I need advice, please.
I haven't written a cover letter in a while. I have a resume already, and I've tweaked it to fit the position I am interviewing for. I was called in to speak with the manager of a 24 Hour Fitness tomorrow at 10am. He asked that I bring my resume, of course. I would like to have a cover letter ready, as well. I'm kind of…
Hooray for trashy daytime TV!
I'm watching the Millionaire Matchmaker and the lady millionaire is SO BAD! Her whole date is with a dude that's blatantly asking her about buying him gifts because he's sizing up being in a relationship with her only for the money. She's incredibly blond-bimbo. Does anyone else watch terrible TV in the morning? It's…
Cycle enthusiasts!
Hey guys. Im current doing a project for university in which i am trying to promote an energy drink and i need to come up with a new target audience. I am going to focus on female cyclists, aged between say 20 and 40. ((Please note mods, this is not in any way promoting anything. This is a made up project that does not…
John Wayne
Now I may sound like a Bible beater yelling up a revival at a river crossing camp meeting, but that don't change the truth none. There's right and there's wrong. You got to do one or the other. You do the one and you're living. You do the other and you may be walking around, but you're dead as a beaver hat.
This is MFP not Facebook
Im not trying to be ugly but is it really necessary to detail every minute of your life like people do on FACEBOOK?!!!! If you want to rant and rave about personal problems, or post when you are going to the bathroom then do it on FB! If you want to post a comment about how your weight and diet is affecting your life then…
sooo upset
I went to a yoga place yesterday to sign up for a month of classes and the lady behind the counter was telling me about rates and things and then she said "so when you give birth you can put your membership on hold." I said "excuse me but I am NOT PREGNANT." She said "oh I'm so sorry, here's a pass for a free class." I…
LOL...can anyone relate????
A WOMAN'S WEEK AT THE GYM If you read this without laughing out loud, there is something wrong with you. This is dedicated to everyone who ever attempted to get into a regular workout routine Dear Diary, For my birthday this year, my husband purchased a week of personal training at the local health club. Although I am…
Ayurveda: A Dietician's Holy Text
Ayurveda holds on to the principle that every food has its own rasa or taste, energy or virya and the digestive pattern or Vipaka. Diet has a cardinal effect on the balance of the Doshas or humor of our body. This is the reason that some kinds of food should not be combined as it creates a havoc in the balance. The…
Idk how interested you all are in books but i love reading when i workout! I'm always looking for great book suggestions. I'm not really a fantasy type of girl but more of a real life application type. Jodi Picoult is my FAVORITE author. I suggest any of her books!!! Does anyone have anything to suggest? <3
Biggest Loser- "Unknowns" Method
So after watching BL this week I thought that those training with the "unknowns" are at a disadvantage by not having to clean up after themselves, learning how to cook healthy, and limiting their training (so it appears) to just boxing related exercises. When they enter the ranch, they will be helpless in the kitchen. Not…
Favorite Yogurt
Mine so far is the Yoplait boston cream pie and yoplait light fat free black forest cake...mmmm
Picture of where you currently are
Because I am bored and learning my new phone. This is my desk at work.
Jump rope, You can join me if you like
I challenge you to jump as many times as you can on the 24 and 25 of feb. On the 25th of feb I will be posting up another post, to see how many times you have jumped, it can be either both days combined or just one day. I think it's a great way to show support for the american heart association. I need to get a new jump…
Book Club
Calling all book worms !! Hey guys i love to read and i think along with our bodys we need to make sure our minds our fit . With that being said i would like to start a book club . Does anyone want to join . Im thinking we start with " Eat Pray Love " We discuse certain topics , i can locate discusions questions , and we…
For those of you on MFP while at work....
Please delete all history including cookies at the end of the day. No need for your supervisors to know what your up to. :drinker:
Huge Favor: Lyrics lookup
Is there anyone that would be willing to look up the lyrics and paste them for the following songs? My home and work computer have troubles pulling up the lyrics websites, probably with all the ads. And anyways, I am needing the lyrics to provide to my boss at the Fitness Center that I teach at........ Break Your Heart-…
weight loss pet peeves
what things tick you off from other people concerning weight loss? for me its gotta be excuses and negative self talk. dont call yourself a big fat whatever or lardbutt etc drives me crazy. and the excuses the way i see it if you want too see a change youll make a change. ok off my soapbox
OCD Quirks and Irks
Do you have anything that is totally random that you hate? Or have to do a certain way? Or a routine you have to do? I HATE cotton balls. The kind you find in medicine bottles? Whenever I get a new bottle I can't open it, I have to wait for my husband to do it because the feeling just completely freaks me out! I also HATE…
snowed in/cooped up
All day long, it started as 4-8, then 8-10, now they are saying its going to be 8-14inches and the heaviest hasn't even come yet...ugh, I ordered pizza, but I am balancing it out by doing my Slim in 6 dvds, lol
mental health matters to me
Just a little something for you guys to take a quick look at. I'm helping my friend to raise awareness and this is her charity for those suffering with mental illness! What this girl goes through and what she does for others just blows me away <3…
Oldie, but a goodie. NOOOOO, it's not true - you can't just pick up diamonds off the floor - you gotta work out! :tongue: But it's a good laugh. :laugh: A WOMAN'S WEEK AT THE GYM This is dedicated to everyone who ever started a regular workout routine Dear Diary, For my birthday this year, my husband purchased a week of…
Ex wife issues/questions
Hello, My divorce was finalized on January 3rd of this year. I still get random text messages from my ex wife about what she is doing throughout the day. She is the one that wanted the divorce, and lost the "spark" we once had. I said ok, if you are not happy here, I wouldnt want you to stay for anything. Who wants to live…
This is actually a bit off from what the normal topics are on here, but it is sort of related. A lot of my stress comes from my finances. As it is right now, I work 2 jobs and my husband works one, but we have ALOT of loans out. If I could pay off some of these small loans off, it would put us with a GREAT comfort of…
Recent JOKE ( and its clean)!!
Just in case you hadn't heard it before, 2 monkeys in a bath, and one goes "OOH OOH AAH AAH IHH IHH" and the other monkey says "Well put some cold water in then" Boom Boom. WEll I laughed when I first heard it!! Its hard to get new jokes these days and especially clean ones!!:laugh:
School Reunion
Ok, March 5th is my Jr. High School Reunion - so it's the 26th reunion. Wow! Well anyway, it's nothing too fancy, just a bowling party/get-together. So, I really focus now. I want to lose 10lbs before that date, so I will keep you guys updated. Wish me luck! Tara
OMG I am so embarassed!!
Well, I was just in a shop and i dropped my change on the floor, when i bent down to pick it up, my trousers split right up the back!!! It wouldn't have been quite so bad if my trousers and underwear were the same colour, but no it had to hapen on the day i choose to wear black trousers and my biggest most comfy RED…
WATER!!!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!!!!
I'm having a really hard time drinking to 8 glasses of water a day. If its hot outside and I'm wokring outside, no problem. But to drink water inside when its cold outside sucks. Anyone with any suggestions to make it taste better? PS I don't like lemon and water.
The Mother Nature workout
Woke up to 2" of snow with another 5-10 on the way. It's nice, heavy, wet snow too. Thanks for the new workout routine Mother Nature!
Anyone around Canton, TX????
Looking for friends in the Canton, TX area to meet up with. Anyone within a 50 mile radius??????
How can you see your friends food diary?
Can you see what your friends eat on Myfitnesspal to help keep eachother on track? How can you find this on someone elses page? Thanks!