What did you do on Valentine's Day
My husband and I went to dinner last night with friends at a restaurant in our area, I am from Ontario, Canada. My girlfriend's husband every year gives me a carnation for the occasion. He is very sweet and a good friend. We ordered from the waitress who by the way was very attentive to us all and very pleasant which makes…
Open Valentine's Letter to my Hubbie
:heart: Happy Valentine's Day! :heart: I still love you, even 25 years later. :smooched: Everything may not be perfect, but I am basically happy. I am so proud of you for hopping onto my weight loss/fitness journey and commiting to take better care of yourself. I really don't want to outlive you by too much ;~} I've always…
bad jokes
◦What do you call a blind dinosaur? ◦An Idontthinkhesaurus
Where exactly are the most beautiful people from??
I'm really, really bored at 1 am and i'm not ready to go to bed yet, so i wanted to start a random thread. lol So, what do you guys think?? I'm not gonna say my opinion until at least one person replies. lol
New music...
I am in the process of putting together a workout playlist and in desperate need of some new music.... any suggestions??
Show of hands, who's blowing (calories wise) it today?
Our local Sprout's had fillet mignon and lobster tails on sale. I made heart shaped brownies and rice stuffed peppers.
compressor mechanics: job available
my company is hiring. pm me if you know of anyone interested.
I'm feeling so down
the last few weeks. Day time is usually fine, then its time for bed and I'm sad and can't sleep.
my wife says I have a problem
My wife just told me, in a Jeff Foxworthy-you might be a redneck sort of way--"If you are entering food, while you are eating, you might have a problem," like I have an addiction. Just because I like this site, and I want to see what the damages are or make sure I am getting it in right, and not forgetting something,…
Feb 14 = Singles Awareness Day.
Ugh. Another Valentines Day. I know that I am young (only 22) and have plenty of time to find the right guy for me, but I feel like Im in such a race against time because most of my friends are dating, engaged, married, having children already. Even on Valentines Days where I was dating someone it was always such a bad…
who had the cutest boyfriend?
who had the cutest boyfriend to day and who ate the worst food. my sisters boyfriend got her a heart box full of carrots.
Reply if you DIDNT meet your Valentine today
I didnt, Im sad and he was sitting right there! :sad: school is hard on V-Day tear tear. I wonder why guys dont just man up! If you know why tell me!
"Nobody is allowed to be unconscious on Valentine's Day! Now settle down!" I'm thinking Valentine's Day would be more fun if I'd had to say that to my husband instead of my kids.
Haters of V-day
Anyone else absolutely despise Valentines Day? Between the angst, the chocolate, and the pollen allergies I can't really think of a more miserable holiday. Wonder if there are people out there that genuinely like v-day... A fun fact I found online: "The National Retail Federation says the average man will drop more than…
What are you doing?
I am just wondering if anyone has any special plans when they hit their goal weight? I am wondering if I should set a big prize at the end of this tunnel?!?
My P90X Valentine card for my husband!!! LOL
How did we all get to MFP?
I was wondering how we all found this site. I needed a change, after taking a good look at myself, and knowing I have looked and felt better than where I was at and found an iPhone ap, led me here and sooo happy I took the chance.
San Diego
Gonna be in San Diego for a week on business... anyone wanna entertain me for dinner one or two nights next week and keep me in check? SO gonna end up eating garbage. Don't know anyone there that doesn't want to kill me. :tongue: I'll take healthy dinner ideas to eat out at too. Gonna be around Rancho Bernardo.
Fitness Pals, My husband and I are entered in a local radio station contest - Tampa Bay's Cutest Couple. If we win, we get a free trip to Vegas. Please take a second and vote for us!!! You'll have to register your email address but it will only take a minute. And, if you're really bored, you can vote again and again and…
HAIR idea!
So I have been wanting to get a new style, but keep it short and I keep going back to this picture and can't seem to get over it. I will not be doing solid blonde. Im thinking more in the black & brown category with MAYBE a few wile colors thrown in there =) What do you think?
Waxing Horror Story
I got this email from a friend AGES ago... but it is SO worth the post- I giggle 'til I cry with this one. WAX is NOT your friend CAUTION: Be prepared to laugh out loud... I laughed till I almost cried as I could just see this happening! (And I feel it too!) All hair removal methods have tricked women with their promises…
Happy Valentine's Day to the parents...
Because we've all either had these or are going to soon :) When I saw this in the paper today it really hit me, so let's not forget our little Valentines on this day too!
Advice from the guys--V-Day gifts
What's a gift you guys would want from your girlfriend, wife, etc? OR, do guys even care about Valentine's Day gifts? Just curious :smile:
Anyone here have gauged ears?
So I have my ears gauged. I have done it slowly and properly, and last night I wanted to do my final stretch from a 4 gauge to a 2 gauge. So for this stretch, i used glass plugs with a stainless steel taper like always to do the stretch. The stretch itself wasn't too bad but I had some trouble getting the plug in, I don't…
Hilarious Weight Loss/Gain Diagram
This is simply hilarious!! http://www.cracked.com/funny-4180-diet-products/ Happy Valentines Day, everyone!! :heart: :drinker:
Tanning lotions?
Can anyone give any good reviews of self-tanners that they really liked?
Happy Valentines Day
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAktV72_nnE or hopefully tonight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxnuHxQgMyU
Are you kidding me!!
So there was this Ad on here im trying to get the photo i took of it up but it was a skinny woman and it was talking about lose 24 in 2 weeks. And it just ruined my weight loss day! Have any of you seen it?!
Who is Going to cry at Harry Potter 7?
:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: I know i am im going to bawl. Not only because its the last one but what happens. Not give anything away. Plus I will cry beacause I will go to that movie and leave saying I just finish this serise and didnt read the books! Who else is going to cry? And why!
User names....
My usual user/screen name is Cinderellamom - I use it for facebook, twitter, my blogs.... and I used it with my original MFP account last year. How I came up with it- One day when my daughter J was about 3 she was standing with me in the kitchen (read- attached to my hip in the kitchen)- I was going about my usual multi…