POP QUIZ! Most Used and Most Recent
Did this a while ago and it was kind of fun, so here it is again (this time with a little twist). Go to your food diary and click on "add food" (doesn't matter what meal), change your favorites to "all meals" (top left) and make sure it is on default sort (top right). List the first five items under "Most Used" tab and the…
Is It considered SPAM if I...
Hi All, I've got a music project that I'm raising funds for. It's all legit on a site called kickstarter.com. For $1, you get digital downloads. For $10, you get the record plus blah, blah, blah... Anyway, trying to spread the word but didn't know if this would be considered SPAM. What do you guys think? Is it SPAM? I…
Sorry I kept waking you up last night.......but hey you made the chilli. :embarassed:
Ipod help
So I'm usually pretty handy with most stuff, but I really suck at operating my Ipod and itunes. A couple years ago I put a couch25k podcast on my Ipod and it worked fine. But now there is only one episode left on there, so I assume they expired. So I downloaded a new one, it's showing in my podcasts on itunes, but when I…
Check out the new group on Facebook
http://www.facebook.com/#!/home.php?sk=group_174769109231499&ap=1 It's not about buying stuff just come by share YOUR story and listen to others. Tell people how you stay in shape or find out how they do it. if you play the wii tell us. if you jog tell us. thank you
One thing about mfp that I'm happy about...
Aren't you happy this site doesn't say... Kevin just consumed 2000 calories of Pizza!!! HAhaha
help please!!
can i ask my mfp family for some help?? my daughter is ill and has a rare neurological disease. theres something called the pepsi refresh project that gives out grant money to diffferent causes. one of the causes it for research money for the illness my daughter has. you have to vote. it needs to be in the top ten to win…
Michael Jackson game for Wii
This game is so fun!! Does anyone else have it? If so, what's your favorite song? Mine is Ghost of Jealousy.....
Ladies... hairy chest on your man or no?
So I was going to wait until I reached my goal weight to pose this question but last night I was out with some co-workers who were asking about my weight loss and I showed them my current before and after picture (shown below)... overwhelmingly, the first response was "damn you've lost a ton!" but the overwhelming 2nd…
Starting my own business
I've been doing the job search thing for over 2 years now. Never ever imagined I would be unemployed for so long. My friends and family have encouraged me to start my own business. As one guy put it, why work wholesale when you can work retail. So that is what I'm going to do. I'm excited about it. Any suggestions on…
Who is single and why do you think you’re single?
Jan 20th until 4pm PST
EA Store online is having 50% all games. That means you can get EA Sports Active 2 cheaper. Just thought I'd give everyone a heads up.
Which car should I buy?
I've always wanted another Acura, and this one has navi! (I don't like the back of the TL, which is the nicer model). http://www.chevychasenissan.com/Washington+DC-Nissan-2009-Acura-TSX-Tech/Navi-JH4CU26659C036155-used.html But I've always wanted an Accord too (and for price and looks I'm leaning toward this one)....she…
Facebook or MFP
It is official. I am spending more time on MFP than on Facebook. I visit MFP before I check out Facebook. I never thought that would happen, but it has. :laugh:
P90X & Arrested Development
Okay... So three weeks into P90X and I still can't help but think Tony Horton resembles Gob Bluth from arrested development, hence my profile pic. Does anyone else feel me or am I just nuts?
The Candy With The Little Hole (joke)
The Candy With The Little Hole This should make you smile. :laugh: You have to love little kids. The children began to identify the flavors by their color: Red.....................Cherry Yellow...............Lemon Green...................Lime Orange ..............Orange Finally the teacher gave them all HONEY lifesavers.…
What's Hanging in Your Closet . . .
That you bought and swore you would get into "someday"? Have you been able to get into yet? How long did it take? While I almost always try clothes on before I buy, I made the mistake of ordering some work pants (3 pairs) from Old Navy and when they arrived they were too tight for me to fit into--for NOW. So, for now, they…
Angry Birds!!!!!
Anyone else play angry birds? I have it on my android phone and it drives me crazy when I can't beat a level lol... I have been on the same level for 2 days now and have probably tried 50 times to beat it. I still love it though!!
For those with long hair
Do any of you get an "aching" scalp from your long hair? The top of my head is so sore, and I think it's from pulling my hair back into a bun. It hurts just to touch it!
What a journey we are all facing right now; trying to get RID of extra pounds we no longer want nor need. I'm doing all I can to focus on what's best for ME and I want to encourage anyone out there to do the very same. Its not about other people when it comes to ME getting MYSELF in line with my health, ITS ABOUT ME doing…
Combining Pictures
I see a lot of before and after pictures side by side...is there a web site that i could do this at?
Computer help please!
I am better than average on computer repair and tech stuff, but I have something that is stumping me. I know there are some tech savy people here, any help would be appreciated.... My guys work computer has an intermittent issue with detecting and connecting to wifi. When you first turn it on it will detect all the…
Anybody From Kent UK ?
Anybody From the UK or Even from Kent ???:laugh:
1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
Has nothing to do with weight loss or MFP, just a fun little tidbit of information. So it is the year of 1's, we have had 01/01/11 & 01/11/11, 11/11/11 is yet to come. Here is another one; Take the year you were born & add the age that you will be turning this year, what did you come up with?
anyone from northern ireland?
anyone using this plan from northern ireland? are most users on here american?
Other peoples food diary's
Do you ever look at other people's food diarys and wonder how they put those foods together? Haha, I was looking at one earlier and I could not figure out where the lime went with the rest of the stuff listed in the meal. Just thought it was kind of funny, I'm sure people look at mine and think the same thing haha! But I'm…
Help staying motivated!!!
I need help. Its a new year now and i want to say there is a new me to go along with it. But sadly there isnt! I just havent felt motivated in doing anything lately, i guess you can say ive been in a slump :/ Sorry this is just a short rant. lol
Its Edgar Allan Poe's Bday!
So to celebrate, if you like Poe's work, what is your favorite? Mine would have to be The Raven, followed by The Oval Portrait.....but I find all his works to be fascinating.... So what's yours?
Where are all my Texas ppl?
North Richland Hills here :-)
1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, and 11/11/11
This year we have 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, and 11/11/11. Now, take the last two digits of the year you were born and add how old you'll be this year. The answer will be 111 if you were born in the last century, and 11 if in this one. I'm not sure how it works but it does! :noway: