Searching for some MFP friends who have sleep apnea... Add me?
Laser Acupuncture
Just wondering if anyone has experience with laser acupuncture for weight loss? Would like everyone's feedback. Thanks
Mentally Ready
Hoping this will be the first step in a healthy direction. Looking forward to sharing my journey!
I was wondering if anybody else here gets a massage on a regular basis. I scheduled an appointment for one tomorrow night. I know massages help relieve stress and loosen up muscles that are tight. I'm asking because the last massage I had was over two years ago.
Sleep apnea
Just came from a lunch seminar on obstructive sleep apnea. I've known for a long time that sleep apnea causes hypertension(high blood pressure) and had a causal link to atrial fibrillation (strong suspicion but no formal study results to prove it). Well, the study results are coming very close to publication that indeed…
Not sure if this is the correct area to post this, but I am curious to see if there are any other people struggling with WEIGHT and BIPOLAR?
Massage therapist
So I am a massge therapist and i do about 5 massages a day. Do you think these calories i shoudl beadded to my exercise totals? About half of the massage are deep tissue which takes a tole on the body. What do you think?
New to the site! My Journey to Emotional and Physical health
Though I am not new to dieting, I am new to this site. The past few years has been a rollercoaster of changes in my life and my body has suffered. In the past 5 years I have lost almost my entire immediate family to either long illness or sudden death. I lost my grandfather in 2005, I lost my brother-in-law and my dad who…
Since my insurance kicks in next week, I was seriously considering going to a therapist. I have issues and I usually deal with depression and sadness by focusing on my weight. Losing weight gets to be my main source of happiness and by this being so I become EXTREMELY obsessive. If that scale does not go down my world…
Hey guys, so I need some advice on how to ensure that I get a good night's sleep. Lately I have been having trouble sleeping because I worry about a lot of stuff once my head hits the pillow. I have a job that requires me to get up early and I always worry I won't wake up in time, which leads me to not get a good night's…
Does anyone know how many calories you burn giving a massage??? Thanks!
Sleep, Sleep, Sleep, Sleep!
A good night sleep is MORE important that eating right or exercising!!! If you're not sleeping good and you're tired all day your body craves more calories to keep going! Get sleep deprived and you'll be wanting to eat all day! Then you still won't have the energy to exercise! I think some times we get so focused on…
just wanted to let anyone who is a parent or loved one of a blessed child(ren) w/ Autism AND has HBO on demand, they are rerunning the AUTISM MUSICAL which is in my opinion one of the sweetest, most heartfelt look at children w/ Autism and what lots of love, determination and respect can accomplish......pure magic!!! I'll…
I'm a massage therapist. Does anyone have any ideas on how many calories are burned during a basic swedish massage??
Stop Snoring
OK well this is kind embarrassing :embarassed: to admit but with all the weight gain...I started to snore...REALLY snore loud! Anyway...not sure what made it stop but it has stopped! :laugh: I suspect it could be the cardio...maybe the water intake...maybe the clean diet? :tongue: Not sure...but happy about it just the…
I'm retreating this weekend!
Well, I'm going on a women's retreat with my church this weekend and I am SO looking forward to it. I don't have to cook, clean up or watch after my two year old son for two days! The only thing I am nervous about is eating this weekend. It's being held at a nice hotel so I hope they have a fitness room! But at the tables…