Everyday Zen
A friend of mine e-mailed this to me....I thought I would pass it along. :laugh: :bigsmile: #22 is my personal favorite. EVERYDAY ZEN 1. Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me alone. 2. The journey of a thousand miles…
Too many personal attacks lately
It's unpleasant to read all these personal attacks. It keeps me outta here.
Song Game!! :D
I saw this being played on another message board and I thought it looked fun! Basically, I say a line to a song and you take a word from that line and use it to make a line from another song...example: I might say - "Have I told you lately that I love you" ~ Marty Robbins then you could say - "I love the way you, love the…
Knowledge vs. Wisdom
Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad. :bigsmile: Smile, that's all :drinker:
Bitter sweet
So today is the Miss USA pageant, and .. my sister is in it. She is for Miss Utah. My whole family is in Las Vegas cheering her on, except me. Here I am at 385 pounds with a beauty queen for a sister. Wo is me! I am proud of her though. So everyone should watch!
If you could...
make any food have 0 cals and 0 fat what would you pick? :happy:
Survivor Watchers???
Any Survivor watchers out there? Are you a die hard? First season? I've been watching Survivor since it started. There were a few seasons, mostly when I was popping out babies - that I didn't see EVERY episode, but I've seen a LOT. I'm LOVING this season! I got sucked back in hardcore last season thanks to Russel H and…
Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution
Has anyone else been watching this? I don't have cable so I didn't catch it when it first came on, but I am watching it on Hulu. Good and eye-opening so far! I am on episode 3 and I think Hulu has 6 or 7 episodes up.
Biggest Loser talk
Okay, so I just watched the Biggest Loser episode from this Tuesday...SO MAD SUNSHINE GOT KICKED OFF!! I Predicted she would win!! But oh well, she had the least weight to lose. Now it's down to Koli, Daris, Michael, and Ashley. Any of them could win, I think! But I DON'T want Koli to win- his now cocky attitude is…
music and movies
I was just curious of everyones favorite music artists and movies...thought it'd be something nice ot talk about see if anyon shares my tastes lol lemme know
music and movies
I was just curious of everyones favorite music artists and movies...thought it'd be something nice ot talk about see if anyon shares my tastes lol lemme know
Witty Randomness, add your own phrases and one liners
When a cat is dropped, it always lands on its feet; and when toast is dropped, it always lands with the buttered side down. Therefore, I will strap buttered toast to the back of a cat. When dropped, the two will hover, spinning inches above the ground. I shall beat gravity.
Two letters of the previous word.......
A word that has two words of the previous in it. Example I'm sure you got it, but here we go anyway.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. June January the J & U:) Lets Go>>>>>>>>>>>>>> __________________________________________________________________________________________ Apple saddle but hey you just have to put one word down following…
Sex Ed certainly isn't what it was when I was in school
Today my daughter's grade 9 class had a random half hour sex class given by grade 12 "peer mentors". They demonstrated how to put colorful flavoured condoms on some type of instrument (not sure what they used, but I guess they were out of bananas), then my daughter's class was asked if anyone would like to lick it to see…
Iron Man 2
Your thoughts? Seeing it? Not seeing it?? I'm definitely going... even if I didn't like the first one(and I DID), Samuel L. Jackson is playing Nick Fury... SAMUEL L. JACKSON.... and he's wearing an EYEPATCH... what more could you ask for?! Tauwk uhmungst yahselves...
Clothing annoyances
Is it just me, or is there anyone else out there that hates the way clothing sizes fluctuate? I bought a pair of jeans not too long ago that were a size 14. I just went back to the same department store yesterday to get some capris for the nice weather and the size that fit me was an 18W... that's a BIG difference! I guess…
So you won the lottery, now what?
I'm bored at work, and fantasizing about the things I'm going to do *when* I win the lottery :bigsmile: What are some of the things you would do if you won the lottery? I would for starters...... *pay off all debts *put some into savings *donate to SIDS research, the ASPCA, and a few other charities *buy my mom, dad, and…
What is your wedding advice to a newly married couple?
At my wedding and bridal shower, people wrote advice for me and Todd about married life. Some of them really crack me up. *Remember the four most important wordes in a marriage "I'll Do The Dishes" *Stay naked as much as possible. *DON'T sweat the petty things and DON'T pet the sweaty things. So, What is your wedding…
Yeah & later today is 10 minutes.lol Why wait lets get this thing started, I totally was going to type everything then figured on the site why type when we can just copy & paste much faster & after all we type enough already.xD _____________________________________________________________________________________________…
My husband's stupid grandmother!!!!!!!
She just brought donuts over!!!!!! She KNOWS I'm trying to lose weight and I swear she did this on purpose because she knows my husband won't eat them. (He hates sweets!) So I just took them and dumped them in the trash. And to make sure I wouldn't eat them I put my son's dirty diaper on the top! What nerve!!!!!:explode:
Looking for names!!
I am starting a support group in my home to meet once a month. But I am looking for a cute catching name to call it. Any ideas?
well i thnk i know why waking kills me..becaue i smoke..i don smoke alot but its still bad for me..any one else have my problem???
Stranded on an island, one cd, what is it?
Yep...the age old question. What cd would you choose to have with you if you were stranded on an island. No mp3 player, no mix cds...just ONE cd. Obviously this is a very personal choice so please let's respect each other's answers, k? :wink: Since I'm starting this thread I'd go first.....if I could only listen to one CD…
Sad sad day for me
I was pumped when i started rnning the crowd was amazing givig us asll high fives and everythign I was clipping a wonderful sub five to five pace and at about mile 15 to mile 16 i somehow twosted my ankle,. I was thinking Ill limp thru. i slowed to a jog and with every time i put dow my leg it killed me so I got to 17 ad…
A funny story for the moms...
We are looking for a renter for our house and my husband told me that some people (we never met) want to come and take a looksee tonite. GREAT! So he calls and says he's meeting them at our local bar and that he'll be here soon. Soon could be anywhere from 10 mins to 45 mins. I told him to call me when they are on their…
On a scale of 1 to 10 game.
This may be fun... 1 being negative, 10 being positive, answer then ask. I'll start... On a scale of 1 to 10...How is your healthy lifestyle change working for you?
Bummer.... LOL
Got all psyched because I had lost enough weight to get into a size 8 and I had gotten a fresh new hairdo, so I drove out to a niece's graduation from a community college that was a 4 HOUR drive from here. Although pictures were taken and the guests were very few in number, I never made it into any of the photos!!!!!! I'm…
Astigmatism contacts
Does anyone have contacts for astigmatism? And if so, please tell me how long it took you to get used to wearing them. I was nearsighted for a LONG time and wore contacts for YEARS. Then about a year and a half ago I developed astigmatism in my left eye only. I didn't keep getting contacts, primarily because I couldn't…
Anybody notice??
The insane number of ads for all the "lose weight quick" schemes that pop up on the sides and top of MFP? I kind of find it funny that here we are trying to do things the right way, and the site has a stoopid ad that pops up telling you about a way to lose weight by popping a pill or by trying a new drink or something…
Help I don't know what to do!
I'm thinking about going to school for cosmetology. I was wanting to know if anyone on here even been or does it for a living...I don't know who to talk to about this. I want to do it...it looks like lots of fun but I dunno...I really need yalls input!!!!