A little advice and a lot of laughs from Maxine.
· BLESSED ARE THE CRACKED, FOR THEY LET IN THE LIGHT! · TWENTY-NINE LINES TO MAKE YOU SMILE 1. My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He thought he was God and I didn't. 2. I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it. 3. Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them. 4. I used to…
I guess guys aren't the only ones transfixed by a nice butt. Hidden "Asscam" Reveals What Really Goes on Behind Women's Backs http://gizmodo.com/#!5761321/hidden-asscam-reveals-what-really-goes-on-behind-womens-backs Currently at work, so I haven't watched the video ...yet.
Hello i was wondering if there is a prayer group on MFP and if so can i join ? If there isnt one would anyone want to start one. I personally belive if im trying to physical better myself i want the whole me healthy. So , being spirtualy sound is the ultimate way to make me healthty and strong.. So does anyone want to ...
NYTimes: What Really Causes Runner's High?
Some lunchtime reading: WELL blog post by Gretchen Reynolds: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/02/16/phys-ed-what-really-causes-runners-high/ Research on endocannabinoids and mice. Though admittedly: 'rodents, although fine models for studying endocannabinoid action, “do not fill questionnaires to express their feelings…
kardashians...guilty pleasure
ok...is it only me or is anyone else out there in love with the kardashian shows?? this is not for haters...so if you're not a fan...dont post negative things... i just love their shows and to be honest...they seem like awesome girls to hang out with!!!! not so sure about the whole kourtney and scott engagement...we'll see…
Wedding photography
Good morning! I need some help. I am photographing a wedding in June, and I would like to tweek your brains!! As a photographer, I have my own set of "do's and dont's and would never's" and I'm just trying to get a better feel about what my clients expect of ME? Married people - what would you do different with or about…
FLAT SHARE in London :)
anyone in London looking for a place? sharing with meeeee. have a double room going in my flat in SW London from beginning of April :) ) inbox me for details x
partner's weight?
to girls: do you perfer skinny,medium or big guys? (or girls on girls if your lesbo) to guys: do you perfer skinny,medium or big girls? (or guys on guys if your gay) why I'm asking this is because i have a few friends and their all in agreement that medium is perfect like girls through 150-190 and guys through 150-220 (i…
Why women gain weight (Tongue in Cheek) Ha ha ha
:love: With time, women gain weight because we accumulate so much information and wisdom in our heads that when there is no more room, so it distributes out to the rest of our bodies. So we are not heavy , we are enormously cultured, educated and happy. Beginning today, when I look at my *kitten* in the mirror I will…
Military Wives
Just want to know if there are any military wives on here. I'm a PROUD WIFE of a SOLDIER. He is the BEST MAN i know! He is also currently deployed, The loneliness can sometimes cause me to overeat. Plz if you have any tips I'd really like to hear them.
i tried to find a thread but no luck. was just curious how many of you do hair for a living. i just got licensed in December!
Changing Goals
Changed my goals (with exercising) since I have been going way over what I have had in the system in the first place. I am totally not exercising 3 days a week, 30 minutes per day. I was before- until I decided that I felt a lot better afterward, now I try walking at least an hour a day and am looking into Zumba. My…
Non-fitness question...Any TEAM JACOB fans out there??
Hey =) I know that the Twilight craze is slowly fading away, but are there any die hards still out there? :wink:
What's For Dinner?
I would like to know what you are all having for dinner, just for fun as i get a bit bored sometimes lol.... I'm having Roast Beef with gravy and mashed potatoes with vegies
Bucket List....top 5
I'll start. 1 Visit Alaska 2 Parachute 3 design my next tattoo and get it inked 4 Play one high stakes poker game 5 Drive coast to coast.
kind of a medical question
im scheduled to see my family doctor friday for my knee and i was just wondering if anyone who may have gone through this before, could answer a question. Will he do x-rays to try to see what the problem is? or will he just refer me out to a bone and joint doctor? I'm hoping that there is no real problem with my knees and…
I've had 2 C-sections and I'm extra tingely, burning, numb, and still hurting (not bad) more this time around than the first. I hurt (not bad) more on one side than the other and it's been 7 months since the c-section. Anybody else out there have the same thing? Just wondering if I'm alone or if I have company on this!…
Calling all doctors and nurses! Please help!
