those pants that are too big
turn them into cute baby skirts! i found this awesome tutorial on how to turn old pants into baby skirts. it's so neat. now i know what i'm going to do with my pants that are starting to fall off-- http://helpinglittlehands.blogspot.com/2010/04/recycled-pants-into-ruffle-skirt.html what do you do when your pants get too…