Everyone's favorite heathly snack?
so what's everyone's favorite snack that is healthy too..(and maybe a little sweet haha)? and how many calories are in it? :laugh:
Iron Tablets? BAD?
First off Im a vegetarian, Today i heard on the radio iron suppliments are really bad for you! does this count for those who dont get it from meat? =s This is what is in mine. Each tablet contains: Total elemental Iron 24mg; Derived from Ferrous Fumarate (supplying elemental iron 12mg) and Iron amino acid chelate…
Salad seasoning/dressing
Just wondered if anyone had reccomendations of a good salad seasoning, like the type you sprinkle on salad!! I swore I had one once that was sooo good but can't remember what it was, and so I bought Johnnys salad seasoning and its not that good at all.. so thought maybe there was a different kind! Without adding too many…
new food addiction
I LOVE peanut butter with chocolate chips mix them together and I have myself my new Fav. Now i know peanut butter is good for me. I don't know about the chocolate part however that is the only chocolate i have during the day and it does keep my sweat tooth away. Should I keep this new fav?? or should i switch?? If I…
Too much sugar?
Every day it seems Im going over my daily goal for sugar. But its not because Im sitting around eating candy and junk all day! Its from my milk, my apples..things that are healthy!! Is this bad or is it ok since its from healthy foods?
Oh, wasa! Where have you been all my life? I can barely bring myself to eat anything else since buying this stuff! Wasa with cottage cheese, Wasa with Garden Vegetable flavored Cream Cheese. Wasa with sliced avocado and tomatoes, fresh ground pepper, and sea salt!!!!!!!!!:love:
Went out to lunch....what happened?!
I went out to lunch with my grandmother and aunt for my birthday today. We went to the Cheesecake Factory. I didn't want to ruin my day, so I had a Chicken and Avocado Club without the bacon with a tossed green salad with balsamic dressing on the side. When the sandwich got there, I took off half the bread and cheese, and…
Weight Watchers Latte Bars
ARE SO FREAKING DELICIOUS!!!!!!! Has anyone tried them? They are also fairly big bars, I thought they would be tiny for only 90 calories!
oops...this seems to have posted twice! :blushing:
trouble with after dinner snacking...
My biggest downfall so far is my late night snacking.... I was just wondering if you guys could give me some ideas on what to eat for dinner to keep me full til the next morning... I cant keep going over on my calories because of unnecessary snacking!!!
What are your favorite body, health, lifestyle books?
I have an E-reader that my husband bought me for Christmas, it's my new favorite toy! (We are complete tech geeks, especially if it's shiny!! For those of you not so geeky, you can download digital copies of books, it looks similar to an ipod, just much larger screen to make it easier to read the text.) I was wondering…
What is considered a glass of water?
Is it 6 oz., 8 oz, or more? I tried googling it and searching for previous topics on this board, but came up empty handed. Maybe it was the terms I used? Thanks in advance for the info!
Amino Acids
Just wondering if anyone here is taking amino acids & why?
Vitamin A
Hi, wondering if anyone knows what to eat to get more vitamin A in your diet - over the past week I have eaten approximately 5% of my target intake of vitamin A - I take supplemental vitamins - but none of them contains vitamin A - and to be honest, I would prefer to get my nutrients through my diet! Any suggestions will…
Travel Snack Ideas - HELP!
Hi guys....so, I'm leaving for a road trip tomorrow night - 3 days in a car with my best friend! Driving thru the mountains and snow/rain. LOL I'm super excited, but apprehensive about my ability to make smart food choices along the way. I am easily tempted by the 'convenience' of gas station snacks! I realize they offer…
pop these in the toaster and they taste so good
ole xtreme wellness low carb high fiber tortilla. just tear it down the middle and lay it in your toaster so it forms a u taco shape. like one end of tortilla in each toasting slot. toast until just crispy and enjoy. i put a bunch of different fillings in mine. some fillings i use -fat free cream cheese -fat free refried…
Have 535 kcal "left" today (10PM), should i eat something?
Im on 1600 kcal a day, things going very well and im not carving for anything. Had my 3 meals and snack, but still have 535 kcal left. Cant decide should i eat? Had enough protein for today, but not carbs. Help me decide! p.s. i had an hour workout today too, but im not adding that (dont like that it mixes my calorie goal)…
too much protein???
I never thought this would be my problem, but it seems like many of the foods I eat are high in protein. Is it bad to always be going over in my protein column? I'll still have 300 calories left for the day and have -17 grams of protein. Is it a big deal? Does anybody know?
So What's The Deal With Salt?
I consider myself lucky, I have NO sugar issues! I can watch people eat cake in front of me and it doesn't bother me one bit. I've NEVER liked pop (or soda as you Americans call it). Chocolate? Who needs it! Now salt....THERE's a problem for me. I have curbed my chip issues the last time I successfully lost weight and…
tasty tacos nutrition guide
Does anyone know where I can get a nutrition guide for Tasty Tacos resturant. I don't see one on their website and I've been looking on the internet and not seeing anything close. I know this was NOT a good choice in food for my lunch, but I still want to log it so I know how much I'm going to have to run to make up for…
measuring pasta
Should pasta be measured dry (before cooking) or after cooking for an accurate food log entry? I would love an answer soon. Thanks!
drink vent
normally, i drink a lot of water (in between 8 and 12 glasses a day). but when i drink milk during the day (for the calcium), i don't hit my water goal. argh! frustration!
days off
Do any of you allow yourself a cheat day? a day to have that beer or wine, a day to eat those chicken wings etc. In the past my hubby and I would use Sundays to eat out and be bad (not terribly bad) and go out to eat and to the movies and have movie theater popcorn (no butter) I'm wondering if it would still be ok while…
Best Protein Shakes for after a workout
:wink: I am looking for the best protein shakes for after a workout. I need something portable because we don't have a fridge at work and I will drinking it right after my workout which is during my lunch hr. Tx
The search for Red Wine!
Ok. I've read one glass of read wine is healthy for you because of the antioxidents in it. My tastebuds are pretty picky and I can't seem to find a red wine I enjoy. Hell the only white wine I enjoy is Moscoto. So I'm looking for something sweet, probably carbonated if possible. Do you guys have any recommendations? I…
Such a thing as good sugar??
I am stuggling to stay under my sugar count for the day... But what i am wondering is...say sugar from real orange juice considered bad sugar?? or is this sugar ok in quantities?? Some one help... Need a lesson in sugars...Tips pointers, information, anything will help thanks.:smile:
Hi; I'm scared to try a 'vegan mayo' in case I don't like it. Can anyone suggest a brand (that I can get in Canada)? I've heard some of them are too oily or taste funny. I would eat real mayo, too, just want it to be low-cal!
Beware posted calorie counts!
I know, I know, we all do the best we can, but just a heads up - from the new york times. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/12/health/12calo.html?fta=y Counting of Calories Isn’t Always Accurate By NICHOLAS BAKALAR Published: January 11, 2010 Anyone who counts calories by using the figures on menus in fast-food restaurants or…
What did you substitute some of your favorite foods with? There is the ever popular Ground Turkey instead of Ground Beef, Mashed Colliflower instead of Potatoes, Or even sweet potatos instead of regular. what else?:tongue:
Diet Make-over!
Over the past few years I have put on about 50 pounds! Scarrryy. But This past month I have been working out and getting msyelf into a routine (3 times a week... new goal 4). But my eating is notttttt good. I can do OKKK on weekdays, but weekends are all about take-out and fried food. Surprise surprise I feel no different,…