On a scale of 1 - 10
How happy are you with your life in general?
Not MFP related..Where do you find those avatars
The avatars I see on your profile page that show what you look like at your heaviest and what you'll look like thinner? I've seen them before but not sure what website you can do that at..
I'm smoking my breakfast
Ok, I'm vaping a breakfast flavor to be more precise. I'm currently vaping waffles and syrup with some blueberry. MMmmm. Calorie free flavor to accompany my actual breakfast. Delicious. Now, I'm just waiting on my order of vanilla bean [supposed to taste like Dreyer's vanilla bean ice cream] to come in the mail either…
kids .. there's no figuring them out.
For any moms or dads out there, this question is for you. Have you ever found that your children are scared of the strangest things!? One of my twins is scared of the MAP on Dora the explorer. Like, terrified of it. What the? hahaha Anyone else have kids with odd fears? lol
What are your thoughts on this? 10 States With the Deadliest
Americans are fat and getting fatter by the year. Recent data reported in medical journal Lancet showed that BMI (Body Mass Index), a recognized measurement of obesity, is higher on average in America than in any other nation. The obesity problem, however, is international. The report in Lancet states that "In 2008, 9.8…
Ideas for Christian tattoo?
I am a Christian and thinking about getting a tattoo after I lose weight. Any other christians out there have any ideas for me? I want something to remind me how much God loves me and what Jesus did for me. Or a biblical quote that reminds me God is always there. Something to look at when I am feeling down or far away. Do…
Tattoo Feedback
OK - here is the tattoo I am planning to get in the semi-near future. It will be my first one and I am planning to get it on the inside of my forearm. If you don't know this is called Ouroboros, or a serpent eating its own tail. It is a symbol of rebirth...kind of like a Phoenix (or Fenix). I like the idea of getting what…
My most recent works I like to share my poetry with as many
My latest work enjoy yall have a great weekend What is this feeling? I'm not sure I am willing A feeling of troubled times. Somehow not written in rhyme A feeling of sorrow I dont want to live until tomorrow!!!! A feeling of despair My heart is gone I can not find it anywhere A feeling of deprivation My mind is numb going…
Does everyone else pee 13+ times a day?
I've grown curious, I've always been one to drink A LOT of water, I always opt for water, watered down juices over any and all sweet and carbonated beverages, but since I began using My Fitness Pal and counting the glasses and ounces of water I consume, today I consumed over 64oz of water and I have been going to the…
Property Tax help
My fiance and I have been looking at houses for the past month. We really love this one twin house that is brand new. It has all new construction and has never been lived in. The average taxes for the township is about 5k. The property of the twin is not that much, and my agent said that the taxes would be close to 9,000…
what do you first notice in the opposite sex?
Since weve been talking flirting and crushes etc lets talk about what you first notice in opposite sex. For me its feet i tend to think if a woman takes good care of her feet she will maintain everything else. After that its smile
Candles, candles, candles....
Hello There MFPals!! Just poking my head in checking on everyone... I recently became a demonstrator for Gold Canyon Candles - this is not spam - I'm just going to post this once :o ) - but if you LOVE candles, you'll LOVE these. You can check them out at www.mycandlegirls.com!! Seriously, you'll love them... They're…
P90X Stand up comedy show LOL
Here P90Xers , enjoy and have a good laugh =) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ-jhsOFCdY&feature=player_embedded
opions on this....
so you're friends with a man, who you have a bit of a thing for, when drunk he tells you "you're a nice girl, but too big for me" you lose weight, suddenly he's interested........do you go for it, or tell him where to go?
On open letter to my MFP stalker troll.....
Dear Stalker- You claim I am stupid and my husband should leave me. You claim that I am crazy and need medication. You claim that I am weak because I suffer with an ED. You claim that I will never amount to anything or ever fit it. These are very strong words coming from someone who hides behind a little blue silhouette…
I need to vent (rant)
Sorry all. Report cards came home yesterday. Well in my opinion anything below an 85 is failing. That said, my children are very bright. Which is why I do have high expectations of them. I have seen what they are capable of. My son came home yesterday just shy of the honor roll. with two 80's on his report…
Work out inspiration????
I live in Asheville NC and have had a slew of friends that want to go to the gym with me, but after a time or two they quit. When they quit I quit going as much and I know I really need to go but I do better with people who have the same goals in mind to push me. If there is anyone who would be interested in maybe going to…
adding picture
How do I put a picture on my post. I did not see a button to ad pics.
For all us who are freezing...
Lets all go on an internet tropical vacation. I am serious! We should pick an island and go from our chairs. Hey I am really good at mental imagery. It might be a fun way to spend the day! Ok, sunglass's...check, tanning oil...check....camera.....check, bikini...check,...Pina Colada... hell ya...check..., floating pool…
Just got the new K*Swiss Tubes
I just got these sneakers this morning! They are so lightweight and flexible. I can't WAIT to try them out. I may do another workout today just to give them a go lol. Does anyone else have them? How do you like them? http://www.kswiss.com/item/0/92316-177/Women/Footwear_Running/Tubes_Run_100/Wht_Slvr_Ptna.html
Question ..
Does your significant other know how much you weigh? I have always been embarrassed for my husband to know how much I weigh. Lately through conversations with friends, I have shared with them my weight or the amount i have to lose but hadn't told my husband. i did talk to him about it last night but was just wondering how…
BOYFRIENDS. EX BOYFRIENDS. DRAMA :( I needed a place to vent....and I guess MFP was the most anonymous place?
Share 25 Random Facts About Yourself--It's fun!
Someone else did this on here, so I thought I'd do 25 random facts about myself, too. It was really hard to think of 25 things about myself, and I think that's kind of sad. It's a fun way to get to know yourself and others better. I hope some of you will do this, also. 1. I was born in Japan. We lived there for 4 years. 2.…
Suggestions for valentines day
I'm just going to start off with: This is not a post about what some healthy options are. This is a post of suggestions of what YUMMY food I can order. :laugh: This valentines day I have already planned a cheat meal. I am going to hit up the gym which I dont usually go on Mondays. I dont know where me and the boy should…
I am so Greatful....
I just wanted to post real quick on how greatful I am for a couple of things.... 1) I am still breathing!!! WOOT WOOT!! 2) That I found MFP! I love all the people and the support I have found with it! Eating healthier is a huge bonus! 3) I only pay $28 a month for a family pass to my gym. Has everything classes, machines…
Picking new phone, help?
Hey everyone. I have AT&T and have an upgrade coming soon. I know I want to get a smart phone, but am having trouble deciding what to get. I like the looks of the BlackBerry torch, Samsung Captivate, HTC Tilt, and IPhone's. What are your suggestions, likes and dislikes. I use navigation on my phone all the time, so if…
A dog and cats daily diary...
Excerpts from a Dog's Daily Diary...... 8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite thing! 9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing! 9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing! 10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing! 12:00 pm - Lunch! My favorite thing! 1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favorite thing! 3:00 pm - Wagged…
What is "flirting"?
The MFP crush thread got me thinking. What is flirting? In my opinion, flirting is done when you have ulterior motives, otherwise it is friendly banter. Others do not. So what say you?
The Movie Game
The movie game is quite easy to play. One person names a movie and then the next person names a movie that starts with the last letter of the previous persons’ movie. For Example: I will start off with the movie ‘The Ring’ the next persons’ movie should start with the letter G
Do you or your kids like PBS kids?
PBS Parents Congress will take a critical vote in the next few days to eliminate federal support for public broadcasting. The educational programming you and your family have come to know and love is at risk. Please show your support for public broadcasting and join: http://www.170millionamericans.org/. Thank you!…