Add as a friend
Please add me as a friend really would be great to have some motivation and support!
Where would you report a bad website?
Someone told me about a website recently that has the most disturbing stuff on it. It has these horrible videos of murder, abortions, beastiality, beheadings, horrible accidents etc. All the most disturbing stuff you would never want to see. Is it legal to have things like this on the internet? I know there are some sick…
I need help with appropriately portioned dinnerware
I am on a rampage today. And the whole house is paying for it. I woke up this morning to find my son (9 years old and more than 200 pounds) eating cereal out of a storage bowl. One that was WAY too big for a bowl of cereal. Although I didn't say anything, inside you would have thought that I walked in on him doing drugs.…
Weight Watchers Magazine - $3.76/Year
I am a bargain shopper and love magazines, so when i come by a deal like this i go nuts. So i thought i would share this deal with all of you. Even though i am not following Weight Watchers (i did 2 years ago), i love their magazines! They have awesome recipes and tips. Enjoy :smile: Best Deal Magazines is offering a year…
Good morning everyone!!!
Today is going to be a great day.. enjoy..:smile:
Reflect and Restore
At the end of every week I try to come up with a short phrase or poem that reflects on my prior week and some sort of quote for the coming up week. I do this for myself and I just thought maybe some of you all would like to do this too. This help's me to reflect on my week accomplisments and give's me something to think…
spray tans anyone?
whos had a spray tan done before??? i thought of getting one for my wedding..cuz im getting married in may and im wearing a dress n dont want to be white as a ghost but dont wanna use a tannin bed...any suggestions should i do this??? if u did urs how did urs come out? I HAVE A SUN TAN CITY NEAR ME....ANYONE KNOW OF THEM…
Is about some kind of unhealthy food! I am so sick of it! The only commercials that I have seen on TV about anything remotely healthy are the Truvia commercials, and Kashi commercials...ugh!!!! It seems like no matter what channel I am watching there will be a restaurant advertising a high calorie entree' or some kind of…
News From CNN and FOX!!!!!!! URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are a female alone driving, walking, jogging or anything and come across a child whom is crying asking you to take them to a certain address PLEASE DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take them to the nearest Police station....This is a new way for women to be in danger, sadley enough to say. This is a new "gang rape"…
Jersey Shore
Ok so who here likes Jersey Shore? I think it is the most trashy but fabulous show. It makes me cringe the way that these people are but i love it at the same time. I have to say as trashy as Snookie is, I love her, i love her "i dont give a &%*$ about what anyone thinks, loves pink and blingy sequins lol. Pauly is awesome…
Facebook Games
Does anyone play farmville? etc?
I need ideas and suggestions!
Hey all, This upcoming Valentine's Day is my and my hubby's first one together being married. We're on a budget set at $20 or less for gifts. Does anyone have any fun, thoughtful, creative, and/or sweet ideas? I'm stumped and for a man I don't want to go with a card, chocolates, or flowers! =P Thanks for the help!
how much did u or roughly how much would it cost me??? weddi
how much do i expect to pay for JUSTICE OF THE PEACE roughly or how much did u pay if u had one ????? please help as u can see i know nothing about wedding stuff
sports bra and undies pics are they ok to put on here???
What would you do if You suddenly came into money?
I am not talking about what kind of car, house or thousands of shoes you would buy, but what would you do for others. This is what I would do: I would give my church, and lots of charities a big chunk, and then I would build a huge community centre and have fun programs for the kids, a fully loaded workout gym, have…
What kind of work do you do?
I'm curious about the people I'm reading about, or chatting with on here. Tell me about your job, What did/do you do for a living? Any fun stories, or things that stress you out about the job? Do you like your job, love it or indifferent....or loathe it? I'm a stay at home mom now, but when I worked I was an Air Ambulance…
This Site Is Turning Into The New Mini Facebook
Have you noticed that a lot of the topics ain't even about dieting no more Its turning into the new Facebook, BUT without all the Bragging and Arguing:laugh: All we need is the poker Texas Hold Em, and some games and a poke button too :laugh:
The advertising Strips On This Webb Site
Has anybody else noticed that some of the advertising on this Webb site is about food and ALL YOU CAN EAT CLICK HERE >> All i can say is LMAO, its a dieting Webb site that cant be helping people when they are hungry, pictures of food BURGERS.....Etc :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:…
Video based on an actual interview
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQzH15_yo1M This happen many years ago when I graduated from college. It was probably one of the worst interviews I have experienced. Some of the things she says in the video are what she said. Everything I say are only what I was thinking at the time.
Do we all become narcissistic when we reach our goal?
Seriously when we get "skinny" or "healthy" or however you want to describe it, are we all going to take mass amounts of pictures of ourselves? Flex in every shiny surface? Have the "self photographs" posted on every blog and website we can? I sure hope I don't become so self involved that I have to ask "do I look fat in…
Opinion - A clean desk
Ok there is a running controversy here at work...some feel that if you keep your desk neat and tidy that you don't have enough to do...others feel that it's a sign of professionalism and organization to keep your office neat. I'm a little OCD about mine...it has stuff I'm working on during the day but I clean it up before…
Okay, time to declare your elegance! What is your favorite team? For me its the patriots!
New Spartacus has been picked
http://www.deadline.com/2011/01/liam-mcintyre-is-the-new-spartacus/ Liam McIntyre....congrats! Big shoes (or sandals) to fill but hear he's bulking up nicely (YUMMY!) and filming will resume in the Spring. Love the original Spartacus, but show must go on. I mean, it needs to. Have you SEEN that show?!?!?!?! Holy ___ talk…
Favourite Meals?
What are your favourite healthy meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks? I'm looking to generate some new ideas :) Mine are: Breakfast: Slow cooked steel cut oats w/ fruit & fruit juice Lunch: A can of tuna (w/ mayo) on top of 2 cups of lettuce Dinner: Salmon & rice, w/ asparagus Snack: Apple’s with peanut butter
I love to write. I have been, albeit slowly, working on a book for the last several years. Anyone want to swap for critique purposes?
Martin Luther King - Day of Service
I realize this is totally off topic and not fitness related but a lot of my MFPeeps have kids. I came up this information and activity so families can discuss why the Martin Luther King Day of Service is important and what we can do to make America better for each other. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "Life's most…
what is a good cruise togo on?? Looking to go in march this year.....
Someone we can all hope to be :)
I work at a retirement home as a chef and although it isnt as bustling and aggravating as a restaurant is we sure get to meet people which such great life stories you cant help but be taken aback. One woman today is celebrating her 101st birthday. Granted she is in a wheel chair but that was very recent as shes unstable if…
Do you have twitter? Are you posting about your weight loss there?! I am!!! Follow me @fitnfab17 and post your account so I can follow you as well! xoxo