A NONJUDGMENTAL question about drinking
Ok, I asked a question on another thread and someone got offended by a comment I made so I'm going to start my own thread. Please understand I'm just curious about something and I'm sincerely not trying to stir up trouble or be judgmental. That said, my question is for those of you who drink. Can you relax or unwind…
R.I.P Gary Coleman
http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2010/05/28/child-star-gary-coleman-dead/ Former child TV star Gary Coleman died Friday after doctors took him off life support, Fox News confirms. The "Diff'rent Strokes" star had slipped into a coma after suffering an intracranial hemorrhage at his home Wednesday. He was 42. Utah…
BIggest Loser...Spoilers Alert
Everyone looked great at the finale!!! So proud of Michael and Ashley- they both looked great- Daris too!! Guess i'm happy that Michael won- kind of wanted Ashley to win because I think it should have been a girl this year! Did anyone else think michael seemed like he was gay?? He seemed straight all throughout the show,…
Garden humor
Getting ready to plant my garden and received this one...thought it was funny! D An old Italian lived alone in New Jersey . He wanted to plant his annual tomato garden, but it was very difficult work, as the ground was hard. His only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son…
I get to meet Sunsine and her Dad today ~ From BL!
I am excited I get to meet The YELLOW TEAM Sunny and Uncle from the Biggest Loser today!! Woo HOO! I am excited! They are going to talk and then we are all going on a fitness walk! I am sure to get some motivation from them today. ; ) On top of that, I have already walked almost 3 miles today, ate a wondeful breakfast and…
from listverse
http://listverse.com/2009/07/15/top-10-craziest-diets-ever/ lol @ #3
I'm in 2nd place.
I promise in 10 days I will stop harassing people about this :) But I found out today I am 140 votes behind 1st place and I really need some people to commit to daily voting! I would vote for you! :) I am up to win a free $5,000 LASIK procedure which there is no way I can otherwise afford. But, people on Facebook need to…
SOON-TO-BE-DAD Fathers Day gift ideas needed!
I'm due in September and was wondering if anyone had any fun ideas for what to get for a soon to be dad?
those cute tanning stickers
when i drop lbs, it makes me wanna go tanning! lol cuz i know that that cute sticker is gunna show on a smaller tummy, even though i only lost a lb or two. lol. kinda weird, but that tanning sticker is a key motivator in my weight loss journey. :) just thought i'd share. lol
mostly cause I'm bored : ) - pets
Ok, So I am bored and its Friday... So lets find out what and how many pets people have... I have a cat Anastasia Beaverhausen - aka Stinkey Face Five rats - Patsy aka "old", Cooch aka "mean", Gracie Lou Freebush aka "fat", Jet aka "not fat ", Ella Fiztgerald aka "bitey/biter" Beta - Punky Brewster
I have decided to grow a Salsa garden this year........
I was wondering should I plant my cilantro in the ground or in a pot? Please share with me some of your experiences growing this herb! I already have the tomatoes, jalapeno, and I will be putting in the bellpepper in the next day or 2. I have the Cilantro and I am not sure where I should plant it.
Opinions on Clear wireless
So my sister is looking into switching from Comcast to clear and keeps asking if I have heard anything about it. So if you have it or know someone that does can I please get ur opinions on it so I can help her out. thanks!!
American Idol - Who do you want to Win tomorrow?
Okay, I admit it... I watch some junk reality TV... and American Idol isn't the only show that qualifies (blush). But, what do you think... who's going to win tomorrow? Lee has such a great voice... love the rocker tones, but his stage presence is a bit lackluster. I'd buy his music, but his concerts might be boring unless…
please read not weight related but very important
Scary.. Read this and then clik the snopes link for more info and a video! Don't pick up any plastic bottles that may be laying in your yards etc. Good safety info that I never heard of; be careful and watch the video if you don't believe it. Pay attention to this. 1. a plastic bottle with a cap. 2. a little Drano. 3. a…
I hate valentines Day
Has anybody seen this film , i watched it last night and wondered if anyone elso thought it was realy good ??