I'm worried about my mom. She's 60 years old and is the picture of health. She eats great, exercises, and is at a healthy weight. She went for routine bloodwork today and told me that everything was great except for her white cell count, which was low. Her doctor wasn't that concerned and told her to have it rechecked in a…
A couple weeks ago I started a thread about profile pics (the main point of the post was people who try to pass themselves off as someone else- Brad Pitt especially) - well I got read the riot act about people worried about their privacy blah blah blah... since then I've read numerous threads about- what are your kids…
Cast your Vote!
Our local TV show ,Studio 5 ,is holding a craft contest for crafts that cost less than $5 to make. There are a lot of cute ideas... but my sister in law is finalist #5!!! She made a darling sunburst mirror that would add light and class to any room. If you have a spare minute and would like to cast your vote we would BOTH…
The roller coaster has stopped!
So I have been on the roller coaster diet for about 3 years now!! SMH I know and still do not hav it together! I would go down about 10 lbs then the Holidays come and I am back up 15 lbs! I spend all Jan talking about how I am going to get back on track and I wake up to Feburuay saying the same! LOL! Well TODAY is the…
Hourly rate for babysitter?
What do you pay your babysitter per hour? This would be for a Friday or Saturday night out. This is a neighbor girl who is just starting out. She is 13. My boys are 4 and 15 months. My 15 month old goes to bed about 7pm, 4 year old usually goes to bed about 8pm. Thanks
So, my aunt posted something on facebook that was political. And some lady TOTALLY bit her head off, and flat out told her she was wrong. So I stood up to her. So..here's my question...if someone posted something political on facebook that went against what you believe, would you let it go? Or have to say something about…
Great timing....
Well, my SUV picked the best time to break down. Gas is crossing into 3 bucks a gallon and I am stuck driving my project car. No radio, no door panels, ugly primer, no bumpers.... and the best part; 10.4 miles to the gallon, woo hoo!! I think it would be cheaper to buy a house closer to work than drive this thing. Crap.
38 going on 21? Am I starting my midlife crisis?
I am a mother of 3 and married for 16 years. For the past few months, I have just felt like all I want to do is "party".... you know, socialize, go out, drink and be merry.... I have lost interest in staying home "for quiet nights in". I catch myself daydreaming a lot about the weekends, I find myself craving the music of…
Any Valentine Day stories you want to share?
Sharey our V Day love story or not so love story..
Twenty-nine lines to make you smile
From an email I got at work. TWENTY-NINE LINES TO MAKE YOU SMILE 1. My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He thought he was God and I didn't. 2. I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it. 3. Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them. 4. I used to have a handle on life, but…
I'm Daytona bound....again!
Tickets are being shipped FedEx overnight- going to gas up the red "road rocket" and see a great race on Sunday. Anyone else going?
10 THINGS ....
10 THINGS NEVER TO SAY TO A STAY AT HOME MOM & 10 THINGS NEVER TO SAY TO A WORKING MOM STAY AT HOME MOMS .... 1. When the kids are older, do you think youll get a real job? 2. How June Cleaver are you? 3. Oh, so you dont work? 4. Since you have extra time on your hands, could you whip up a few dozen brownies for the bake…
What did you do on Valentine's Day
My husband and I went to dinner last night with friends at a restaurant in our area, I am from Ontario, Canada. My girlfriend's husband every year gives me a carnation for the occasion. He is very sweet and a good friend. We ordered from the waitress who by the way was very attentive to us all and very pleasant which makes…