What’s your pet hate at the gym?
Sometimes getting yourself to the gym can be hard, staying and pushing hard is the next step but what are the things that get your goat when there? - machines broken? - Crowds? - BO! - Etc
Love of Vegetables Starts Extremely Early IMHO
I keep seeing in the media and on morning talk shows (and everywhere quite frankly) parenting tips of how to "sneak vegetables" into your kids diet. My kids LOVE vegetables. My honest belief is that it's because my wife. Certainly not me. We both watched our kids when they were very young. We worked on alternating days and…
Do you think people are realistic about what being healthy can do for us?
I know a lot of folks who are eating better, losing weight, exercising, etc... do so because they think it's healthier for them. So I'm wondering... What DOES being healthy do for us? (fight off illness better, less wear and tear, longer lives, what do you feel like it does for you?) Do you think you are realistic about…
Weight Watchers vs MFP
I have been looking into joining Weight Watchers. After researching, it seems to be what MPF provide. If there a difference? What are the advantages?
Etiquette at the gym regarding sauna use
I recently joined a gym that has a sauna. I've never went to gym before that had one so I was really excited about it.. That is until I used it with other people. When I've used saunas in the past, I would rinse off first, wore nothing but a towel (brought an extra one to sit on), had a water in hand and no devices…
Do you think the human lifespan will be significantly extended in your lifetime?
A lot of billionaires are investing in life extension technology, and a lot of companies interested in life extension solutions have grown recently. These have the aim of extending both the lifespan and healthspan (number of healthy years) of the average person. They want to do things like slow or even reverse the cellular…
Heart Disease: Genetic or Lifestyle ?
What do you think? How much of heart disease is family history vs your chosen lifestyle? I (45, F) had my DNA sequenced and I did not have the genes that indicate an increased risk of heart disease. But…. the men in my family have all died of Congestive Heart Failure. My cousin (basically my sister as we were raised…
Hibernation Mode
It's a real thing.
What a lot of us here already know: "Fast" carbs don't make you fat!
https://www.abc27.com/news/health/fast-carbs-dont-make-you-fat-study-says/ I saw this article yesterday, and it confirms what a lot of us here already know: There is no difference between carbs that are supposedly processed faster (e.g., white bread, pasta, etc.) than slower-digesting carbs in terms of weight loss or gain…
"worth every calorie" - inappropriate phrase??
https://metro.co.uk/2021/10/20/great-british-bake-off-prue-leith-sparks-upset-with-calories-remark-15456076/ I dont watch the show myself but stumbled on this news item. Do the fans have a point or are they over reacting? We often read the same phrase on MFP posts about cake or whatever - admittedly this is a calorie…
How angry would you be?
My teenager is texting me that we should look into a plant based diet because their health teacher is showing The Game Changers in class. (If that’s not the most Californian sentence ever, I don’t know what is.) I’m actually open to moving towards a more plant-based diet, and I know that they can be healthy and tasty. When…
Weight gain due to HAES, body positivity and intuitive eating
Is anyone here because of gaining a lot of weight due to these movements? I got completely sucked in to the rhetoric some very famous influencers have put about online that there is no true evidence that being overweight or obese is linked to health problems. Any studies were biased and fatphobic. Now I’m borderline obese…
what fats are good/bad?
I hear a lot of controversy about good/bad fats Some say butter is ok and others say, don't go there Some say eggs have a lot of fat/cholesterol, but others say they're a super food Does everyone say olive oil is good? I haven't heard much against it Nuts are good i hear, but don't eat too much of them. how much is too…
Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Male Pattern Hair Loss
To Hydrate or Not to Hydrate
I've heard that it is just big business telling us to hydrate all the time so they can make a buck, when all that is really needed is to just follow your body's que and just drink when thirsty. Any thoughts?
Do you NEED, the big 3 to build a great physique?? Bench? Squat? Deadlift? If yes or no, why?!? GO! 🥊
The ‘food’ industry started the ‘exercise’ industry.
Conspiracy theories are everywhere. I recently heard this one: “The food industry started the exercise industry to move the focus away from the ‘food’ being the source of the weight gain and increasingly poor health of Americans. What do you think?
Sugar Addiction Debate
This discussion was created from comments split from: Sugar Addict.
Is it really all that bad to be slighly underweight?
My doctor had told me that she wanted me to gain weight, which I did a few years ago and I haven't felt all that good about it since doing so. I was only 8 lbs underweight. I gained 15lbs and don't feel like exercising as much. I don't have as much energy as I did when I was lighter. I know that body image and eating…
Can T2D be reversed?
What would you/did you wear in isolation?
or how much is it worth getting dressed at all and if so, in what? Here in Australia, and I presume other countries, if one gets Covid one has to home isolate. Currently 7 days where I live. I am on day 4. am fully vaccinated so symptoms only mild - but no matter, not allowed out till Wed midnight. I find wearing pyjamas…
What is one fitness topic that is accepted by everyone? (I don't think there is one)
Perhaps this is why my username is what it is. It dawned on me last night that there is not a single thing you can say that will not be challenged (and it probably applies outside of fitness topics as well). Some examples: Prolonged calorie deficit means you will eventually experience hunger at some point: Challenged by…
Just that little "extra" helps bring success?
I'm of the philosophy that it's always about behavior that has us where we are, where we may end up being, or our probable downfall for some things. I've mentioned before that there are people who'll rerack a weight in any open spot on a weight tree rather than taking that "extra step" to actually put it on the right arm…
Does Elite Sport Performance Equal Elite Health And Fitness?
Does Elite Sport Performance Equal Elite Health And Fitness? I'm of the opinion that it does not but still many have argued against that. So you tell me? It's difficult to measure and define health and fitness since there are so many different ways and standards but I'm open and just looking to hear your thoughts. Let's…
Exercise training and diet-resistant obesity
A new interesting study was posted the other day in Lancet. Quoting the summary. Generally speaking, it is broadly assumed that you cannot outrun your own fork. Exercise is crucial to your well-being and overall health, but a lot less important than nutrition as far as weight loss is concerned. This is a pretty good…
Psychiatrists in USA Europe
I live in Mumbai India and i am undergoing treatment for depression, anxiety amongst other stuff. There are some doctors here who openly diss psychiatrists like for eg i had taken my mom to a gynaecologist for a pap smear 3-4 years ago and me and the gyn got talking so i told her I'm depressed and undergoing treatment as…
Sugar tax in the UK
This came into force today - I'd be interested to know people's thoughts. Will it be effective, is it even necessary? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-43659124
Juicer extractor or blender
What are your thoughts on this and if you have a fav ( juicer or blender) which brand and why. I've been thinking about start a routine with a healthy juice everyday,but some people think juicer takes all the fiber and what you get it's all the fructose. What do you guys think about that.
Worst exercise ever!
We all have our own likes and dislikes, and I know a lot of people hate burpees (personally I’m fine with them). But there is one exercise which I hate with a passion - even though I know it’s good for me - and that’s Bulgarian Split Squats. They are evil and I dare anyone to find something worse!
Are unhealthy diets making the pandemic worse?
It's my theory that unhealthy diets are making the pandemic worse. The US has the confluence of all the negative factors - poor compliance with the official precautions (vaccines, face masks, and physical distancing), nutritional deficiencies (especially Vitamin D and fiber), excessive junk food consumption, and a high…