valentine's day ideas
With Valentine's day fast approaching, what is the coolest or most unique thing you have done or got for your special valentine? Please keep answers clean.
Hungry Girl
I've just discovered that the Hungry Girl website is really great! (and the Laughing Cow, too) I subscribed to their e-mail list (HG) and I've gotten two emails already. Today's was about swapping soymilk and the other was flatbread. The other one was about yogurt and it even had a dollar off coupon. Every day they send…
Recessional Wedding Music
To All!!! I'm looking for some amazing music ideas after we say " I do". Any ideas? Maybe something different, fun, upbeat or slow. Let me know :smile:
do men prefer skinny women?
I'm always curious about this..........
I'm new on here and I got emails saying that people had requested to be my friend, but I can't find where to accept the friend request. Can anyone help me with that? Thanks.
Favorite TV Shows/Movies
Hi all on this wonderful Friday!!!! TGIF...I would like to know what everyone's favorite t.v. show is, mine is CSI NY I just love that show never miss and episode:happy: It can also be favorite movie as well.
What video game keeps YOU on your butt? =)
I have a bit of a sordid love affair with console games and my pc! (Which sadly keeps me on my butt way too much!) I was just curious who else suffers from the same affliction as I do! =) Name your favorite poison (game) and discuss! I'm currently a big fan of my wii fit, ps3, and my computer! ~Assassins Creed: Brotherhood…
You know you're a running mom when...
You know you're a running mom when... ...the best way you can think of giving your kids a timeout is to go for a run, even if it means pushing them in the jogging stroller. ...you need a vacation, so you plan a race. ...you plan other life events around your running schedule. ...you set your alarm for as early as 4:00 am…
FOR FUN Answer this
THE WORLD IS GOING TO END TOMORROW!!!!! What would you have for your last dinner... Focus on the fun part the last dinner not the bad part the world is going to end.. I would start out with some new england clam chowder then i would have a lobster with a steak twice baked potato with griled asparagus. A nice wine to go…
Can anyone tell me how you get the neat little tickers,, like I see some that have railroad tracks, and all sorts of things that are really neat,, I know I can use my own picture but if I don't have one then how do you specialize it other than that? I think the tickers are sosososo fun.
Who's your TV/celebrity crush??
Don't laugh, but mine is Tom Silva from Ask This Old House.... and Spencer from iCarly!
Pets on Parade!
I'm bored. I admit it. If you are too, post a picture of your furry-ed friend! :happy: This is Jacksey... don't let her fool you, she's a sassy one! :bigsmile:
Family trouble
Totally not related to weight loss (other than the stress created by the situation.) A family member recently sent money to help with some issues related to my son. He placed conditions on how this money was to be spent, which I did not feel was appropriate in the circumstances (long history I won’t go into – but we’ll…
What is your Theme Song?
Taking a page from the movie "I'm gonna' git you sucka" what is your theme music, what would you want everyone to hear when you walk through the door. For me... it's Eric Benet's "That's Just My Way" but for my kids I want them to hear the James Brown classic "Papa Don't Take No Mess" when I walk in lol
Funniest p90x moments
i saw this blog a while back http://nachosrule.blogspot.com/2008/07/p90x-best-quotes-and-moments.html then i realized with all the p90x'ers here there should be one here one moment that cracks me up is on the one vid i think its legs and back they are doing a lunge and he asks "where do you feel that " and one of the girls…
Unsafe Advice
I have been on this site since Sept 2010 and I have read many posts and the comments that are made and my biggest gripe is some people are dishing out unsafe advice. This site is for health and wellness and should NOT be used as a tool to encourage some people on here whom I believe have eating disorders. I have read posts…
Ok we all want to get healthy but how many really want to...
Rock the bikini this summer??? I need to loose 20 more lbs. and get fit again, so my goals are clear and I will reach them, but I have a vain motivation becide being healthy, I wanna look SMOKING in my bikini. I bought a new one, and may be weird but I have it clipped to my fridge as a reminder of where I want to be. If I…
The Fiber bars work too well.....:sick: ....:embarassed:
they have a weight loss ring now.....seriously!!!! http://www.carolwrightgifts.com/Personal-Care/Diet-Exercise/Weight-Loss-Ring/72268.cfm?clickSource=FI_0700 and its only 3.99 lol
Friends and Support!!
I need friends on here!! lots of support i enjoy being inspired by others ;0) Add me!! ♥
Feeling so hurt...
Just found out (from a mutual friend) that my best friend has been gossiping about me behind my back, telling others what I had confided in her and laughing about it. We have been friends for 8 years! Arghhhhh... I'm so mad right now and I feel like an idiot, how did I not see this coming. How could she do this... I don't…
stupid vent for the day...
Lipton has the cheapest tea bags ever...I friggin hate it when I open up the little package and pull the tab off the top and it RIPS open the top of the tea bag! I know this is ridiculous, but all I want first thing in the morning is for my tea bag not to rip so I can enjoy a cup of tea without the friggin chunks floating…
Valentine's Day Gift Ideas for a New Relationship :)
Our relationship isn't "official" yet.. but definitely on the road to becoming "official".. Any ideas for a Valentine's Day Gift Idea for Him.. for a relationship that is barely 2 weeks old?! Definitely thinking something simple, yet special :)
Ohio Susan Korman Race
Hey are there any ohioans or people who live close want to do the race with me ? There is one in Columbus that is a 5k and then one in Cleveland thats a 60mile 3day thing i really wanna do both ...So anytakers
Favorite love songs?
A few I can list from my selection.. Amazed- Lonestar Truely, Madly, Deeply- Savage Garden (first song a guy ever dedicated to me) I knew I loved you- Savage Garden From this moment on- Shania Twain I need you- Leann Rimes
I see this word all the time in the message boards. "Bump me, please." Or "Bumped!" What does this mean? Thanks!
Where do you get those neat profile pictures ....
that basically cartoon yourself and show yourself getting thinner? I see several people on here have them and just curious how to do it - thanks in advance! Michele
annoyed at the gym ?
Ok... i don't know why but .. there's this pretty, nice, long-legs, pretty-blond- -long hair, always smiling girl at the gym. She is teaching pilates. But she is always at the zumba class when i'm. She is annoying me. And we never spoke a word. But when she is there infront of me in the zumba class.. i look in the mirror…
I'm not putting this under weight loss, since I am actually looking into this for pain management. My latest fibromyalgia flare has been much longer and more painful than usual, and the hubs recommended hypnosis for pain management. Anyone ever use hypnosis for anything? Was it expensive? Did it work? Is there a…
Anyone here from Rhode Island???
Anyone here from Rhode Island? Maybe we can set up a day to meet at the gym n share some workouts or routines.