Fair Fight Rules
I thought this was interesting... It was actually a handout in my Communications class.. FIGHT RULES THESE COULD SAVE A PARTNERSHIP! 1. Fights are held in order to reach a solution, not to gain a victory. 2. The basic outline of a fight is: •a) State your complaint •b) Suggest some alternatives •c) Ask for feedback •d)…
Random question about waxing?
Hi ladies (or men) on here im hoping you can help me :) , i have a wedding a week today , i would like to get my legs waxed for it , i usually shave so im wondering how long my hair has to be? On one site they said 3 to 5 CM!!!! which just seems crazy , my hair would never grow that long even if i never shaved again.…
Please bear with me for 2 weeks while I annoy you and ask yo
I am up to win a free $5,000 LASIK procedure which there is no way I can otherwise afford. But, people on Facebook need to vote for me. There is no "Friending" or anything required. I am begging everyone I can to vote for me. I keep my "friends" list to just my close family for privacy, so I don't have a ton of people to…
LOST Finale !?!
As we ALL know last night was the ending of a show I felt has been the most captivating, thought-provoking series in my lifetime. With that said...What were your thoughts on the ending of LOST? Clearly we did not get all of our questions answered like...What do the numbers mean? What happened to Walt? in addition to tons…
PLEASE vote for me!? I need the help!
I am up to win a free $5,000 LASIK procedure which there is no way I can otherwise afford. But, people on Facebook need to vote for me. There is no "Friending" or anything required. I am begging everyone I can to vote for me. I keep my "friends" list to just my close family for privacy, so I don't have a ton of people to…
I really need some opinions...
A very long story as short as possible - because you need some background information to provide input. So.. My step-mother & I have never gotten along. When I say "never", I really mean never. The first time I met her, I told her that if she ever married my father, I would kill myself. I was in 5th grade. She was…
Calling all graphic artists -- a fun way to support our troo
"Cooking with the Troops, Inc., is a non-profit organization devoted to providing a culinary change of pace to U.S. and Allied troops along with educational and related opportunities for those transitioning out of service and into careers in the food and beverage industry. While the primary focus is on the wounded,…
Completey Unrelated
This is for those who responded to my previous post........ http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/97378-i-really-need-some-opinions?hl=opinion#posts-1346731 He responded. Last Friday! He's coming over on Thursday & I'm freaking out. What do I say? What do I even want to say? I just want a relationship with him. I want to…
Its and epidemic!
:frown: :frown: :frown: People are getting FATTER and shorts are getting SHORTER!:frown: :frown: :frown: WTF? The 14 year old....yes I said 14....is walking around in the shortest shorts I've ever seen. So tight that it looks like her thighs are choking. And she is not fat yet, but shes definately thick for 14. Its not…
My garden for 2010
Plowing it a last month. Fitted for planting. Almost done planting...some squash and peppers set out today. Potatoes just starting to grow.
This is sooo cute
A rough and tough guy went out grizzly hunting one day. He was out walking and all of a sudden there he was. A huge grizzly eating on some berries and just minding his own. The hunter raised his gun, pulled the trigger and click.....nothing. The grizzly heard this sound and looked up and saw the man standing there and took…
VOTE koli for final 3 on NBC'S BIGGEST LOSER
let's go Koli! Daris dropped the ball by gaining 2 pounds at the last weigh-in
App on HTC Desire?
Hello, I am new to myfitnesspal and was wondering if I could get the an ap for it on the new HTC desire I'll be getting in a week - does anyone know if I can? :)
I know this has absolutely nothing to do with weightloss but I'm thinking of getting myself TiVo and I only have basic cable, no cable box or satelite. I want to know if TiVo works with regular cable or do you need a cable box to make it work?? I'm not very tech savvy so it may seem like a dumb question but I'm sick of…
Can we talk..? About food?
I like my food. Who doesn't? With maybe a few exceptions I would imagine most of us here - especially those of us here - like our food. As you can see from my profile I am a turophile, so I don't just like cheese, I love it!!! Which got me to thinking about how difficult it is sometimes when we are trying to control what…