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Is the disempowering and unhelpful thing here on MFP? I mean of all the disempowering and unhelpful things here on MFP is this the one with the highest volume? Maybe a should have made this a poll.
Does your doctor comment on your weight?
Has your doc ever suggested you lose weight? If so, were you offended? I asked my doc if she ever suggested people lose weight, eat better, exercise more, etc. She said that her answer would be mostly "No." When I asked her why she explained that being a doctor is a business and if she would critique each patients weight,…
Is fasting lunch instead of breakfast, a good idea?
Because I have to take pills with breakfast and dinner and sometimes I'm away from the house in the middle of the day, so maybe it'd be easier?
Time-Restricted Eating - Early Shift
Seems 99% of IF people say the are Late Shift TRE. I have yet to see a poster who is trying TRE, likes it, is going to continue on with it, and follows an early shift. The 99% will respond with "I would but," "I just can't," "My astrologer told me," etc. Where are my happy, successful, early shift TRE people?
Gym Bans “Inelegant” Women
I don’t know about you ladies, but “elegance” is the last thing on my mind when I’m getting my sweat on. Enjoy! Gym faces wrath of the ajummas for trying to ban middle-aged women June 14 2024, The Times (Sunday Times, UK) A gym in South Korea has provoked an angry reaction by banning middle-aged women, drawing attention to…
The Latest Trend is Fasting: What say you?
The idea of fasting kind of scared me because I experience low blood sugar. But since I have been eating more fiber I find my blood sugar levels allow me to go further without food or fuel. Remember those days when the experts said, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." What happened to that! Eight hours of…
School lunch programs
I’ve been looking at my child’s school lunch options and they are abysmal at best and my school system is considered one of the better ones in California. Does anyone have a school lunch program they are proud of and if not, why is this acceptable to all of us. How do we change it?
Video recording.........okay or not?
A big controversy nowadays in the gym is the use of phones recording individuals workouts. While there are some great influencers in the industry that do a great job on instruction, there are so many "influencers" out there focusing on their own workouts, but doing things like commenting on other members, being angry that…
Is it ethical to take the diabetes drug Ozempic when you don't have diabetes?
This discussion was created from comments split from: 2024 semaglutide (ozempic/wegovy) support.
Weight gain
How much weight should somebody gain in a month?
Is there anyone who can help me to understand how to find right items calories that we eat? TIA
It’s going to be of a great help
Logging Before or After
Do you prefer to log your food in advance, making a plan for the day? Do you log in sporadically to figure out each meal/snack as you go through the day? Or do you prefer logging when your day is over plugging it in to see how it went? Feel free to elaborate on your methods.
Economic impact of overweight and obesity to surpass $4 trillion in 10 years
The economic impact of overweight and obesity is set to soar past $4 trillion in the next decade. This isn't just about individual health - it's a crisis that affects us all. Our choices ripple out from us, impacting our families, our communities, and our nation as a whole. This isn't about blame, it's about recognizing…
Calorie Deficit vs. Starvation Mode
Hi! I’m Paulette and new here. I’m a 60 year old retired, (young) granny who works out 5-6 days a week (strength training, HIIT, yoga, and cardio) and would like to lose 25 pounds. I am confused with the whole “you have to be in a calorie deficit to burn fat” verses “if you don’t eat enough calories, you’ll go into…
Calories in Alcohol
I'm from the UK and I know food packaging is required to have calories and nutrition information labelled clearly, a lot also using the traffic light kinda system to clearly show nutritional values in each serving. Alcohol however doesn't need to adhere to this packaging. I'm a student and don't drink more than once every…
Fitness and diet myths that just won't go away
There is a lot of misinformation passed on decade by decade in the Fitness and diet industry. Hoping we can just squash some of them out of existence, but that's gonna take a lot of time based on how it's used to promote sales income. I'll start though: Drink a gallon of water a day: Does it help with weight loss? Well yes…
women and muscle and disability
Want to maintain/gain muscle and lose fat how to do that when You have a disability pain bone on bone hip dysplasia leg length difference pelvic tilt joint tear my spine bulging discs high level of pain bone muscle nerve and 3types of pain may ask why bother? I want my quality of life back and the only way is surgery but…
Is it new that people expect the forum to read their minds?
