Laser Hair Removal Anyone?
Happy Friday! I got a really good deal on Dealfind today. $89 for 6 sessions of hair removal. Has anyone ever gotten laser hair removal? What are your experiences? The laser is a LightSheer Duet. Not sure if that is a good one or not. And I'm praying this works because I bought 4 vouchers for myself and 1 for my mom for…
My Cat is on a Diet
And boy is he mad about it. I realized I was in the habit of letting him steal scraps off the dirty plate after I was done eating. The second I get up from the table he jumps up and attacks the plate. So tonight I took the plate into the kitchen, scraped it into the garbage and washed it immediately. He followed me into…
Need Some Constructive Criticism!
Ok, so I'm writing this poem. I'm not sure if it is good or not and I just started. Could ya'll give me some feedback to tell me how it sounds??? People are everywhere. They come in so many types, styles, and varieties. The ones we choose to trust and put our faith into, we label them as “friends” Those are the ones that…
hi all, started this one week ago tomorrow. just wondered if there was anyone local to me???
OMG So Cute.
This is the strangest, yet cutest, thing I've ever seen. So adorable! http://www.geekologie.com/2009/05/awwwh_i_want_a_million_pgymy_j.php
What is a pirates favorite letter? You'd think it's the *insert pirate voice* arrR but its really the C :laugh: gets me every time.
Exercise is bad for you
I was heading home from work on my bike tonight when bang Lexus meets bike and I meet tarmac. I'm finally home from the hospital 5.5 hours later with lots of cuts, bruises, swelling and a couple of busted ribs.... Remind me again how exercise is good for you!! Ian
Friday, friday, gettin down on friday
FUN FUN FUN FUN lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0
This is what you gave me for my B-Day?
Read if you have ever had a bad day at the Gym. http://heidiclaire.blogspot.com/2009/01/first-week-of-workout-routine-very.html
Anyone on Armour thryoid medication??
I am taking Armour now after being switched from Synthroid and Levothyroxine. Just recently found out I am supposedly overmedicated (labs show .44 although range is .3-3.0) however, my whole right hand is FREEZING and the rest of my body is COLD even though it is 73 degrees in here. I am about ready to crank the furnace up…
It was just horrible!!! Late last night, the house was quiet and everyone was in bed except me. I wasn't very tired yet, and was up later than usual. Most of the house was dark, but there is one light over our kitchen sink that stays on all night, every night. It's just enough light for anyone to move around if they need…
I am so hungry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In case any one is having a crappy day!
I found this while doing some early morning research, and couldn't not share. Happy non-crappy Friday, Loves! :laugh: http://www.tnrunning.com/articles/milner/everyone_poops.html
Migraine Sufferers (this certainly isn't fun and games)
Hey folks, I'm a chronic Migrainier (yes, there's actually a term for it). I have migraines probably 2/3 of the time lately. My first one was 10 years ago, and lasted 13 days. Recently I have migraines that can last a month at a time, with only a few days respite in between. I'm aware that this is hormonal, as I have the…
Juuuuust Kidding. :)
The best ways to lose weight: http://7waysoflosingweight.com/ :)
cant sleep, feeling effin depressed
im blowing up these forums, i kno guys. i just cant sleep and im feeling pretty down right bc of my bf and i breaking up...bad day for my calories nd for my emotions
Okay, it's officially Friday
I'm hoping when I check my bank account in a few minutes my check will be there.
Cause I like to over post..lol
Hey I'm just letting you all know I am here for you. I usually look thru my friend daily to see who hasn't logged in withing the last couple days and shoot you a message to make sure things are ok. We all need motivation and we all need friends. I will also look at you food diary and NAG you if you aren't eating enough or…
How many calories do I burn...
For playing COD Black ops? I mean theres a lot of cussing involved and I'm pushing those buttons sooo fast! Theres also the occasional jump up and dance when I get a great winning kill or if I finish first ... I gotta be burning some calories ! Maybe I should play while standing up ? Oooh I could even work in some squats…
Lol, I keep posting today, which isn't really like me, but I keep finding stuff I wanna share! This is for all the girls who are worried about their boobs shrinking as they lose weight. This is "How to Trick People Into Thinking You have Big Boobs". She's hilarious, check out her other videos too. :)…
I need to go to the gym. but i can't get out of the damn house. I was gonna make dinner for myself tonight with the assumption that i was going to be eating alone but my grandmother decided she wanted to do that too.. so instead of one lobster tail.. i need to make three and she said she was going to the store to get more…
New recipes
Hey all, I'm so tired of eating the same thing week after week. I need a little variety. Please post your favorite healthy recipe!! I need your help!! :smile:
Things That Make Me Smile
I saw these super cute daisy rims last night, and they made me grin: On a white bug, though. What made you smile today? Pictures, please!
What keeps you motivated?
We all have different reasons for wanting to lose weight, eat healthier, and tone up. But sometimes we forget these reasons as soon as we see a tempting food...or maybe we rather just watch TV then go to the gym. When this happens we have to look within ourselves and reflect on why we started this journey in the first…
Need some new book ideas:)
Basically what the title says! Im looking for some new books to order off amazon. Read any good books lately? My favorite books of all time are Water for Elephants, Hunger Games, The Stand, Kite Runner, The Road by Cormac Mcarthy.....well that is a few of my favorites anyways lol. Im open to any suggestions!
If men gained size in their wiener if they gained weight...how do you think the world would view being over-weight for both men and women?
:D Browser game for fun. :D
Currently I'm playing a new browser game with a few friends. Kind of an rpg-ish text game; Pretty fun, free, and easy to pass the time with at work and such. Thought I'd share with you guys, maybe it'll help pass the day quicker in the ol' cubicle. Best case scenario, you'll be too busy tabbing in and out of this game to…
Contest at work! Help me win, please!
Hey y'all! I work at the administrative offices for AAA. (Y'know, the people that tow you if you're broken down or change your flat tire...) and we're holding an internal contest. The rules are to identify as many movies and television shows that include AAA or Auto Club product/brand placement or mention (must be U.S.…
What get's you going...hmmmm?
As in music pal's :tongue: Need to build my playlist again looking for more blood pumping songs :bigsmile: What is your favorite jam to get your burn on to right now?? Mine is Katy Perry-E.T, Rihanna-S&M, & Edward Maya-Stereo Love! Get's me SO pumped and makes me push as hard as I can. Suggestions please??:flowerforyou:
Need A Laugh??
This is the type of reaction racial stereotyping generates. Subject: Black Robbers . . . BLACK ROBBERS -- (A True Story) This has to be one of the best emails I've ever read . . . For anyone who didn't see the episode of David Letterman's show where this story was told, read this (and remember IT'S A TRUE STORY. . . On a…