Tough Guy 2011
Is anyone doing the Tough Guy challenge in Wolverhampton tomorrow? If so, Good luck! It looks HORRENDOUS. I'm going to watch my boyfriend compete, i think he's insane!
Biggest Loser - missed last week's episode!
Who was voted off last week? I dozed off and missed it. :( Thanks!! :)
for the ladies...
has TOM ever been so vicious with you that you eat like a maniac, get borderline migraines, and waves of nausea on top of awful cramps...i get one like this maybe once a year and right now seems to be that one time...it takes me out of the workout scene for a few days because i get dizzy and queesy...i am just wondering if…
Need a change?
This was kinda fun. Great way to kill time if nothing else. See how you would look with different makup and hair styles. http://www.taaz.com
Staying in on a Friday night?
I'm trying to eliminate booze for a month or so to help continue my weight loss. Is anyone else staying in tonight?
I use to be fat..
Has anyone watched this show. I use to be fat, on MTV. I've watched it twice and I think its really motivating. These people work their butts off and their transformations are amazing!
Breville Juice Fountain Compact
Hi just lucked out. I walked into a pawn shop while waiting for someone at the store next door and I came upon a brand spanking new juicer. It sells for $99 at Best Buy. I got it for $40. I'm so happy because I have been saving for a juicer. This is not the one I was looking at but for the price who could pass it up? Not…
how many calories burned refreshing this page?
How many calories are burned refreshing myfitnesspal.com 25,000 times a day? I can't seem to pry myself off of here. Help!
okay so i said i was NOT going to watch brad be the bachelor again...but here i am at work, doing payroll and client billings....seriously am a sucker or what........so anyway, i just finished episode 1 of the 4 that have been on and he "weeded" out the first 10 after spending literally 10 mins with them....there are some…
Most Embarrassing Moment
I just posted a new blog entry about my most embarrassing moment that was caused by my weight. Ever been too heavy for an amusement park ride? I have. Ouch. That hurts. What's your most embarrassing moment? Here's mine...http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/shwnstnsn/view/my-most-embarrassing-moment-65912
Let's Brag...About Our Pets!
I have 2 lovely pets who are like my children. Sophie Jayne - Guinea Pig - Almost 6 years old Biskit Morgan - Shorkie Tzu (Shih Tsu/Yorkshire Terrier mix) 2 years old The are pretty much Amazing =D What about you?
Wine Pairing Help!
Hi everyone! I am going to a friend's house for dinner tomorrow night and they are making Shrimp Etouffee for me. What kind of wine would you pair with this? Cheers :drinker: jewel
Can you read this ??
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55% of plepoe can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny…
Donating Clothing - Morning Giggle
Donating Clothing:- I have just had a telephone call from a Charity asking me to donate some of my old clothes to the starving people throughout the World. I told them to " Kiss my A**, Anybody who fits into my old clothes isn't starving" !!! :laugh:
What are some silly things you have noticed
Since losing some weight what are some little things you have noticed you can do now that you couldn't do before. Mine are: Stand balancing on one leg. get up off the floor without some serious help actually cross my legs like a girl! I can bend over to tie my shoe without feeling like I am gonna pass out Can stand at the…
Recommend a good book
I am going on vacation next month and the one thing I always looking forward to is reading a good book. On a ten day vacation I'll read 2-3 books. Have you read anything good? What did you like about it?
HEY LADIES!!! Hair do help?
My hair is fairly long (halfway down my back) and extremely thick (ugh!!!) despite having getting it thinned regularly it is still VERY thick. I work in an office now and need to keep a "cuter" appearance... if it was my choice I'd wear it up in a ponytail 24/7 lol. Do you guys know of any cute hairstyle for thick, long…
Pics of our New House we are building
Great family orientied neighborhood with resort style living, its hiking bikeing trails though out, lots of parks, 3 story fitness center, basketball, tennis courts and a water park all included, also a 25 acre pro bass lake with a running trail around it (I cant wait to use) Closing at the end of march! Just got these…
Whats the funniest thing your baby does?
I am sitting here on my laptop while my 4 month old baby is having a whale of a time playing with her muslin cloth. She covers her face with it while laying on her back then makes loads of happy noises kicking her feet and hands around as if to say "look at me, look at me" then takes it off and has a massive grin on her…
Where would you go?
If the reward for reaching your goal was to go on vacation anywhere in the world for free, where would you go? Bahamas for me:glasses:
Bathroom Regulations--Just for laughs
Too funny!~I had to share this. The following text is an email from my boss. REALLY? REALLY? Hi all- We are experiencing a series of issues with the women's restroom on the 3rd floor of the 200 Building. Please review the "tips" below and apply them "every time" you use the restroom. Remember this is a shared restroom and…
OK, is it just me or does anyone else forget how to count while doing exercises? Am I so exhausted from reps that I can't even remember how to count to 12? Sometimes I go to 8 and then forget to keep counting and when the dvd guys ask what number I'm on, I think-- "Oh, heck if i know!" Please tell me I'm not the only one…
embarrassing story
Went to the gym this morning excited to use my new HRM. I felt like a pro putting on my tools in front of everyone (including trainer), put on my watch, then the chest strap.........but I forgot the connecter that transfer the heart rate to the watch. lol. I felt so stupid, I was so embarrassed that I just told my trainer…
i don't feel like working anymore today
that's all.
MOST Embarrassing FAT moment!
Yes, most embarrassing! I think we've all had them. If you've been or are obese or overweight, what was the experience that made you want to crawl into a deep, dark hole and hide from everyone and everything? I remember it like it was yesterday. I was around 15 or 16 years old and I was attending an annual river-fest near…
wondering how many diabetics are using this site? and what type of struggles they have with loosing weight? Sorry this post was put on wrong message board by mistake and now I dont know how to erase it and move to proper place.
MUSIC, what are your fave blues bands?
I was just wonder how many blues listeners are out there?..... and what are your fave blues bands?
WGU ads
I was psyched to see the adds for WGU above! I'll be graduating from there next month - one of the best experiences I've ever had. Just wanted to put in a plug for my soon to be Alma Mater! LOL!
Name a stupid movie, that you watch to make you ROFL
Pootie Tang, by far one of the "stupidest" movie's ever made, but i can't help but watch and laugh, I would also throw on Dumb & Dumber Half Baked, and Undercover Brother... let's not forget the classics Airplane and Naked Gun trilogy.
strange question
Does my ticker show up like everyone else's ? Because whenever I go to look at it for myself, it only shows a tiny blue box with a question mark in it, as if it can't load the image or something.