California Burrito Muscle
Ok so if your trying to gain weight but don't want to do the tubs of mass gainers no sweat.. just take your already planned out meals you have stick to them and add 1 California Burrito
Can’t stop binge eating! HELP!
I need help, I cannot stop binge eating. I have never been like this before and it’s beginning to scare me. I will start off the day okay, taking note of what i’m eating but by the evening I will begin to lose control and start eating anything I can get my hands on. I have purposely tried to put the unhealthy foods out of…
Easy store or collapsible weight?
Especially dumbells. Do they exist or exist at a price that doesn't break the bank? I still have weight to lose, but I am aiming for some aggressive ish weight loss over the next few months and I want to maintain what little muscle I have. However, I am a full-time college student and a super busy mom of three, two of whom…
Skinny to Jacked
From aesthetic to freaky and back...
Article about trends in bodybuilding: https://www.menshealth.com/fitness/change-in-bodybuilders-physique-over-past-125-years
Lifting - muscle rotation
Curious with what the lifters think, I’m working each muscle twice a week with 2 days rest in between each muscle and Saturday’s off, would this help increase size ?
trying to gain but my body and mind hate food
Hi there, I will start off by introducing myself. I am a 5'0 female, senior in college studying biology, 85 pounds. This is the weight I was at all through high school when I was fairly healthy and lightly active, I have a naturally small stature as do both of my parents. My eating at that time I feel was relatively…
Help for gaining weight
I am 5’5 & 108lb. I have a super skinny figure and I am wanting to gain weight so that I can fit into clothes better and boost my confidence. What is the best weight gaining supplements, foods and exercises that can make this happen. Thanks in advance :)
Smolov vs. Smolov Jr.
Have you done it? If so what do you recommend?
Gluten free and struggling to gain weight.
I’m new here as well as trying to gain weight. I’m trying to consume more but have little appetite so I have a timer that goes off every two hours to remind me to eat. If I don’t eat I drink a glass of milk. My diet is very limited as I am gluten free. Need lots of help.
Weight lifting
I am a female and would love to incorporate weight lifting into my routine but I don’t know where to start. I don’t go to a gym and I usually do one of the Beach Body cardio and sculpting routines from home. Im not sure this would not be effective since I can’t use anymore than 8 lb weights. I DO NOT want to bulk up but I…
Sedentary to fit??
Early-mid 2017 I was working out. I was glute/weight training 3-5 times a week with little cardio other than Hs PE 2-5x a wk since I suffer from chronic anemia. Even then I was pretty athletic/heaviest I’d ever been. I was eating in surplus & gaining muscle. Lately I haven’t been able to take as good care of my self or…
How to adjust calories during cutting week after week ?
Say if I started my plan @ 170 pounds and after 1 week my weight is 165 pound ,do I need to go Tdee calculator again and readjust body weight as I will be now 165 pounds and get the new maintenance calories and fat burning deficit . Also do I need to keep doing this every week ?
Trying to gain weight
New to the group
Knees hurt after leg day
Hi All, Sorry i didn't quiet know where to put this topic so i chose here due to body building... After completing a leg workout my knees are in pain, its not unbearable but for saying im 25 and its painful for me to stand, my knees also were very tingly last night... Yesterday i did... Squats around 100 squats (narrow,…
Unexpected weight loss
Why can’t I gain weight?? When I was a teen I struggled to loose it and now that I’m 21 I cannot gain no matter how much I try. I literally spent my entire paycheck on food to gain weight and the weight would stick them when it comes time for my period it all just disappears. Now I’m at the point where I’m literally…
Help - Advice/Feedback Needed on Cut (feeling crap!)
Hi, this may be a bit of a long one so I really appreciate any advice/feedback or just the effort of reading this! I'm completely new to bulking/cutting and general anything involving strength training. I've always just ran, and that's it. To be honest I'd never stepped in a free weights area until I started my new…
Lifting progress
Started PPL a few weeks ago. In term of progress, what should I expect? Is it acceptable to stay on the same weight for a few sessions? Or am i expected to progress at each session, even if it was by a couple KGs? TIA
"Business Casual" pants for the big legged ladies.
Big legs, small-ish waist. I have a 29" natural waist (at my belly button), 32" where my pants usually sit. 41" hips, and 24" thighs. I also need a 34" inseam. I just got a new job and will need some non jean pants, business casual, so khakis are fine. My biggest problem is that to fit my thighs and butt, I end up with a…
Confused about fat percentage guidelines
Hi, I have reached my goal weight but trying to work out if I need to change my muscle and fat percentages. I got some scales which measure both but after taking my readings and looking at different charts, they seem to vary so much that I am even more confused than when I started Body fat is 22.2% which is bordering on…
Can I build a booty without weights?
Hey! So currently I don't have access to a gym or weights and I want a big booty! I've been doing booty workouts that supposedly will give me a bigger butt but all it's done is toned it and made it rounder, but not bigger. My worry is that if I keep doing the same workout my body will get used to it and stop any process…
Cutting Down the Sugar
Any recommendations as to how many grams of sugar are recommended per day in order for a person to shred up a bit? I have found a lot of advice on how many grams of ADDED sugar someone should avoid, but I just wanted to get an idea as to how many grams of sugar in totality I should shoot for.
Muscle Memory? Best back to gym tips?
So finally getting back into the gym after a long 5 month off. Hear a lot about this muscle memory being there after people even taking years off, anybody shed any light with the best way? I’m guessing more reps light weight to begin with?
Protein intake per day
So I injured my shoulder so cannot train upper body for at least a week. I am eating 3100 cals a day and 130grams pf protein at 5'11 and 77.5kg.....while I am onlu training legs should I drop cals and protein intake?
From heavily overweighted to lean but looking for muscle now. What to do??
I have dropped my weight with about 22kg. I did this by going into a cal deficit of at least 500. I started weight exercises for about 3 times per week. Some weeks more but some weeks less depending on my traveling. I succeeded to reach my initial goal of 90kg. It took my about 10months. I keep my macros and I eat healthy.…
18 week analysis, how can I improve?
Age 62 and after 46 lb loss in previous 6 months. Weight now 180 19.3 % fat Macros of P 45% (average 220g) - F 25% - C 30% Weight training 3 times per week (ave 2 hours hard) No cardio (hate it) In 18 weeks I have lost 9lbs of weight, all fat with lean mass maintained ( no increase in muscle :( ) Worked out to reach my…
Cut Advice
I’m pretty much a complete beginner and started a cut in mid December. Since then my body fat has dropped from 19.3% to 14.4% and my weight from 87.6kg to 84.5kg, muscle mass from 66.8kg to 68.7kg. I’m currently training in a 4 day on, one day off pattern and focusing on my upper body (D1: cardio & core, D2: back and bis,…
Hi everyone! So I keep reading about macros and the consensus is to keep fat at around 20-30% and higher in carbs and protein? Now presently I’m bulking so I’m looking to maintain at a caloric surplus. I find that I tend to like foods higher in fat than carbs. My protein is around the rule of 1 g / lb of body weight now I…
Calorie target - exercise calories
Hello all... I am doing a competition in June and am going to start a long and slow prep. My comp coach gave me the suggested calorie and macro targets and told me to stick to those numbers but don't take into account my calories burned through exercise. I'm not sure this makes sense since most days I'm burning well over…
PPL another question
I have been doing 3 sessions on, 1 day off. And I think it is a bit too much for me, is it ok to do 2 sessions, 1 day off? J