NSV: 109 days and counting...
...til I say "I do" to the love of my life! Went out to my parents' house (they wouldn't let me keep the dress at my house because they knew I would try it on every day lol) and tried on my beautiful white wedding dress I will wear on August 6th. I can REALLY tell a difference in how it fits through my waist and chest and…
UPDATED figured out how to post my 30 day p90x result pics
Here it is finally. Actually only 3 weeks just wanted to post it early!
First two NSV in one day!
1) I tried on a pair of scrub pants today (i wear scrubs at work) that have always been too tight on me and they totally fit today! success!! 2) i successfully ran 30 straight minutes today, doing Day3, Week 6 of Couch-to-5k...i failed epically on the 20 minute straight run last week, so this was a huge victory! i felt so…
30 day pics from p90x
actually only 3weeks. Just wanted to post them early!!
Amazing really
I've only lost 14 pounds, but wow, what a difference 14 pounds makes. I feel amazing, and so energetic. I've gone non-stop all weekend, and I feel like I can keep going. Just thought I would share!
I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to post my picnik before and after pics in a post!
NSV: I cant believe it!
I haven't lost any pounds in over two weeks so I have been feeling kinda down. I exercise everyday usually burning between 2000-2500 calories a week. This past week I joined a challenge to burn 3500. I burned almost 4,000 with a day off! This morning I was cleaning up my room and when I opened my closet I saw my…
Lost 1 foot of flab!!
I gave up my scale and measuring tape for Lent, and today was the end of it. So onto the scale I went... down 8.8 pounds! A disappointment at first after 40 days, but after calculating it out, it's a totally healthy weight loss of just under 1.5 lbs/week (1.47 or something like that). So I'm much happier knowing that! Onto…
Only ate out 1 time this weekend!!!!!!!! WOOO HOOOO!!!!
Just had to share with you all....our family only ate out only once this weekend and that is HUGE for us!!!!!!!! We love to eat out as a family or just me and my hubby, and we only went out 1 time!!!!!!!!!! We went to Wing Stop too which isn't that bad. Just so excited and had to share, because it's this site that has made…
I know have...
A "too big" section in my closet!! And the "too small" section is slowly depleting and going back into the "it fits" section (yea I section off my closet LOL)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I walked past the pizza!
They were offering pizza at my work and I thought, do I want to be wearing that on my body tomorrow? I decided, no, it wasn't worth it and came home and had a healthy lunch. I am proud of myself and just had to share it! It's rare that I've walked past free hot food after working hard at work, but I did it!
NSV? Dinner = Mini Binge
my son was sick yesterday. and i was super-hormonal (adjusting to a new birth control). and i got to thinking about my mother, my relationship with her, and a lot of things that i normally just ignore about how she brought me up and how she was never there for me, physically or emotionally, when i needed her. so i laid…
A Nice Surprise
I didn't know what to expect when I stepped on the scale this morning. I expected to see some weight loss, but I just felt that it'd be less than the 2lbs I'd hope for. I had made it up in my mind that I would be more than happy with a 1-1.5lbs loss, even though I'd worked for more. I don't know how I did it to be quiet…
NSV - Slim Fit Shirts
I had a great NSV today. Started shopping for my new wardrobe after meeting my initial target. I brought x2 SLIM FIT polo shirts. Happy is an understatment. 8 weeks to go until I go away on my holiday. So I have reset my target to edge toward healthy BMI and then start toppiing up my wardrobe with clothes I feel comforable…
half way to goal...... finally put pictures up.....
I'm not very computer savvy but put some pics up. Not sure how to crop my friends out of them. The original is at my heaviest and the other is about 1/2 way to goal. I'm the one in the Jets sweatshirt (size 3X I might add), and the one one the left with the black shirt and vest. Thanks for all of your support.
NSV Knotts Berry Farm
Okay so I'm posting this because I spent 11 hours at Knotts Berry Farm walking with my family yesterday... Which happened to be the same exact Saturday that I hit my half way mark to my goal. And..... No back pain, no rest stops, no fat rash, no rides that I'm too big for, no I can't breathe moments, AND I even held my son…
People Are REally Noticing!
I have lost 15 lbs since November 2010 and I guess I don't get out enough because people are finally saying how much smaller I look! The parents at my work said you can really see it in my face, and my friend called me a skinny ***** in a photo taken of me haha. Also, wore a crop top showing my mid drift Friday night and a…
Haven't fit in it in 12 years!
I have to share this with all of you who have had wonderful successes. I'm so excited, I have a little black dress that's been hanging in my closet for, I'm guessing, at least 12 years. I wore it maybe once or twice when I was in my mid twenties, which by the way, was the last time I was this thin. :frown: I tried it on…
I cant be THAT small!!!
For some reason I have been on a horrible plateau with poundage, but today I was thrift store fashion hunting and came across a skirt I thought wa super cute. It was in the medium section, which is where I am. I held it up looked at the waist and thought Im sure it will fit. I didnt bother to check the tag though. So I…
The 7 "C"s
No, not the 7 seas, the 7 "C"s! I'd eat these all the time. WHEN I took them out of my home and STOPPED buying them -- that was what played a key part in losing my weight. Candy Chocolate Chips Cookies Cake Cheese ice Cream
P90X - 30 day pics
I have completed the first 30days of the P90C lean program. I see some little changes in the before and after pics. Cant get the pic to show - what am I doing wrong? here are the links http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb412/adora214/P90X Before/P90X 30 Days/P90X30Days002-1.gif…
No longer obese!!
According to the reports here on MFP, I am officially *not* obese anymore!!! I still have about 22 lbs to go to get to my goal weight, but as my husband said last night - I am almost half way there!!!!!
Okay, so this week I am only down1/2 lb. And for the previous 2 weeks didn't lose a thing! However on previous attempts to lose the weight at this stage is where I give up and talk myself into thinking I was just meant to be fat, so I in turn gain the weight back. However, this time with mfp I feel totally different. I…
Little sucesses which feel like BIG ones to me!
I am sooooo proud. I had this brown blazer in my closet that I bought several years ago when I first tried to lose weight and even though it fit it didnt fit right. At the time I thought well if I lose several more lbs it will fit well that day never happened until NOW. I am so proud of how far I have come. I know I still…
I ran a half marathon in the snow today .... :)
Today was my second ever half marathon. My first was sunny Miami Florida... Wisconsin is nothing like that. I have had this race on my calendar for a loooong time. This morning it was 15-20mph winds... raining/sleeting/snowing... and only about 36 degrees! Yet with all of that, I finished. I started out running for 30…
A NSV! Enough to motivate me to do more!!!
not a big victory but I do believe my face is thinning out :-)
who inspires you...
I have seen so many inspiring stories on here...but one of my fav is my bff newjmf. She inspires me everyday to continue going forward and pushing myself harder when I need it...so my question to all of you is who inspires you?
experiment results
This week I decided to follow the MFP guidelines for sugar and carbs- well I tried to stick close to them anyways... Results... Last sunday: 174 This sunday 170.8 Very happy with this and am going to continue this week. I don't feel deprived at all- I just wasn't paying attention to these goals before (I was only watching…
Officially Overweight!!!
Yes, I made it. I fought and fought this week and lost over 4 lbs, which dropped me out of the obese category. I am so excited! The best thing about it is that I stayed strong while stuck on the plateaus. In the past, I would have just felt defeated, but reading the posts from many of you here on MFP kept me motivated to…