I'm a bit desperate and wonder if this was the same some 10 years ago. People posting: How do I gain 1kg? Why is my unnamed device off? Does ABC work? Tell me low cal meals. Give me a sports programme. Nothing else. Just a short sentence. I could probably reply to 5 or so similar threats every day, and considering there…
Diabetic using MFP, can it work??
Hi Guys, this is my 1st post here, and i have this question for the experts. Do you think controlling the sugar input is good way to take down blood sugar value? I've set the daily sugar goal to be 25g and i do not know if this is normal for a diabetic type2 ot not. if not, where do you advise me to go, so i can maintain…
Would a quality over quantity mindset help us maintain a healthy weight?
Typically, we apply this idea to things we can buy. When someone uses this principle with their spending habits, it simply means that a person is willing to spend more on one higher-cost, quality item than make a cheaper purchase that will need to be replaced sooner. It could also mean that someone is content with one…
"Patients say keto helps with their mental illness. Science is racing to understand why."
Yesterday on "All Things Considered," I heard this interesting piece about keto for mental health (mostly for bi-polar but also schizo-affective disorder and schizophrenia.) There are also studies ongoing for depression, anorexia, alcoholism and PTSD. The title has the positive. Here are some negatives:…
Does Nutrasweet (aspartame) cause cancer (in people)?
It's been a little while since we debated this. Maybe everyone else has moved on from artificial sweeteners and I'm just falling back on my 1990s habits! (Wouldn't be the first time...) It's topical for me as I'm cutting and I decided to drop the agave syrup in my tea, using Nutrasweet (aspartame) instead. I typically use…
Obsession With Other People's Opinions
Opening a can of worms here, but I believe this discussion is necessary. I am wondering what other people's thoughts are regarding our current obsession with worrying what others think of us. It seems that in our modern society, we are caught up in worrying about what other people think of us. Why? I believe this is one of…
Is having a scale beneficial
Here's the big question Is it key to have a scale in your home or destructive to your health journey ?
Dihydroberberine as a supplement
Anyone with any experience taking Dihydroberberine or Berberine? I'm seeing information that it is effective in reducing insulin resistance. I'm curious about it. I'm not a diabetic but I'm overweight and I'm seeing more and more information about the "weight loss drugs" - hence Oprah's recent loss - but how insurance…
Why do so many women over 40 struggle with stress?
This seemed like the right place to put this. Not because I want to argue or debate necessarily, I just want to hear what you’ve experienced with yourself and in others. I turned 42 recently, fairly young in terms of this referenced article, but that’s not the point. The article is a highlighter on an issue I’ve personally…
Thoughts on the produce coating, “apeel”?
Wondering what MFP’ers take on “apeel” is. If you don’t know it, it’s an additional coating sprayed onto fruits and veggies to make them last longer. It’s made from fatty acids- “mono- and diglycerides that have been derived from plant oils to mimic the natural protection already existing on fruits and vegetables.” (From…
Almost a Year In--Ozempic Journey so far split
This discussion was created from comments split from: Almost a Year In--Ozempic Journey so far.
Home heating
If showering can be a hot topic, this should work for discussion. How warm do you keep your home in winter? Growing up ours was always toasty; I remember being shocked going to babysit at a house where it was kept much cooler. Now, as an older woman with hot flashes, I love being able to keep the house as cool as I want. I…
Should you 1 rep max?
This is a subject that's discussed in my gym often. My personal opinion is that it's not needed unless you're a competing athlete in powerlifting. Other than that, it's mostly for ego because in most cases it's not really achieving goals of just being healthy, hypertrophy, or fitness. The risk of injury increases…