My daughter....
is a miniature Jillian! She's 5 and when I work out is always going "faster mommy, go harder!" She also said she wants a spinach salad for lunch with "extra broccoli and tomatoes." She is hysterical! She's still in the basement working out doing her jumping jacks and working out with her soup can weights. That's my girl!!!!
Serious topic Help protect Victims rights
((Wasn't sure where to put this really...it isn't a funny thing at all, but I am sure there will be alot of chit-chat and it affects men, and women alike because even if you aren't a victim there are good odds that you know a victim or will know one unfortunately and their rights should be protected.)) Hi, I just heard…
Magazine article?
I was just curious to how many of you found this website through a certain magazine geared towards parents. I know I found it in the February issue and I am so glad that I did.
Shooting Stars
So tonight I'm outside and I see a shooting star.... So I made a wish! (No I'm not going to tell you :blushing: ) But, it made me think.... how many people have seen a shooting star and wished on it? How many people's wish has come true? How many peoples wish haven't come true? Just made me think :huh:
What is the #1 personality trait you look for in a significa
I would have to say sense of humor.
What is ....?
all questions begin in "what is" so i didnt type it out. No offense ment to anyone. might want to copy and paste it so you wont forget the questions. 1. your favorite food when not dieting? 2. your middle name? 3. the reason you are dieting? 4. the meanst thing anyone ahs said to you? 5. your favorite clothing item? 6. the…
getting married n PISSED OFF.....
SO IM GETTING MARRIED......but man was i steaming this morning ive been updating the jop that were to have for our wedding n letting her know ill be paying as soon as i get the money i.e tax return....so i get an email this morning n such sayin i havent heard from you guys in awhile , i thought u told me you were gonna…
Dreaded Ground Hog's Day!
OK, for most folks GHD is just another day. For some freakishly odd folks in Puxatawney, PA it's some sort of satanic-worship-the-woodchuck thingy. BUT for me it is unbridled fear. I have had 4 car accidents on 4 different year on 2/2......and one more on 2/6. So, we have blizzard warnings on GHD and I work 53 miles away…
What did you do today for your health?
I did some P90x and drank some Shakeology!!
most ridiculous workout vids you've seen?
sometimes in this fitness world some great things come along, p90x, turbofire, insanity, biggest loser, even tae bo. but then other times there are some ridiculous workouts and the one that tops my list has got to be the thug workout - playground (youtube it) now the exercises are actually good and challenging but the…
Shakeology, Insanity/P90X, Macronutrient questions, or exer
I can't sleep! help
I can't go to sleep. This has been happening now for over a week. Since I couldn't sleep I decided to walkon my treadmill for 11min. This hasn't helped with getting me sleepy. I still can't sleep and now I'm getting a headache and my eyes hurt because of it. What do you do when you can't sleep? Please share.…
anyone watch biggest loser last night?
what do you think? I think the 'unknowns' lost a lot more weight-but besides the son on the blue team, i think they have a lot more weight to lose! I think the twin looked good after going home-some just cant handle being away from home.
5 things Im looking forward to after dropping my weight
1) Looking down and actually seeing my feet without bending over to do so 2) Painting my toenails without feeling like Im gonna pass out 3) More comfortable sex...ya...I said it...lol 4) Looking smokin HOTT in a swimsuit and..... 5) Lookin smokin HOTT at my 20 Year HS Reunion in 2012!
who wants to start p90x or insanity with me mon.
I have details on a video in my diary but monday im starting p90x+/ insanity you do WHAT YOU WANT!! but let's all do it together! I have a group to stay in contact. just message me and let me know if you want in.
Hulu anyone?
Hey am thinking Hulu might be the way to go for tv. Anyone using it? How do you hook your computer to the tv? Do you need to route it through something? Any advice? Thanks for the input in advance. B
What's for dinner?
A man kills a deer and takes it home to cook for dinner. Both he and his wife decide that they won't tell the kids what kind of meat it is, but will give them a clue and let them guess. The kids were eager to know what type of meat was on their plates, so they begged their dad for a clue. Well, he said, 'It's what mommy…
Help on a project
I am working on a project and I need good personality traits or qualities for the following letters: B- I- K- O- Q- U- V- W- X- Y- Z-
a date with a celebrity!
I was just here thinking, if I could celebrate reaching my goal with any celebrity who would it be? Johnny Depp no doubt. I'm curious as to who others would celebrate with, care to share?
Hi All, Any MFP users from the Copenhagen area?. I live work and play in England, I follow England Football team and next week I'll be visiting Denmark to watch the team play in Copenhagen. I'll be in the city for 3 days and was wondering if anyone can recommend any good bars, restaurants etc. Where are the main areas and…
responses to thread titles
I sometimes see thread titles and think of a very smart *kitten* answer that I would love to enter...but then I read the post and the smart *kitten* answer is just so inappropriate... Right now there is a thread that is titled "how do you eat cottage cheese?" ummmm with a spoon "Title--How do you measure your waist?" with…
Accidental Earth Killer
I have a hard time with remembering to bring my reusable shopping bags with me to the store. I used to be really good about it when I lived in a town where I could easily get to the store (I used to ride my bike, which was fun and awesome). But since we moved, I'm having trouble and I feel pretty terrible about using…
Permanent Weight Loss Solution
Seriously, I just found a long term, permanent weight loss solution! It works in a very short amount of time, and no matter how hard you tried, it would be very hard to undo your efforts! :) http://bit.ly/ga9QA4 Take a look! :D Haha.
Quotes/ Motivational sayings :)
What are your favorite quotes or sayings that get you through that hard work out or choosing a salad instead of a Burger and fries?? I'm getting a bunch of these types of quotes and putting them up on the back of my door so every morning I see them and remember what I want and how I'm gonna get there! :)
Calorie Burn for Unusual Activities
I took up Fire Breathing last year: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3F69ebJCQ9I The calorie burn is probably on par with Yoga in that it requires long, steady breathing and a held pose. Was super surprised to find out that riding my motorcycle for an hour and a half burned 600 calories! (according to Body Bug) Granted, I…
Going on date tonight, any good jokes?
Hey guys! I have used all my little jokes on this guy I have been seeing and was wondering if there were any good ones any of you have heard lately? (It's okay if they're about food because we're going to dinner.)
Thesis Survey
I am trying to acquire as many participants as I can! Please take my survey for my thesis :) <3 It is on attitudes and sexuality. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/advancedresearch
Testing the ticker
The tool, not my heart. :)
Too much Sodium...
Wedding Contest! Please Help!
Hi everyone, Me and my fiance are entered in a contest to win an amazing wedding. Visit the link below to vote. When you click vote, you'll have to either log in through Facebook if you have an account, or enter your name and email address. It takes less than 30 seconds :) As of right now, our wedding budget is almost…