I'm bored poll ~ per Lynn's request
Nothing to exciting today ~ Where do you live? Omaha, Nebraska Married/Single/Divorced/Dating? Divorced & dating Kids? Three girls ages 12, 7 & 4 Occupation? Human Resources for Hospital
Dating on MFP??
I was wondering if MFP offered a dating posting catagorie would anyone here sign up? After all, they say it's easier to lose weight when you have someone to lose with! How about it? Any takers?
What foods would you change to have zero calories?
I'd pick cheese, potatoe chips, and wine. I'd love it if they were calorie free and still tasted like the full calorie versions! I'd be in pure heaven! LOL!
Can I just say...
I'm absolutely disgusted by the price of tickets to Seaworld and Walt Disney World in Orlando. What a cash grab, it's ridiculously overpriced, and since when the f*** is a nine year old considered to be an adult?? This makes me so GRRRRRR :mad: Even with a stupid coupon code the best I can get for 5 people is 299.95 for…
Bad haircut.....
Has anyone else gotten such a terrible hair cut (way too short) it made you want to hide in the house?? I got a terrible short cut yesterday and I could just cry when I look in the mirror now. I know I'm just going to have to wait it out and it is afterall just hair.....but I could use any stories you might have so maybe I…
Yes I'm gonna be mushy..so all the girls...
Did you marry your first love? I am just really curious I wanna hear about it...How you met...etc etc hehehe yes we are going to girl gab but hey if you fella's have a story too come with it. Here is a brief summary of my life right now: When I was 18 I met Jon in boot camp, we dated briefly but eventually broke up over…
15 Noteworthy Websites that Changed the Internet
There are millions of websites out there. Many of them are unique, either in small ways or in large ones. But the individual impact of any particular site on the overall Internet is generally negligible, if there’s any impact at all. 1. Wikipedia Changed the way we find information. Before Wikipedia, most online…
15 Noteworthy Websites that Changed the Internet
There are millions of websites out there. Many of them are unique, either in small ways or in large ones. But the individual impact of any particular site on the overall Internet is generally negligible, if there’s any impact at all. 1. Wikipedia Changed the way we find information. Before Wikipedia, most online…
Getting hair done tomorrow, need ideas and opinions
Okay, folks, I'm getting my hair cut and coloured tomorrow. Now, I'm a natural blonde, who colours it. Currently, it's something close to black, with roots. Not an issue, as my colourist is amazing. However, I'm stuck in this middle length- I'd really LIKE to grow my hair long, as I think it's sexy when it's long... but at…
Two Months
On June 11th I'm having surgery on my Achilles Tendon and will be laid up for two months in a cast. If you had two months to sit around (not much mobility allowed) what would you do?
It's Saturday!
Here in Dayton Ohio It's raining today with a change of a short spurt of sun in the afternoon before the thunderstorms come tonight.. I plan to clean the house and do homework. In the spot of sunshine I plan to take a walk around the neighborhood. My neighborhood is beautiful in the spring with everyone's spring flowers in…
Kentucky Derby bets?
Anybody picked a horse yet? I'm thinking about putting my money on Stately Victor and/or Blind Luck.
If You Could.....
If you could spend a day with anyone from the past (besides personal friends and relatives) who would it be and why? What would you do or talk about? You can pick two people only. I would spend it with Shoeless Joe Jackson at a Cubs game and at a neighborhood bar after the game just talking about the old days in baseball…
Need a Kitten Name...
So, my hubby got me a new kitten, and little boy tabby. I need name ideas.... HELP!! My Hubby keeps calling him Puppy chow, b/c of our Boxer, Max... He is a gray, brown, and black tabby, pads of all four feet solid black and a solid black tail, little white on tummy and chest. Very lovable and curious... If you want to…
If I ate 999 big macs for dinner every day for the next 5 we
I'd weigh 5,566lbs! haha. Just playing around with my food entries. I'm bored as you can probably tell! LOL!
Let’s name some fun alternative ways to lose weight
I'll start Horseback Riding
Jillian Michaels...Do Babies Ruin Bodies?
Yesterday I was browsing through the news articles and I found one with Jillian Michaels titled "Do Babies Ruin Bodies"? I was curious to read it because I've heard so many great things about Jillian Michaels' workout programs as well as her efforts to help shape bodies on the Biggest Loser. The original article is in the…
Make u smile on Friday..
Some of these are pretty funny: http://thechive.com/2010/04/19/its-monday-you-could-use-some-photobombs-31-photos/ Giggle....:laugh:
Angry over weightloss ads
I get super irritated when I see all these stupid infomercials (at the gym no less), promising to lose inches in just days with these retarded exercises that do nothing but suck your wallet dry. But the other day driving home, I see a car with one of those home businesses advertised on their back window...."Lose 30 pounds…
Adult Acne
I have lived with acne since I was 16. I am 34 years old (soon to be 35) and my face continues to break out! I have tried everything. Currently I am using ProActiv and have been for about 3 months but it is not clearing up. I continue to use it because I have a ton of it and I paid $30 for it. Does anybody else have this…
hot pink jewelry
I am looking for hot pink jewelry. Somethingas close to classy as you can get with hot pink. It's for a wedding. Any ideas?
The Shoebox - a cautionary tale to all the men out there!
My wife thought this was funny...I've started my quest to find her shoebox! A man and woman had been married for more than 60 years. They had shared everything. They had talked about everything. They had kept no secrets from each other except that the little Old woman had a shoe box in the top of her closet that she had…
I was going to the Laundry room and went to the Frige...LOL
So I was going to the Laundry room to get my son a shirt for school tommorrow and I found myself opening the frige and looking there for the shirt.. I guess I was hungry... LOL
Soooo good!
Oh my gosh, I just treated myself to a 33g bag of Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips - 160 calories. I enjoyed them so much I actually ran my finger around the bag so that I got every speck, morsel and crumb. Does anyone else find themselves doing this sort of thing?
Love it & Hate it
I hate my arms, belly and thighs.. but I like my shoulders, back and butt. What does everyone else like or dislike about themselves?
a little personal, but I need an honest opinion
<My immediate family is too angry to be able to answer this honestly, with reason and with an open mind. So here goes, I have 6 children whom may ex husband is supposed to paying support for, two children are already too old to recieve support since they are now working full time and over 18. My question is, my ex husband…
I really didn't know where else to post this but I am very much a worry-wart and wanted ya'lls advise. I noticed yesterday that all of the sudden there was this pea sized bump under my arm (in the bend on the front side of my under arm). It was a little sore and I have skin issues so thought maybe it was just another…
Bummed and venting.. (long post)
A co-worker told me today- "you're not ever or always going to be thin, you have to make sure you're with someone who is going to be okay with that" we were talking about how I think my boyfriend is "the one"; he's my best friend. My boyfriend suggested that I lose weight and now that I've been so successful (40 pounds…
My FIL...vent
So my FIL came over for dinner last night and told us that he updated his will and that my kids (his only grandchildren) will NOT get any of his money when he passes away if they ever get a tattoo! What??? Then he went on to preach about how "everyone with a tattoo is a total loser and they'll never amount to anything…
I need YOUR help! YES, YOU!!
Well, crap. I've gotta "Current Health Issue in the Media" assignment, and I don't know what to do it about... I'm at a total stand still.. Does anyone know where I can go to look up some "current issues"? Or does anyone have anything interesting for me to research. I'm having a total BRAIN-FART!:sick: :blushing: